
Ten Amendments Day

You may not know this, but today has been designated Ten Commandments Day. It sounds pretty innocuous, right? After all, why would anyone object to a celebration of the Ten Commandments? And, of course, it’s every American’s right under the First Amendment to celebrate the precepts of his or her religion. Nothing wrong with that. […]


In which I use my powers for shameless personal reasons

Today is my sister’s birthday, and what good is a blog if I can’t shamelessly hijack it when I wish to wish family members a happy birthday? So, happy birthday, sister! Have a great day!


Nurses’ Day

I can’t believe I almost forgot this, but in the U.S. May 6 is Nurses’ Day. Doctors, show the nurses you work with how much you appreciate their care and help. I know my clinical workload would be far less manageable without my nurse; I might not even be able to handle it and my […]

Humor Science

Sexual imagery in an immunology text?

Continuing to some extent a theme from the other day, I wish my textbooks had read like this one. I have to say, this is the first time I’ve ever seen the term ménage à trois in a science textbook. It’s also used as a surprisingly good analogy, although I wonder how the author would […]

Intelligent design/creationism Medicine

I hang my head in shame for my profession a second time

Lately, I’ve been frequently lamenting how easily physicians can be seduced by the pseudoscience known as “intelligent design” (ID) creationism (or even old-fashioned young earth creationism). Yesterday, I even hung my head in shame after learning of a particularly clueless creationist surgeon, to the point of speculating that I might not be able to show […]