Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Open-minded to the point of brains falling out: Antivaccinationists appointed to federal autism panel

We’ve had one example this week of people with minds so open that their brains fell out at the Oxford Union, which invited Holocaust denier and British National Party leader Nick Griffin to “discuss free speech.” Now, sadly, I see another, this time it’s the United States government, which has invited die-hard antivaccinationists to be […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Surgery

The unbearable lightweightness of being David Kirby

Remember how I speculated that appointing die-hard antivaccinationists to the new federal panel on autism research and policy would be a propaganda boon to the antivaccination movement and the mercury militia? Surprise, surprise! It’s already happening. Even less of a surprise, first off the mark to gloat is everybody’s favorite whore for the mercury militia […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism

I wonder how the anti-vaxers and mercury militia will explain this result

It’s been a while since I wrote about autism. Part of the reason is that I’ve been on vacation. Another part of the reason is that not much has been happening lately on the mercury/autism front. I like to think it’s because the evidence has been accumulating so rapidly that neither the MMR vaccine nor […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

If you think it’s just about mercury in vaccines, you’re wrong

While I am on vacation, I’m reprinting a number of “Classic Insolence” posts to keep the blog active while I’m gone. (It also has the salutory effect of allowing me to move some of my favorite posts from the old blog over to the new blog, and I’m guessing that quite a few of my […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Registration information for the Arthur Allen-David Kirby debate

In case anyone from Southern California of a skeptical bent is interested in attending the debate about whether thimerosal in vaccines causes autism, here is the event information that I mentioned yesterday: Vaccines and Autism, Is There a Connection? A Thoughtful Debate Saturday, January 13, 2007 Featuring: David Kirby – Author, Evidence of Harm and […]