Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Enhance your molecules!

I had considered putting Your Friday Dose of Woo on hiatus this week. It seemed rather superfluous. After all, for whatever reason, whatever confluence of strangeness, this blog has read like Your Friday Dose of Woo for nearly the entire week. I mean, come on. I started out fisking that über-woo Deepak Chopra on Monday, […]

Humor Skepticism/critical thinking

Richard Dawkins on the Colbert report

Enjoy! Or you can go to Richard Dawkins’ website to see it.

Evolution Skepticism/critical thinking

Skeptico weighs in on the “design inference” of nuclear tests

Due to long delays because of rain on the East Coast that resulted in an air traffic delay and a lot of hanging out for hours at O’Hare airport waiting for the delay to be lifted, I never managed to write anything for today. (I was tempted to spend the $6.95 for wireless while waiting […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking

While I’m on a roll fisking….

…check out Ed Brayton’s masterful fisking of some truly awful anti-evolution “arguments.” Note especially the way that the two bloggers who run the site, when faced with criticisms of their mangling of facts and attributing “holes” in evolutionary theory that really aren’t, simply repeat the same fallacious arguments again and again in the comments and […]

Paranormal Pareidolia Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

The Trouble with Deepak Chopra, Part 3: More Choprawoo

It seems like only yesterday that I was fisking yet another piece of seriously irritating woo from that expert purveyor of woo, Deepak Chopra. In fact, it was only yesterday that I was fisking part two of Chopra’s woo-filled The Trouble With Genes series. As I mentioned in my previous fisking, I had thought that […]