Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The anti-vaccine movement shows just how low it can go

I debated whether or not to blog about this. The reason is that I suspect that gathering a lot of attention and controversy is exactly what Generation Rescue wanted when it posted what I’m about to blog about. On the other hand, no matter how low my opinion is of the principals who run Generation […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

I guess J. B. Handley isn’t so proud of Age of Autism after all…

Remember the truly despicable and disgusting post by Age of Autism, in which its enemies were portrayed in a crudely Photoshopped picture as preparing to eat a dead baby for their Thanksgiving feast? It was an image that I likened to the blood libel against the Jews, as did Rene at EpiRen in a much […]

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Is Airborne supporting Generation Rescue in a bid for a “vaccinated versus unvaccinated” pseudostudy?

Well, well, well, well. What is this I found forwarded to me in my in box? It’s from the anti-vaccine group Generation Rescue, and it is most interesting: Generation Rescue is in the final stages of receiving grant funding for a vaccine research study on the long term effects of the current U.S. recommended schedule. […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics

Project much, Kim?

My irony meter exploded in a near-nuclear conflagration, leaving nothing but a sputtering, molten puff of plasma when I was referred to this gem from Kim Stagliano over at Age of Autism directed at the enemy of all anti-vaccine pseudoscience, that Dark Lord of Vaccination (to anti-vaccine loons) himself, Paul Offit: You’ll blame the “anti-vaxxers” […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics

Crank magnetism at a young age: Anti-vaccine “resistance” and 9/11 Truth

If there’s one thing that irritates me about the anti-vaccine movement, it’s the utter disingenuousness of the movement. How often do we hear the claim from anti-vaccine loons that “we’re not ‘anti-vaccine’; we’re ‘pro-safe vaccine’”? I’ve tried to pin such people down time and time again to answer just what it would take in terms […]