History Medicine Surgery

Back in time in medicine

Being a Doctor Who fan and all, I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be able to travel through time and visit times and places in history that I’m most interested in. For instance, being a World War II buff, I’d certainly want to be able to check out what every day life […]

Cancer Medicine Politics Surgery

How not to protect your medical turf

When the USPSTF issued new guidelines for who should undergo screening mammography, at what ages, and how often, it set off a firestorm of negative reactions. Some of this is not surprising, given that the reevaluation of the evidence for screening mammography led the USPSTF to recommend against its routine use in women between the […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Quackery Surgery

Mammography and the risk of breast cancer from low dose radiation: Weighing the risks versus hysteria

I’m beginning to understand why evolutionary biologists are so sensitive about how creationists abuse and twist any research that they think can be used to cast doubt upon evolution. Whenever there is research that changes the way we look at evolution or suggest aspects of it that we didn’t appreciate before, where scientists get excited […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Quackery Surgery Television

Blogging Suzanne Somers Knockout, part 2: Is Somers a female Mike Adams?

This project is behind schedule. The reasons, I hope, are forgivable. First off, there was just too much other stuff going on last week, to the point where, even though I’ve read several chapters of Suzanne Somers’ new book (if you can call it that) Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer–And How to […]

Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Politics Surgery Television

Let’s go back to the days of the Founding Fathers…

…back when they believed that humors were responsible for your health. Oh, yes, I know it’s now “politically or medically incorrect” now to practice medicine the way they did in the days of our Founding Fathers, but that’s because the socialist libero-Nazis took that away from us. After all, remember who else didn’t answer medical […]