Evolution Politics Science

A Snow job on evolution

If you want to see how depressingly ignorant about science President Bush’s new Press Secretary Tony Snow is, you need go no further than this rant at Bad Astronomy about Snow’s assertions about evolution confidently made in obviously complete ignorance about science, what a theory is, what a hypothesis is, or what evolutionary theory actually […]

Autism Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Kev takes ’em on twice while Orac sits back and enjoys

Tara’s post yesterday about Mercury and Mythology about how mercury in vaccines does not cause autism and about a recent story demonstrating tht mercury as used in dental amalgams is safe, coupled with Phil Plait’s discussion of an article in TIME about autism that seemed a bit too credulous about facilitated communication reminded me that […]

Science fiction/fantasy

Will the Doctor be The Prisoner?

Well here’s an interesting tidbit of news: Former Doctor Who star Christopher Eccleston will star as Number Six in a television remake of the cult favorite series, “The Prisoner”. “The 1967 series, starring Patrick McGoohan as a former secret agent who was kidnapped and imprisoned in a mystery village, baffled millions of viewers around the […]

Blogging Humor

Thanks a lot, Tim

Normally I like Tim Gueguen. He’s an old trenchmate from Usenet and has been blogging longer than I have. But about a week ago, he commented on my facetious piece about a “celebrity nutritionist” with some odd ideas about medicine dating back to the 16th century and involving including dessicated animal “glands” in the supplements […]

Movies Religion

People, it’s just a book and a movie!

I was just going to leave my plug for the Skeptics’ Circle this week stand as my only post today–until I became aware of some serious lunacy: MUMBAI (AFP) – A Catholic group called on Christians to starve themselves to death in protest at the release of “The Da Vinci Code” at cinemas in India […]