Entertainment/culture Popular culture Science

The Crocodile Hunter is no more

Holy crap. I get up on this holiday morning, and what is the first thing that I see when I check out the ScienceBlogs most recent posts, but a bunch of posts on Pharyngula, Pure Pedantry, Dr. Joan Bushwell’s Chimpanzee Refuge, and Evolving Thoughts, The Scientific Indian, and Afarensis? Steve Irwin (a.k.a. the Crocodile Hunter) […]

Blog housekeeping EneMan Humor

A Spinal Tap moment…

I don’t know why, but yesterday I was thinking about Spinal Tap. It’s a hilarious movie that I haven’t seen in a while, and I’ve wanted to own the DVD for a while now. Somehow, this thought reminded me of something. Something about the blog. Something that, in my absence and now my return from […]

Evolution History Holocaust Politics Pseudoscience

John Wilkins on eugenics and Darwin

John Wilkins over at Evolving Thoughts has posted an excellent brief summary of the history of the eugenics movement. In the process, he makes a strong argument that it was genetics far more than evolution that influenced eugenecists and that the entire eugenics movement was based on the concept that evolution was being thwarted by […]

Pareidolia Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

More Virgin Mary pareidolia

This time, the Virgin Mary is on a tree: LOCKPORT — A Harvey Street woman claimed on Wednesday that she heard the voice of the Virgin Mary and has seen visions of the Mother of God in the trimmed branches of a maple tree in front of her house. Antonia “Toni” Filipertis, 84, a devout […]

Politics Science

Animal “rights” terrorism

While I was catching up on some of the stuff that’s happened while I was away, I noticed PZ Myer’s article about animal rights terrorists who intimidated a neurobiologist at UCLA named Dario Ringach to the point where he decided to stop doing research on primates. Then I saw that Jake and Bora also weighed […]