Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

The mindset of an antivaccinationist revealed, courtesy of Jake Crosby of The Age of Autism blog

Readers may have noticed that we’ve had a minor antivaccine troll infestation in a couple of previous posts. It’s no big deal of course, hardly worth my attention–except for one thing. That one thing is that a certain member of the antivaccine propaganda blog Age of Autism, for which no evidence that vaccines are not […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Realigning your frequency, triphase style

If there’s one concept that seems to cross many “disciplines” of woo (a.k.a. “alternative medicine,” a.k.a. “complementary and alternative medicine,” a.k.a. CAM) is the concept of some sort of “life force” or “life energy.” It is true that life does depend upon the utilization of energy, specifically chemical energy. That’s what biologists and biochemists mean […]


In case you’re wondering where this week’ Skeptics’ Circle is…

…our Skeptics’ Circle host for this week, The Lay Scientist, had some technical issues with his blog. It should be forthcoming later today…

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery

The antivaccine movement ain’t gonna like this one bit…

Whatever you think of President Obama’s economic stimulus package, there’s one thing that I, at least, am happy to learn about it: Vice President Joe Biden announced today that the Obama Administration will make $2.3 billion available for crucial health and human services programs that help to provide care for children and prevent disease. States […]

Skepticism/critical thinking

Why projection isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I pointed out that, in addition to its usual stable of antivaccine pseudoscience and the quantum woo of Deepak Chopra, that The Huffington Post had now delved even beyond what I thought it would by publishing the nonsensical, credulous blather about distant healing? In the post Srinivasan Pillay, […]