Blogging Humor

How much cussing happens on this blog?

I’m actually surprised it’s that high: Created by OnePlusYou – Free Online Dating Must be some of the commenters. I have been known on occasion to use the word “bullshit” with reference to, for example, David Kirby, but I really do try to keep this blog fairly clean as far as cussing goes.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Blogging Humor Medicine Quackery

To the blog! It’s the Orac signal!

Buried in yesterday’s post was a link to a post on the Science Business blog, which is one of the blogs of Forbes magazine that was a dangerous gratification to my ego in that it mentioned this humble blog as one of the Autism Debate Go-To Blogs. Although Matthew Harper, Associate Editor at Forbes, left […]

Blogging Medicine Science

We’re #8! We’re #8! Or are we #3? Or #466?

I really have no idea how valid this is (I suspect not very), but every blogger likes a bit of ego stroking from time to time, and I’m no different. So, take this with an enormous grain of salt, but somehow on a new system of blog ranking on Wikio, Respectful Insolence is ranked #8 […]

Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

For duty and humanity!

A blogger’s duty calls: (Click for the full-sized version.) It’s true: A skeptical blogger’s work is never done! When pseudoscience or quackery is noticed on the Internet, no mater what time of day or night, this skeptical blogger cannot resist the call to craft a takedown. Just ask my wife.

Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Computers and social media Medicine Quackery

Le Canard Noir in trouble? I’m there!

Via WhiteCoat Underground, I’ve learned of a most disturbing development. Remember Le Canard Noir? He’s the skeptical blogger whose Quackometer was one of my favorite websites and tools for identifying pseudoscience and quackery caused him to run afoul of the Society of Homeopaths and a highly dubious practitioner named Joseph Chikelue Obi, both of whom […]