Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Appeals to other ways of knowing for “integrative” medicine

So-called “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) or, as it’s now as frequently called, “integrative medicine” (IM) represents a hodge-podge of remedies that are mostly based on prescientific concepts about how the human body works and how disease attacks it. Homeopathy, through its concept of “like cures like” and law of contagion. The former in essence […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The American Academy of Family Physicians goes woo

One of the most frustrating aspects of so-called “complementary and alternative medicine” is how much it’s managed to bypass the scientific orientation of academic medical institutions and insinuate itself deeply into medical academia. Indeed, Dr. R. W. Donnell once quite aptly referred to this phenomenon, where wildly implausible claims with no science behind them somehow […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Quackery Religion Television

Some “inconvenient questions” for Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins tomorrow

The endgame is in sight. At the end of this post is a list of questions for Bill Maher tomorrow (if the opportunity presents itself), the vast majority of which you, my readers, thought of. Let’s backtrack a minute. A couple of months ago, I learned that an award named after Richard Dawkins was being […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery Religion

It’s more than just Senator Tom Harkin and woo: Christian Science and faith healing in health care reform

Every so often, as the health care reform initiative spearheaded by the Obama Administration wends its way through Congress (or, more precisely, wend their ways through Congress, given that there are multiple bills coming from multiple committees in both Houses), I’ve warned about various chicanery from woo-friendly legislators trying to legitimize by legislation where they’ve […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Quackery Surgery Television

Blogging Suzanne Somers Knockout, part 2: Is Somers a female Mike Adams?

This project is behind schedule. The reasons, I hope, are forgivable. First off, there was just too much other stuff going on last week, to the point where, even though I’ve read several chapters of Suzanne Somers’ new book (if you can call it that) Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer–And How to […]