Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Personal

Reclaiming vicious dogs

Given all the heartbreaking stuff that’s going on with our dog this week, I’m rather grateful to John Lehrer for pointing me to this uplifting article about the dogs abused by the evil and despicable Michael Vick. It turns out that that bastard didn’t end up leaving all his dogs so vicious that euthanasia is […]

Cancer Medicine Personal

Thanks to all…

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments about the recent bad news about our dog. (Even someone who really detests me because of my position on the vaccine/autism issue was in this instance kind.) I don’t know if I’ll feel much like blogging for a while; on the other hand, blogging has been therapeutic for […]

Cancer Friday Woo Medicine Personal

Sorry, no woo for you today. Or: Cancer isn’t just for humans

Today is Friday, which has normally meant for the last two years that it’s the time every week when I poke fun at some particularly outrageous woo. Indeed. I even had a great idea for a 4th of July-themed post today that (I hope) would have been hilarious. I had even started to write a […]



The other day, I received something in the mail that was so horrifying, so disturbing, so utterly disconcerting that I had to go into my office and hide for a while to regain my composure. No, it wasn’t a death threat from some wacked-out antivacccinationist. Nor was it a scientific paper that was undeniable evidence […]


AT&T: A brief rant

I love my iPhone. I really do. However, I don’t love AT&T so much, and unfortunately the iPhone is yoked to AT&T exclusively for the foreseeable future. I used to think Sprint was bad, and indeed it was and is in many markets. During my frequent trips to Chicago I found that the service was […]