Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Autism Biology Blog housekeeping Blogging Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Computers and social media Evolution Holocaust Holocaust denial Medicine Personal Physics Politics Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery World War II

Six years in the blogosphere…

Has it really been six years? Six years ago today, on a dim and dreary Saturday in December, almost on a whim I sat down, went to Blogspot, and started up the first version of Respectful Insolence with an introductory post with the cliched title, Please allow me to introduce myself. Here it is, six […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Surgery

Another despicable abuse of a dead celebrity

I was originally going to switch it up and blog about something other than cancer. In fact, there is a particularly juicy bit of anti-vaccine nonsense that I wanted to write about because it shows the utter mendacity of a certain anti-vaccine website that, believe it or not, is not Age of Autism. I know, […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Elizabeth Edwards and Kim Tinkham: A tale of two victims of breast cancer

Two women died of breast cancer yesterday. One was named Kim Tinkham. One was named Elizabeth Edwards. In some ways, these women were similar. True, one was older than the other, but both of them died far sooner than they should have, one at age 53, the other at age 61. Both engaged in activism […]

Cancer Medicine Quackery

Kim Tinkham has passed away: Another victim of a quack?

It’s been pointed out to me that it was announced three hours ago on the Caring for Kim Facebook page that Kim Tinkham has passed away. A woman named Dana Ponder announced: Kim just passed. I was there by her side and it was peaceful. Thank you for all the kind words. I tried to […]

Cancer Entertainment/culture Medicine Quackery Television

Let Oprah know that Kim Tinkham is dying of cancer

I’m still perturbed about yesterday. I’m still perturbed that a cancer quack was able to convince a woman who had everything to live for that he could cure her of her breast cancer without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. I’m still perturbed at this particular cancer quack’s attitude, where he tried to claim that he didn’t […]