Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics Quackery

2010: Another bad year for the anti-vaccine movement, as the Special Masters rule

Perhaps you’ve heard of the case of Poul Thorsen. Perhaps not. Either way, that anti-vaccine movement was making a huge deal over this Danish psychiatrist and researcher for two reasons. First, he has become embroiled in some sort of scandal involving research funds at his former place of employment, Aarhus University, leading the ever-hyperbolic Robert […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Do you believe autism and vaccines are linked?

Of course, the best way to decide such questions is to vote, right? I know, I know, I’ve complained about poll-crashing before, but, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

Blogging Humor Science

Well, this certainly explains a lot…

…about the internecine warfare that breaks out from time to time around ScienceBlogs. At times we do appear to be a lot like professional wrestling. Can you find Orac in there?

Announcements Skepticism/critical thinking

Better late than never (the announcement, I mean): The 131st Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle

My apologies to Romeo Vitelli, but somehow two weeks ago it totally slipped my mind to announce his 131st Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle, which is a fine addition to the Skeptics’ Circle canon. Read. Enjoy.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Poul Thorsen: The fine art of distraction from inconvenient facts

My first big splash in the blogosphere will have occurred five years ago in June, when I first discovered the utter wingnuttery that is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. It was then that I wrote a little bit of that not-so-Respectful Insolence that you’ve come to know and love entitled flushes its credibility down the […]