Humor Politics

A double standard?

As usual, when Jon Stewart nails it: My goodness! Two political posts in a row. I’d better watch myself, or I’ll become one of those dime-a-dozen political bloggers that I complain about. Not that I count this, given that it’s just a Daily Show video clip. Still, it’s so spot-on that I couldn’t resist. Don’t […]

Personal Politics

And there was much rejoicing!

I’m a Detroit guy. I was born there and raised there for the first ten years of my life. After that, my family moved to the suburbs, but still Detroit’s my hometown, even though I spent 20 years away from southeast Michigan. Consequently, I really, really hated what has been happening there since January. That’s […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Yet another really bad day for antivaccinationists: No link between MMR and autism–again

This is getting to be monotonous, but it’s a monotony that I like, as should anyone who supports scientific medicine and hates the resurgence of infectious diseases that antivaccinationists have been causing of late with their fearmongering about vaccines that frightens parents into refusing to vaccinate their children. It’s the drumbeat of studies, seemingly coming […]


When ragweed attacks…

Since I’ve been discussing histidine and histamine today (how’s that for a segue to an entirely different topic?), it seems like the perfect time to mention a story I saw yesterday about the ten worst cities for fall pollen, such as ragweed, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). I was amazed […]

Antivaccine nonsense Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

When “gut feelings” about science attack, or: Oh, no! Histidine and polysorbate-80 are going to destroy our girls!

Some people should keep their “gut feelings” to themselves. You know the type: People who have no knowledge about a topic or, even worse, just enough knowledge to sound as if they have a clue about it to people who don’t have a clue but who are at the same time easily spotted as utterly […]