Antivaccine nonsense Entertainment/culture Medicine Quackery Television

More Maher idiocy about vaccines

I didn’t know that Bill Maher used Twitter, but I do now: The original Tweet is here. Gee, given their similar comments about flu shots being “for idiots,” you don’t think that Bill Maher and Doug Bremner are the same person, do you? Maybe they were separated at birth! In any case, perhaps we should […]

Humor Politics Religion

Are you ready for the…ultimate praying championship?

Sadly, this is not too far from how religious disputes seem to be settled. The only difference is that there’s less violence here than there is in real life: Hmmm. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if religious conflicts could be resolved by an Ultimate Praying Challenger, rather than the usual way. As […]


Oops I did it again! The 120th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle

Damn them Europeans and their being five or six hours ahead! They screw me up when it comes to plugging the Skeptics’ Circle. Oh, wait. This time around I’m a day late. Rats. My excuse doesn’t work. Never mind… In any case, longtime commenter at RI (who also has his own most excellent blog), Kristjan […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Entertainment/culture Medicine Music Popular culture Quackery

Jack’s Fourth Show: How anti-vaccine groups rebrand themselves as legitimate autism charities

There once was a time not so long ago–oh, say, four our five years–when the anti-vaccine fringe was looked upon as what it was: a fringe group, a bunch of quacks and quack advocates, all in essence one big conspiracy theory movement, in which vaccines are the One True Cause of Autism. At the time, […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

A crazy mixed up kid comes up with a crazy mixed up conspiracy theory about a crazy mixed up blog collective, part 2

Yesterday, I wrote about Jake Crosby, the token college kid on the spectrum over at the happy home for wandering anti-vaccine zealots, Age of Autism. Specifically, I felt sorry for him because of his rather tortured bit of conspiracy mongering that postulated deep, dark connections between Adam Bly, the founder of Seed Media Group, the […]