Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial

Combatting Holocaust denial: Ur doing it wrong when u smash free speech

I detest Holocaust denial. Relative newbies who haven’t been reading this blog that long may be wondering why I, a physician, booster of science-based medicine, and scourge of the anti-vaccine movement (well, at least in my mind, anyway) would blog about Holocaust denial, but in actuality my interest in combatting Holocaust denial predates my interest […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics

Barbara Loe Fisher: Hypocritical, not “fearless”

I’ve been criticizing the grande dame of the anti-vaccine movement, Barbara Loe Fisher, for her cowardly attempt to shut up vaccine expert Dr. Paul Offit and to intimidate journalists into not writing exposes of the anti-vaccine movement by suing Dr. Offit, Amy Wallace, and WIRED Magazine for Wallace’s excellent article in which Dr. Offit was […]

Holocaust denial

Shooting free speech in the foot: David Irving sentenced to three years in jail for denying the Holocaust

Well, that was fast. The trial took less than a day. David Irving, as expected, pleaded guilty. As expected, he was found guilty of Holocaust denial. What was not expected was the severity of the sentence: VIENNA, Feb. 20 (AP) — The British historian David Irving on Monday pleaded guilty to denying the Holocaust and […]