Medicine Surgery

D’oh! I hate it when that happens!

Fortunately, I’ve never had this happen when I’ve placed a central venous catheter: See that bright line with the “J” at the end of it? That’s the guidewire over which a central venous catheter is threaded. It’s a very bad thing when you push it in so far that you lose it. Worse, is not […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Surgery

The unbearable lightweightness of being David Kirby

Remember how I speculated that appointing die-hard antivaccinationists to the new federal panel on autism research and policy would be a propaganda boon to the antivaccination movement and the mercury militia? Surprise, surprise! It’s already happening. Even less of a surprise, first off the mark to gloat is everybody’s favorite whore for the mercury militia […]

Medicine Surgery

One source of inefficiency in American health care

The Buckeye Surgeon educates us with a case. In brief, it’s the case of an elderly woman with a clinical picture, including right upper quadrant pain and an elevated white blood cell count consistent with rip-roaring cholecystitis who was admitted to the medical service for her right upper quadrant pain. She underwent an ultrasound, which […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Surgery

Preventing injuries during surgery due to technical mistakes

You’ve probably heard the oft-repeated charge of “alternative” medicine advocates. If you get into a debate or conversation with one, you can almost count on seeing or hearing it before too long. Indeed, we heard a variant of this very claim yesterday coming from über-woomeister supreme Deepak Chopra. I’m referring, of course, to the rant […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery Surgery

“I have seen the light! The Chad Jessop melanoma story happened. Really.”

Yesterday’s mega-post left me a bit drained; consequently I’ve throttled my ambitions back a notch today in order to leave some energy to put together the weekly installation of Your Friday Dose of Woo tomorrow. Fortunately, just the topic presented itself: A story that’s interesting and instructive (hopefully) but that won’t take as much of […]