Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Religion

Canada “thanks” antivaccinationists for the mumps

I’ve been sarcastically “thanking” Jenny McCarthy for bringing the U.S. the gift of measles through her tireless efforts on behalf of Generation Rescue and other antivaccine groups and will continue to do so whenever I deem it appropriate. But Jenny isn’t the only one who deserves our “thanks” (no, I’m not going to thank Andrew […]

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Sports

Et tu, Lance?

Say it ain’t so! Skeptics’ Circle host from earlier this year Rod Clark informs me that another celebrity has been sucked into maw of antivaccine propagandizing disguised as an autism charity. The one luring these celebrities in, of course, is that tireless, ever-Indigo campaigner against vaccines and for quackery Jenny McCarthy, flexing her D-list celebrity […]

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Quackery

Barack Obama: A pro-vaccine pharma shill who doesn’t care about autistic children?

Well, here’s a rare bit of good news in the endless tedium that has become the U.S. election. It appears that Barack Obama has ticked off the antivaccine contingent. I know, I know, I said I would try to lay off this topic for a few days, but this is just too amusing. Apparently, he’s […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

What we’re up against: Aluminum as the new mercury and end of expertise

Forgive me, dear readers. I realize that I’ve already subjected you once to the contagious supernova of stupidity that is an Olmsted on Autism blog post. I broke my usual rule about not directly linking to the crank blog Age of Autism unless there is a compelling need. One reason is that I hate to […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

If you think measles is always a “minor” disease…

…Dr. John Kiely, a.k.a. EpiWonk, will school you otherwise. (I had to attend a function for work last night; so no new insolence for you right now. Maybe later. Hard as it is to believe, I do sometimes have to let my job interfere with my blogging. Fortunately, I’ve been meaning to plug Dr. Kiely’s […]