Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

If it’s “natural,” it must be better. It just has to be.

My dear readers, I beg your indulgence for the moment. I had been planning on doing something a bit more serious than what I’ve been up to lately. Believe it or not, pointed me to a study that’s actually pretty interesting. It even challenges to some extend existing results. Of course, Mike Adams’ minion’s […]

Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Bummer about them vitamins…again

I have to say, this is getting monotonous. Let me back up a minute. One of the most common beliefs among users and advocates of “complementary and alternative” medicine (CAM) is that supplementation with vitamins will have all sorts of beneficial health effects. True, this belief is also pervasive among people who wouldn’t go to […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Sigh, another HuffPo atrocity against medicine

PalMD, PalMD, PalMD…why did you have to make me aware of this? What Most Doctors Won’t Tell You About Preparing for the Swine Flu The blogger, Lisa Sharkey, opines: What can I do to keep my family safe? How can I boost our immune systems now and what complementary medicines can I begin taking immediately, […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Another acupuncture study misinterpreted

I have to hand it to acupuncture mavens. They are persistent. Despite numerous studies failing to find any evidence that acupuncture is anything more than an elaborate placebo whose effects, such as they are, derive from nonspecifice mechanisms having nothing to do with meridians, qi, or “unblocking” qi. Moreover, consistent with the contention that acupuncture […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Mike Adams brings home the crazy over the Daniel Hauser case

You knew it was just a matter of time. At least I did. Let me back up a minute and tell you what I mean. Over the last week, I’ve done three posts about a chemotherapy refusenik (as some oncologists I’ve worked with tend to refer to them as) named Daniel Hauser. Hauser is a […]