Anti-Semitism Holocaust denial Politics

A candidate for funniest and most idiotic comment all in one

The other day, I posted about the reaction in the white power ranger blogosphere to Mel Gibson’s little anti-Semitic tirade. Apparently a blogger by the name of Occidentalist took umbrage in the comments at my having pointed out that the rantings about “the synagogue of Satan” contained on an anti-Semitic blog were, in fact, anti-Semitic […]

Medicine Science Surgery

Cinema science

Our Seed overlords beckon: What movie do you think does something admirable (though not necessarily accurate) regarding science? Bonus points for answering whether the chosen movie is any good generally….


Psychics at the Atlanta Zoo

Via Advice Goddess, I find that the Atlanta Zoo is using psychics to predict whether their prize Panda is actually pregnant. One of them predicted that the Panda is definitely pregnant and will bear a male cub before September 4. I’ll give her credit for putting herself out there with a definite prediction. Of course, […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine

Medicine and Evolution, part 6: Ivan Schwab on eye evolution

It occurred to me over the weekend that I hadn’t updated my Medicine and Evolution series in a while. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a couple of clueless creationists who had wildly misinterpreted a recent paper about how the cornea prevents blood vessels from growing into it from the surrounding sclera as […]

Humor Science fiction/fantasy

Darth Vader being a smartass

This one’s been making the rounds over the last few days, but, Star Wars geek that I am, I found it hilarious enough to post, even though it’s shown up in a lot of other places. Enjoy!