Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

The Energizer Bunny of antievolution

I need some β-blockers STAT. I say that not because I’m hypertensive or because I’m having heart palpitations–at least not at the moment. I’m saying it because, after reading the latest brave foray into antievolutionary ignorance by–as much as I hate to admit it–a fellow surgeon named Dr. Michael Egnor, I need to do something […]

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Dr. Michael Egnor: The gift that keeps on giving

Agh! I say: Agh! Again. Remember how it was just a mere three days ago that I administered some Respectful Insolence™ to Dr. Michael Egnor, the Energizer Bunny of jaw-droppingly, appallingly ignorant anti-evolution posturing based on his apparently nonexistent understanding of what the theory of evolution actually says? Remember how I said how much I […]

Bioethics Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The dichloroacetate (DCA) “self-experimentation” phenomenon hits the mainstream media

It figures. Whenever I go away for a conference, things of interest to me that I’d like to blog about start happening fast and furious. Indeed, I could only deal with one of them, and I chose to post my challenge to the Paleyist “intelligent design” creationist surgeon, Dr. William Egnor. Now that I’m back, […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Evolution Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The “individualization” of medical treatments, revisited with evolution

The longer I maintain this blog, the more I find unexpected (to me, at least) intersections and relationships between various topics that I write about. Of course, a lot of it simply has to do with the fact that one of the overarching themes of this blog is skepticism and critical thinking, which leads one […]

Evolution History Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

In blog posts and podcasts, Dr. Michael Egnor swings and misses

I was going to try to be a good boy. Really, I was. I had been planning on answering a question about the early detection of tumors. It was an opportune time to do so, given the recent news of cancer recurrence in Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow, coupled with a couple of papers I […]