Medicine Politics

The Tripoli Six: The blogosphere keeps up the pressure

I wrote last week about the Tripoli Six, six health care workers who were jailed by Libya on trumped up charges of infecting patients at a hospital they worked at with HIV. Since then, many other have chimed in, and the most recent count of blog posts about this case is well over 100. According […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Alternative medicine and breast cancer

After the three posts that I recently did about vaccination have garnered well over 250 comments between the three of them (and still counting), I thought it might be time to switch topics. As important as they are, I don’t want this blog to become all vaccines all the time. (After all, look what happened […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Vaccines and relative risks

Holy crap. I suspected that my two posts about Dawn Winkler, the antivaccination activist running for Governor of Colorado on the Libertarian ticket, might generate some comments and attract some of Dawn’s fellow antivaxers to the comments. Little did I suspect just how many, or how hysterical they would become. Because yesterday was a travel […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: If our intestines were lungs we could drink our oxygen!

With all the vaccination “skeptics” who’ve crawled out of the woodwork over the last couple of days in response to my two posts about Dawn Winkler, the Libertarian candidate for the Governor of Colorado who happens to be a rabid antivaccination activist, not to mention totally clueless and nasty about autistic children (and who even […]


Change of Shift

Change of Shift, the nursing blog carnival, has been posted at kt.