EneMan Humor Medicine

An odd place for a telephone booth

While I am on vacation, I’m reprinting a number of “Classic Insolence” posts to keep the blog active while I’m gone. (It also has the salutory effect of allowing me to move some of my favorite posts from the old blog over to the new blog, and I’m guessing that quite a few of my […]

Blog housekeeping EneMan Humor

A Spinal Tap moment…

I don’t know why, but yesterday I was thinking about Spinal Tap. It’s a hilarious movie that I haven’t seen in a while, and I’ve wanted to own the DVD for a while now. Somehow, this thought reminded me of something. Something about the blog. Something that, in my absence and now my return from […]

Entertainment/culture Humor

I am the über-nerd. Bow before me.

Janet, Janet, Janet. What have you wrought? I know you’re hosting the Skeptics’ Circle next week, which gives you much cred in my book, but why this now? Annoyed at being shut out of the hottest scienceblogger list, you decreed a nerd-off, and then everybody had to get into the act, including Nick, Chad, Janet […]

Friday Woo Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: H2Ooooooommmm

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: There’s a reason that I don’t get seriously into blogging about politics that much, and this week reminded me why bigtime. For one thing, political bloggers are a dime a dozen, meaning that you have to be really, really good to distinguish yourself from the chattering […]

EneMan History Humor

Archeological evidence most unexpected

Pretty much everyone knows about the existence of the fabulous cave paintings dating back 30,000 years in places such as Lascaux and Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc in France. In these caves, our forebearers used the walls as their canvases to paint amazingly vibrant and detailed paintings of animals and various other things. The paintings are beautiful, some of […]