Science fiction/fantasy Television

The wit and wisdom of G’Kar

Since the death of Andreas Katsulas, I’ve been thinking just how many great lines he had as G’Kar in the series and how well he delivered them. Here, culled from the web, is but a sampling of some of them. Some are very serious; some are humorous, but all are quintessential G’Kar. I can’t think […]


Orac knows World War II and Holocaust history

In a continuing series of posts, for the benefit of new readers (and a trip down memory lane for old readers), I now present: Orac knows World War II and Holocaust history: 60 years ago today: The evacuation of Auschwitz and start of the death march The 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz: How […]


The Twenty-eighth Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle

The Twenty-eight Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle has come to order at Unused and Probably Unusable, and Eh Nonymous has done a great job at gathering the best examples of skeptical blogging from the last two weeks into, of all things, a courtroom scene: WHEREFORE the 28th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle was convened on […]


Teenage graffiti as cave art

I’ve always had an interest in archaeology. Indeed, one of the elective courses that I most enjoyed in college was a prehistoric archaeology course. All of this shows why the following interests me. Through a scientific analysis of ancient cave art, it’s been found that human nature hasn’t changed much in 35,000 years: Many art […]


Alright, who’s responsible?

Alright, everyone, who’s responsible? Someone out there must have done it. Someone out there must have nominated me for a Koufax Award for Best Overall Writing by a Lefty Blogger? (True, it’s my old blog that’s listed, but I am listed!) Come on. ‘Fess up. It’s not that I’m not honored that someone would consider […]