Anti-Semitism Evolution History Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Random dispatch from the road: More on Darwin & Hitler

The other day, in the wake of D. James Kennedy’s dishonest documentary Darwin’s Deadly Legacy, which blatantly tried to blame the Holocaust and Nazi racial hygiene policies to Darwin’s theory of evolution in a totally dishonest way. Particularly ridiculous was Richard Weikart’s emphasison the observation that the Nazis used the term “selection” when doctors met […]

Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism

Dispatch from the road: Why single out Darwin to blame the Holocaust on?

Amazing. I’ve found Internet access, and, of course, I can’t resist using it to add a bit to the commentary about the special being aired by the Coral Ridge Ministries that seeks to blame the Holocaust on Darwin. Yes, I did launch a Hitler Zombie attack on Monday, right before heading out on vacation, but […]

Hitler Zombie Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Hitler Zombie massacre over evolution!

Things had been quiet. Too quiet. So quiet that Orac couldn’t even enjoy his usual recreational pastime of analyzing limericks and jokes linguistically in order to try to understand what made them so amusing to the humans among whom he was forced to exist. Even probing the perturbations in the electromagnetic fields caused by the […]

History Holocaust Holocaust denial

Speaking of bad history…

…I love it when Nick Terry makes dim Holocaust deniers run away just by asking them to back up their claims.

History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Sports World War II

Baseball and the never-ending hunger

Deep within Yankee Stadium, a timeless evil had arrived (well, an evil around 61 years old, anyway–well, 117 years old if you count its entire existence) shambling through the dark service corridors and halls, on a never-ending quest to satisfy its unquenchable hunger. Why it had come to this place, it did not know. Perhaps […]