Autism Quackery

One last link I forgot yesterday: A pediatrician’s perspective on thimerosal-autism

I don’t know how I missed this one yesterday, but a new blogger, Dr. Flea, sarcastically thanks RFK, Jr. for making his practice more difficult The Thimerosal-Autism story will not die. When I say that a patient asks me about thimerosal every day, I am not exaggerating. Here is today’s installment, in the form of […]


You win

If I were one of the cops facing this guy, I’d be seriously tempted to put my gun aside and say, “You win. Go ahead and leave.” At least no one other than the perpetrator was hurt.

Autism Quackery

A little light weekend reading

While I work on winging my way back to the East Coast, I thought I’d leave you with a couple of links that I became aware of but didn’t get the chance to post. First up is the older piece by that tireless debunker of dubious medicine and quackery and fellow skeptic, Prometheus. In a […]

Intelligent design/creationism

Judge Jones threatened?

Why am I not surprised to learn this? From an AP article: HARRISBURG — Following recent accounts of threats against other judges, the federal judge in the Dover intelligent design case revealed he, too, was a target of threatening e-mails. U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III said a spate of e-mails came on the […]

Holocaust denial Music

References to Holocaust denial in record reviews?

Speaking of Holocaust denial, opening sentence of a review of a new CD by Be Your Own Pet: Aside from the deaf or those in a level of denial up there with David Irving’s idiot pronouncements on the Holocaust, everyone’s aware that we live in great times for music. Heh. I’m not sure this sort […]