Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Clinical trials Medicine Pseudoscience

Andrew Wakefield 25 years later: Paving the way for FLCCC and COVID quacks

It was 25 years ago last week that Andrew Wakefield launched the modern iteration of the antivaccine movement.In doing so, he laid down a template that antivax quacks today still follow.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

MMR vaccination is not associated with autism, take ∞

Yet another huge epidemiological study finds no association between vaccination with MMR and autism. Same as it ever was. That doesn’t stop a particularly clueless antivaxer from trying to “refute” it, to hilariously inept results.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

The Brownstone Institute embraces old antivax lies about measles

The Brownstone Institute long ago went full anti-COVID-19 vaccination. Now it’s embracing old antivax tropes about the measles vaccine. This was inevitable.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science

COVID-19 vaccine “skeptics” are just antivax now

Dr. Pierre Kory and the pseudonymous Substacker known as A Midwestern Doctor provide two more examples of how “anti-COVID” antivax has now become just antivax.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Evolution Medicine

After their COVID success, antivaxxers are going old school on MMR

After using old antivax tropes against COVID-19 vaccines, antivaxxers are pivoting to reuse them to attack measles vaccines again. Everything old is new again—and old again.