Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Appeals to other ways of knowing for “integrative” medicine

So-called “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) or, as it’s now as frequently called, “integrative medicine” (IM) represents a hodge-podge of remedies that are mostly based on prescientific concepts about how the human body works and how disease attacks it. Homeopathy, through its concept of “like cures like” and law of contagion. The former in essence […]

Computers and social media Entertainment/culture Television

Precision thieves

As wrong and illegal as “smash and grab” theft is, I have to admit to a grudging respect for the skill and precision with which these thieves managed to despoil a sanctum sanctorum of computing, an Apple Store in New Jersey: Yikes. All in all, they took they took 23 Macbook Pros, 14 iPhones and […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial World War II

Pat Buchanan: Hitler apologist

As I mentioned the other day, September 1 marked the 70th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland and the “official” start of World War II. I say “official’ because the invasion of Poland marked the beginning of a true shooting war in Europe after a long period of escalating tensions and increasingly brazen provocations […]


Skeptical Blog Anthology 2009: Start nominating, people!

As the person entrusted with the skeptical bloggy goodness that arrives every other week in the form of the Skeptics’ Circle, how could I refuse to hawk something like this e-mail: Inspired by the annual The Open Laboratory, the Skeptical Blog Anthology is a printed anthology of blog posts voted the very best of 2009, […]


Oops I did it again! The 118th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle

I’ve been a bad, bad boy. In particular, I’ve been a bad, bad host in that I totally forgot to hawk the last Skeptics’ Circle back on August 27, nearly a week ago. So, please, go make up for my horrific error and visit The 118 Skeptics’ Circle: Looking Closely Edition (if that link doesn’t […]