
Your weekly dose of medical blogging…

…is right here at the latest installment of one of the longest-running blog carnivals out there, Grand Rounds. This time the host blog is Shrink Rap. Head on over and sample the delicacies of medblogging.

Announcements Blog housekeeping Blogging

A new ScienceBlog

I’m a bit late on this, given that the blog went live yesterday, but far be it from me not to welcome denialism blog to the ScienceBlogs universe. It’s a promising new blog that in its couple of months of existence has already made an impact in the skeptical blogosphere. Also, Mark Hoofnagle, one of […]

Clinical trials Medicine Science

Things like this make medical science worthwhile: A drug to treat genetic diseases due to nonsense mutations

There are times when, as a scientist, I look at an idea and its execution and simply stand in awe. It’s particularly satisfying when it’s a relatively simple idea that could conceivably do a lot of good for a lot of patients. Oddly enough, whether it’s because I’ve been out of the loop or because […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

I wonder if Bora knows about this painful woo

As a male, this bit of woo from Serbia causes me pain just to contemplate it. I’m not sure if it’s true or not because–well–I have a hard time believing that anybody can be this stupid. It has the whiff of urban legend about it. However, one underestimates the stupidity of men in their quest […]