EneMan Humor Medicine

What’s he got that I haven’t?

In all the confusion, work, and excitement of the last week, including an NIH study section and a trip to give a talk, you may have thought that I’ve forgotten about a monthly feature that has been ongoing here since the very beginning and that will likely continue as long as (1) this blog exists […]

Complementary and alternative medicine EneMan Humor Medicine

Fool or real? Chiropractic treatment fights global warming

Given that my attempt last year to pull an April Fool’s Day gag fooled no one and in essence went over like the proverbial lead balloon, I’m chastened enough not to try it again this year. Maybe by next year, I’ll get up the nerve again. In the meantime, this little gem came through a […]

EneMan Humor Medicine Religion

I hope this doesn’t go to his head (for obvious reasons)

I don’t recall how I came across this. Perhaps it was while looking for photos of our intrepid mascot that I don’t already have, or perhaps it was to see if anyone else has anything to say about our cheery but strange mascot, the purpose of whose head you really don’t want to think too […]

Blogging Politics

Could Kos be more of an idiot? No.

The answer is no, given his position on the Kathy Sierra case and the death threats she received and the online savaging to which she was subjected. Kos attacks calls for a bloggers’ code of conduct. This is actually the one point where I tend agree with him. It wouldn’t help the situation and would […]

EneMan Humor Medicine

He’s here, he’s there, he’s everywhere

…and how! Who knew our intrepid mascot liked hockey so much? I wonder if he’s Canadian. Maybe so.