Medicine Quackery

Battling quackery in “conventional” medicine

Grant crunch time again yesterday. That means it’s the perfect time once again to dig up something from the archives of old blog and repost it here. This particular piece originally appeared on January 12, 2005, just shy of one month after I started blogging. I’m guessing once again that, because not many people were […]

Cancer Medicine Surgery

Early detection of cancer, part 2: Breast cancer and the never-ending confusion over screening

[Note: If you haven’t already, you should read PART 1 of this two-part series. It defines several terms that I will be using in this post, and I don’t plan on explaining them again, given that they were explained in detail in Part 1. Of course, if you’re a medical professional and already know what […]

Cancer Medicine

Early detection of cancer, part 3: Computer-aided degradation of screening mammography

It figures. On the very day that I posted a rather long post about a series of three papers discussing the use of mammography and MRI for screening women for breast cancer, there would have to be another paper relevant to the topic of the early detection of cancer, again in this case breast cancer. […]