
Oh, what the heck?

All the other ScienceBloggers are taking this test, so why not? What Disease Are You? You Are Influenza! Also known as the flu, you are warm, nurturing, and make a great confidante. People admire you for your gentleness and honesty. While you can’t literally wipe out 35,000,000 people by causing them to drown in their […]

Anti-Semitism History Holocaust World War II

Mrs. Hitler and her doctor

In 1907, Adolf Hitler’s mother Klara died of breast cancer at age 47, when Hitler was only 18. The young Hitler was devastated by her death. Indeed, in Mein Kampf, Hitler described her death thusly: These were the happiest days of my life and seemed to me almost a dream; and a mere dream it […]


Oh great…

Cannibal killers have blogs now too….right here.


Happy Easter, everyone

On this Easter Day, as children look forward to visits by the Easter Bunny, do you ever wonder what the Easter Bunny does the other 364 days a year? I never realized a bunny could be such a sociopath. Finally, I repost a link to DarkSyde’s famous reflection, If I Were A Christian as good […]


War on Christians?

The fundamentalist Christian right often laments that there is a “war on Christians” by secular society in the U.S. Indeed, as Easter approaches, such complaints inevitably increase. Consider, however, these clearly un-Constitutional clauses in various state constitutions that make atheists ineligible for public office (or at least not accorded the same rights to run for […]