Cancer Medicine Quackery Surgery

Holiday weekend reader mailbag: In which Orac is chastised for “condemning someone who helps people”

The Thanksgiving holiday weekend continues here in the U.S., and, believe it or not, I plan on taking it fairly easy, hanging out with my wife and (hopefully) going to see the new Harry Potter movie later today or tonight. However, even so, I can’t resist doing a bit of holiday mailbag fun, first because […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Entertainment/culture Medicine Movies

Something to be thankful for: No anti-vaccine propaganda with my Harry Potter

It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S., and, despite the crappy economy, there are still things to be thankful for. For instance, skeptical activism can still be effective. Remember how on Sunday Skepchick Elyse put out the call to Skepchic readers to complain to movie theaters that were reportedly going to be airing a public […]

Science Skepticism/critical thinking

So Al Gore didn’t invent global warming? Who knew?

If there’s one characteristic of denialists of all stripes, it’s that they have a strong tendency to personalize their dislike of their particular bete noir science. For instance, anti-vaccine activists tend to attack Paul Offit as though he were the Dark Lord of Vaccination. Creationists tend to attack Charles Darwin (who, being conveniently dead, can’t […]

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

I love a good conspiracy theory…

This just in… One of my regular readers pointed me to a most excellent comment that appeared on everybody’s favorite anti-vaccine propaganda crank blog Age of Autism. After a post discussing a testimonial that allegedly demonstrates that the Gardasil vaccine is dangerous, A commenter named Sarah wrote: I just want to add another major event […]

Autism Bioethics Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Luc Montagnier: The Nobel disease strikes again

They call it the Nobel disease. Linus Pauling is the prototypical example. A brilliant chemist who won two Nobel Prizes, one for chemistry and the Nobel Peace Prize, in his later years Pauling became convinced that high dose vitamin C was a highly effective treatment for cancer and the common cold and, expanding upon that, […]