I’m a bit late on this one, but Deborah Lipstadt won the National Jewish Book Award for best book about the Holocaust for her book History on Trial: My Day in Court with David Irving. I started reading the book a couple of months ago, but got sidetracked. Last weekend, I picked it up again […]
Grand Rounds vol. 2, no. 24
Geez, it snuck up on me this week. Grand Rounds vol. 2, no. 24 has been posted at Emergiblog, and I totally forgot to submit some custom Respectful Insolence. Go forth and experience the best that the Orac-less medical blogosphere has to offer. (It’s probably an improvement over the weeks when I do submit something.)
After all the violence and controversy over the Danish cartoons about the Prophet Mohammed, why is nobody protesting this real blasphemy?
Evidence for global warming
I’m a bit burned out from spending far more time than they deserve debunking the Geiers’ bad science and even worse statistics; so today’s blogging will tend towards lighter fare (and shorter posts). One thing I found recently via PharmaGossip is some rather compelling evidence in support of global warming. Just check below the fold.
I was going to give this a rest for a while, but this is too good not to post a brief note about. Posted in the comments of my piece debunking the Geiers’ pseudoscience and their laughable “scientific” article claiming to show a decrease in the rate of new cases of autism since late 2002, […]