Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Choprawoo and magical thinking: Two crappy tastes that taste crappy together

There I was, puttering around the Internet trying to procrastinate while writing yet another grant, when I came across a truly inane article by Scott Adams arguing that the entire universe must be intelligent because processes that lead to products of intelligent (machines, books, etc., made by us) must also be intelligent. (At least I […]

Announcements Blog housekeeping Blogging

Don’t forget: The Skeptics’ Circle is fast approaching

Listen up, everyone! It’s fast approaching. Yes, The Skeptics’ Circle will be appearing next Thursday over at The Second Sight. EoR did a bang-up job the last time the Circle was held at The Second Sight; so I expect as great or even better this time around. But your best skeptical blogging is needed. Instructions […]

Entertainment/culture Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

A science section for the Huffington Post? More like a pseudoscience section!

Sadly, the death crud continues apace, although at a low enough level that I feel I can eke out a brief post, mainly because it relates to what I’ve been saying all along about a group blog that I tend to dislike. Both Shifting Baselines and DrugMonkey have pointed out that Huffington Post blogger David […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The woo-meister supreme returns, and he’s brought his friends

Here we go again. You know, now that it’s 2009, I had hoped that one of the most irritating people alive would continue his blissful quiet. I’m referring, of course, to Deepak Chopra, that Indian physician who demonstrates that a medical training is no protection whatsoever against pseudoscientific and anti-scientific thinking. Indeed, Chopra goes far […]

Biology Complementary and alternative medicine Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Choprawoo and magical thinking: Two crappy tastes that taste crappy together

Unfortunately, as we have been dreading for the last four months or so since her relapse was diagnosed, my mother-in-law passed away from breast cancer in hospice. She died peacefully, with my wife and the rest of her family at her side. As you might expect, I do not much feel like blogging, and even […]