Complementary and alternative medicine Computers and social media Medicine Quackery

Choprawoo metastasizes into video games

Now this is some seriously funny stuff. Anyone who’s been reading this blog a while knows my opinion of Deepak Chopra. Basically, he’s the quackiest of the quantum quacks, the godfather of quantum woo, the one woo-meister to rule them all. He did it first and did it “best” (if you can call it that), […]

Entertainment/culture Evolution Medicine Popular culture Quackery Science

Choprawoo returns, this time with help from Bruce Lipton

Remember Deepak Chopra? He’s the physician (yes, physician) whose grasp on real science is so tenuous and whose ability to abuse multiple scientific disciplines, ranging from quantum physics to astronomy to genetics to medicine, simultaneously in the service of woo is so amazing that a few years ago I once coined a term representing the […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Combining energy woo with The Secret

As hard as it to believe, it’s 2012 now. (I know, I know, I say that pretty much every year.) I’ve also been on vacation for the last week, which makes getting back into the swing of things a bit difficult. For one thing, we seem to have suffered an infestation of particularly brain dead […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Medicine Music Popular culture Quackery

Deepak Chopra descends: Hasn’t Detroit suffered enough?

Well, well, well, well, well. Look who’s coming to blight my hometown, and look who’s doing it hot on the heels of my having directed some not-so-Respectful Insolence at him. Yes, it’s Deepak Chopra himself showing up on Saturday to bring his woo to one of the places that least needs it, downtown Detroit: Excitement […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Paranormal Pseudoscience Religion Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Michael Egnor = Deepak Chopra? You be the judge!

In blogging, there are some topics that I know that I really shouldn’t bother with; yet, somehow they suck me in. A number of things can cause that. Perhaps it’s a topic that just gets under my skin to the point where I can’t hold back a commentary, even when I know that it might […]