Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Other ScienceBloggers weigh in on the Cherrix case

Given how much I’ve written about the Abraham Cherrix case, I would be remiss in not pointing out some posts by fellow ScienceBloggers: 1. First, Abel Pharmboy discusses how this might all come down to a failure of communication between Cherrix’s doctors and Cherrix and his parents. While this is probably true, I’m not sure […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: The pause that refreshes and heals

Glutton for punishment that I am, all in the name of skepticism, critical thinking, and evidence-based medicine, I am sometimes wont to surf through the stranger parts of the Internet in search of truly amazing material for Your Friday Dose of Woo. Sometimes, I hit the jackpot, as I did a few weeks ago. Sometimes […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The Cheerful Oncologist weighs in on the Cherrix case

I wondered what took him so long (maybe diving into heated debates is not his style), but fellow ScienceBlogger The Cheerful Oncologist has weighed on on the Cherrix case, in which a 16-year-old has refused chemotherapy for his Hodgkin’s disease. And he would know better than I what the treatment options are for relapsed Hodgkin’s […]

Skepticism/critical thinking

The 41st Meeting of the Skeptics Circle: Awards Night

Yes, it’s that time again, time for the biweekly carnival dedicated to highlighting actual critical thinking and skepticism directed against the general credulity that we usually find in the blogosphere: The Skeptics’ Circle. This time around, our host is Interverbal, who is hosting Awards Night at the Circle: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I would […]

Entertainment/culture Music Sports

Taking dedication a little too far

You know, as a native Detroiter and Tigers fan, I’m not sure whether to be pleased or appalled by this picture of one of my more–shall we say?–“illustrious” fellow Detroiters getting married. The least he could do would be to wear the jersey along with the hat, don’t you think?