Complementary and alternative medicine Humor

Be a celebrity nutritionist, marry a porn star!

I tell ya, life just ain’t fair. I work and slave for many years to master medicine, surgery, and molecular biology because I want to be part of developing new therapies for cancer. My reward? Instead of being in the lab directly participating in experiments, I spend more of my time begging for money to […]

Blogging Humor

Thanks a lot, Tim

Normally I like Tim Gueguen. He’s an old trenchmate from Usenet and has been blogging longer than I have. But about a week ago, he commented on my facetious piece about a “celebrity nutritionist” with some odd ideas about medicine dating back to the 16th century and involving including dessicated animal “glands” in the supplements […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Understanding alternative medicine “testimonials” for cancer cures

NOTE: I had been thinking about how to migrate my old posts from the old blog over to ScienceBlogs, and came up with an idea. Whenever “real life” intrudes on my blogging–as it has now, thanks to two different grant applications that ate up my entire weekend that prevented me from coming up with the […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Too much sciency-ness for the vitamin industry?

Damn if PZ didn’t beat me to this one: A federal panel concluded yesterday that there is not enough evidence to recommend for or against use of multivitamins and minerals — the popular dietary supplements taken by more than half of American adults in the hope of preventing heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses. […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Two young victims of alternative medicine

About six months back, I wrote about Katie Wernecke, a 13-year-old girl diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year, whose parents fought with Texas courts to let them take her to Kansas to receive high dose vitamin C therapy rather than the chemotherapy and radiation therapy that she needed to have a chance of beating her […]