Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience

Battling misinformed consent: How should we respond to the anti-vaccine movement?

Antivaxers frequently claim that they are champions of “informed consent.” In reality, their version of informed consent is a parody of consent that I like to refer to as “misinformed consent.”

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

J.B. Handley: Attacking the AAP over vaccines…again

I may have taken a break yesterday, but that doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned my mission to make this Vaccine Awareness Week (or, more properly, the Anti-vaccine Movement Awareness Week, dedicated to countering the lies of the anti-vaccine movement). Even though it was good to take a day off, the anti-vaccine movement rarely takes a day […]


Skeptically Speaking on vaccines

There was no time to blog last night due to a lovely night out with my beautiful wife. Fortunately, this week being Vaccine Awareness Week, I have an interview with a “friend” of mine on…vaccines! Yes, Skeptically Speaking somehow thought this dufus was worth interviewing. Fortunately, he makes a lot of sense when it comes […]

Humor Politics

Willful ignorance as a campaign platform

It’s depressing to think that after today people like this may well be running the House: This year, willful ignorance is a campaign platform.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bioethics Biology Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The strange science and ethics of the anti-vaccine movement

One of the great things about having declared Vaccine Awareness Week is that it gives me a convenient excuse to revisit topics and blog posts that I had meant to address but that somehow didn’t make the cut the first time around. This is the sort of thing that happens fairly frequently in blogging, where […]