Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

No, cell phones are not “cooking men’s sperm”

I’ve written several times over the years about the overblown claims of harm attributed, largely—but not exclusively—by cranks, to cell phone radiation. It’s been claimed that radiation from cell phones can cause brain tumors (there’s no convincing evidence that this is true), breast cancer (the evidence for these claims is so incredibly flimsy—and featured by […]

Cancer Medicine Science

Mobile phone companies = tobacco companies? More conspiracy mongering over cell phones and cancer

Here we go again. Every so often, it seems, the media has to recycle certain scare stories based on little or no science. Be it vaccines and whether they cause autism or not (the don’t) or various environmental exposures supposedly linked to various cancers or other diseases in which the science is far more complex […]