Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Time to update the Academic Woo Aggregator

My post from Monday finally goaded me to do it. Yes, it’s time to update the Academic Woo Aggregator. I’ve been far too remiss in doing so, and at least a couple of new candidates have come to my attention as I continue to keep my eye out for more. First, from the U.S. News […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Computers and social media Medicine Quackery

Breast cancer information on the Internet

It figures again. I go a few days without Internet access again, and not only does Generation Rescue take out a full page antivaccination ad full of stupidity in USA Today, which I couldn’t resist opening both barrels on earlier, but a study’s lead senior author is someone I know (albeit not well) about three […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

If you want some cancer woo, and you want it now, who ya gonna call? Mike Adams!

In a way, I have to hand it to Mike Adams. As you may recall, Mike Adams is the man behind what is arguably one of the top two or three woo-filled sites on the Internet, (formerly known as I’m hard-pressed to come up with an example of someone who can deliver delusional […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Scientific medicine denialism: A brief (by Orac standards) proposal

Between sessions here at the AACR meeting, I started thinking. (I realize that’s often a dangerous thing to do, but sometimes I can’t help myself.) What I was thinking about was my annual bit of “fluff with a bite,” the 2008 edition of “What is an altie?” Why, I don’t know, but I was. Then, […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

A ghoul descends upon the corpse of Tony Snow

I was contemplating how to get back into the swing of things as far as getting the blogging juices flowing again after the unfortunate events of the last few days, given how much my last post drained me. I suppose I could have dived into the infamous PZ versus the cracker incident, but, quite frankly, […]