Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Science

The revenge of cell phones and cancer strikes back yet again in the never-ending controversy…

NOTE: Orac is on semi-vacation this week, trying very hard to recharge his Tarial cells. Actually, although he is at home, he is spending much of his time in his Sanctum Sanctorum (i.e., his home office) working on an R01 for the February submission cycle. Given that the week between Christmas and New Years Day […]

Humor Politics Religion

Is it just me, or is there a bit of a disconnect here?

Seen in a parking lot while shopping about three weeks ago: I sense a disconnect between the two messages contained on the back of a very large SUV…


All I want for Christmas is…

…heavy duty firearms? Somehow, I don’t think we’re in Hammond, Indiana anymore.

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

The Top 5 Threats to Science-Based Medicine of the Decade

While I’m recovering fro Christmas this weekend and away a good chunk of tomorrow, here’s a question to ponder as 2009 draws to its inevitable close. Val Jones has listed what she views to be the top five threats to science-based medicine that dominated 2009 and look likely to continue to threaten science in medicine […]

Entertainment/culture Music Religion

Happy Holidays

I think that David Bowie and Bing Crosby say it best: Yeah, I know I’ve become a heathen, but I still love this song and this particular performance.