Biology Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Train wreck, thy name is Egnor!

It figures. After my having written repeated debunkings of various physicians who are creationists (mostly of the “intelligent design” variety), in retrospect I should have seen this one coming. I should have seen that the Discovery Institute, eager to use anyone they can find whom they can represent to the public as having scientific credentials […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Rosie O’Donnell: Hanging skepticism upside down

Well, not exactly “no comment.” You know that Orac, being the annoyingly obnoxious skeptic that he is, has to put at least two cents in. This one’s just plain odd. I knew Rosie O’Donnell’s not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, and she also borders on being a creduloid, at least with respect […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine News of the Weird Quackery

Your Friday Dose of Woo: Harry Potter called and wants his broom back

It’s Friday, which means that it’s time once again to delve deeply into the world of woo, all for your edification and (I hope) education. Even though I started out with less motivation than usual for tending to the blog, it actually turned out to be yet another rather eventful and surprisingly productive week on […]

Announcements Medicine

Time for a Change of Shift!

The latest Change of Shift, the blog carnival for nursing, has been posted at Emergiblog. Enjoy!

Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking Surgery

Just when I thought I could put the paper bag away…

…That all around evolution-ignorant but nonetheless eager lapdog of the Discovery Institute, SUNY Stonybrook Professor of Neurosurgery Dr. Michael Egnor, is back. Rats. I thought that the utter drubbing he took at the hands of myself and my fellow ScienceBloggers (in particular PZ Myers) might have given him the message that he needs to lay […]