Announcements Medicine

Grand Rounds

The latest Grand Rounds has been posted at the abode of everyone’s favorite blogging emergency medicine doc, GruntDoc. It’s the fourth time that he’s hosted; so he’s an old pro at it now. Enjoy!

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine

The deadly deviousness of the cancer cell, or how dichloroacetate (DCA) might fail

One byproduct of blogging that I had never anticipated when I started is how it sometimes gets me interested in scientific questions that I would never have paid much attention to before or looked into other than superficially. One such scientific question is whether dichloroacetate (DCA), the small molecule that was shown to have significant […]

Evolution Medicine Science

How did I miss this contest?

Sorry I’m a bit late on this. (Yes, I know that Tara and John pimped this contest nearly a month ago, but somehow it slipped by me to mention it myself; that is, until Skepchick reminded me of it as I caught up on my blog reading over the weekend. If you’ve read my Medicine […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

On the “individualization” of treatments in alternative medicine

One of the claims most frequently made by “alternative medicine” advocates regarding why alt-med is supposedly superior (or at least equal) to “conventional” medicine and should not be dismissed, regardless of how scientifically improbably any individual alt-med modality may be, is that the treatments are highly “individualized.” In other words, the “entire patient” is taken […]

Humor News of the Weird Religion

More clowns for Christ?

I’m not sure if the group above, Clowns for Christ, Inc. (complete with Gideon the Parrot, Precious the Super Dog, and illustrated Bible messages, songs, and clown tricks), is the group responsible for the training videos that I posted yesterday. If it’s not, though, apparently clowning for Christ is more widespread than I thought, because […]