Medicine Surgery

What you find on YouTube these days: Central venous catheter placement

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about a bizarre complication of a central venous catheter placement. Now, on YouTube, I find a primer on how to place central venous catheters. The remaining parts can be found here.

Announcements Blogging Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

It’s about time…

…that Kristjan Wager started a blog. Kristjan, as some may know, is a frequent commenter here, and has even guest-blogged for me about the Danish studies on two occasions. Head on over and check out Kristjan’s blog, Pro-Science. I’ll be adding it to my sidebar the next time I get a chance to revamp my […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Yawn. Yet more evidence that homeopathy is bunk

Apparently, while I’ve been at this meeting, Mayo Clinics Proceedings has published this systematic review of the scientific literature on the “efficacy” of homeopathy. Its conclusion: The evidence from rigorous clinical trials of any type of therapeutic or preventive intervention testing homeopathy for childhood and adolescence ailments is not convincing enough for recommendations in any […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine News of the Weird Quackery

Your Friday Dose of Woo: In the stream of things

It’s my last day in sunny Phoenix, and all I’ve done thus far is to go to conferences, work on a grant, and do a little blogging, usually late at night because I often have trouble falling asleep in hotel rooms, particularly given that the air conditioning always seems to be such that it’s either […]

Bioethics Clinical trials Medicine Surgery

Surgical research: “Tinkering” versus “innovation” versus “research”

Well, here I am in sunny Phoenix, having spent pretty much all of yesterday at the conference, sneaking in alterations to and practicing of my talk in between sessions. All in all not a bad day, although I spent the entire day indoors and didn’t get to partake of the bright and cheery warmth, which […]