Blogging Humor

Literally, the coolest weblog ever

I’ve just found what has to be literally the coolest weblog ever. Its whole raison d’être is a pet peeve of mine, too, but I literally never thought of starting a blog about it.

Personal Politics

Do I really look that young? Do I?

I haven’t yet mentioned it, but since Friday evening I’ve been in Chicago for the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting. (If anyone happens to be attending the meeting and is interested in a meetup, let me know. My time’s pretty well booked until I leave on Tuesday afternoon, but we might be able to […]

Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

The “logic” of 9/11 Truthers

I know, I know. and Screw Loose Change already posted this, but it’s just such a lovely loony example of the “logic” used by 9/11 conspiracy theorists (a.k.a. “9/11 Truthers”) that I couldn’t resist posting it too. Here, we see a 9/11 Truther “duplicating” the fall of one of the Twin Towers with stackable […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Better late than never

Infophilia finds Dr. Michael Egnor’s invocation of the Stalin Zombie from a couple of months ago and tears it apart. Come to think of it, Egnor’s been laying down some silliness about evolution lately. I had been restraining myself from commenting due to my previous oversaturation blogging about his antics, but I think I’ve given […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Candidate #1 for stupidest attack from a mercury maven ever

Those who still desperately cling to the concept that mercury in thimerosal in vaccines causes autism have been known to write some really stupid stuff trying to justify their position or attack someone else’s rebuttal of the whole “hypothesis.” This week has produced a bumper crop of such fallacy-laden “defenses” of the thimerosal gravy train–I […]