Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Autism Biology Blog housekeeping Blogging Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Computers and social media Evolution Holocaust Holocaust denial Medicine Personal Physics Politics Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery World War II

Six years in the blogosphere…

Has it really been six years? Six years ago today, on a dim and dreary Saturday in December, almost on a whim I sat down, went to Blogspot, and started up the first version of Respectful Insolence with an introductory post with the cliched title, Please allow me to introduce myself. Here it is, six […]

History World War II

“Keep ’em coming”?

Longtime readers know that I’m a bit of a World War II buff. In fact, that’s how I ended up developing such a profound interest in Holocaust denial, to the point where I used to write about it rather frequently. I don’t write about it as often these days, not so much because I’m not […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine History Holocaust Humor Medicine Quackery World War II

Zombies: A perfect metaphor for Andrew Wakefield and his followers since his utter disgrace

Regular readers may have noticed something happening around ScienceBlogs. As PZ pointed out, a little malware somehow infiltrated the ScienceBlogs collective, and many of us appear to have turned into zombies. It’s a veritable Zombie Day, complete with illustrations by Joseph Hewitt, creator of Gearhead. Obviously, with anything having to do with zombies, there’s only […]

History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Humor Sports World War II

Our national pastime and the never-ending hunger

Regular readers may have noticed something happening around ScienceBlogs. As PZ pointed out, a little malware somehow infiltrated the ScienceBlogs collective, and many of us appear to have turned into zombies. It’s a veritable Zombie Day, complete with illustrations by Joseph Hewitt, creator of Gearhead. Obviously, with anything having to do with zombies, there’s only […]

Antivaccine nonsense Entertainment/culture History Humor Medicine Movies World War II

Utter defeat and devastation at the hands of science

As far as silly Internet memes go, given my interest in World War II history, I have a weakness for Downfall parodies, which have grown up on YouTube like kudzu over the last couple of years. I also thought it was only a matter of time before someone did something like this and wondered why […]