Announcements Blogging Medicine Science

Head on over to…

…Scientopia, a new science blogging collective that just opened shop today. You’ll note that several of its founding members are refugees from right here at Sb, including White Coat Underground, Good Math, Bad Math, Adventures in Ethics and Science, The Questionable Authority, This Scientific Life, and Thus Spake Zuska. There are also several other intriguing-looking […]


Another one gone…

…this time it’s Abel Pharmboy, who’s now here. Please reset your bookmarks. Farewell, friend. I’ll still be reading.

Announcements Blog housekeeping Blogging

Just a notice while I’m dithering over my future here at Sb…

…remember that the following three domains will always point to where I am: Also remember that, should anything happen, I still have my old Blogspot blog Respectful Insolence, which can be reactivated at a moment’s notice, as I did last year when an attempt at a software upgrade at ScienceBlogs took longer […]

Blogging Medicine Science

Bora and PalMD leave ScienceBlogs: What to do now?

I can’t believe it. I really can’t believe it. I really, really, really can’t believe it. Bora has left ScienceBlogs. Readers of just this blog probably don’t know what a body blow that is to the ScienceBlogs collective. Readers of multiple ScienceBlogs probably realize that Bora was the proverbial heart and soul of ScienceBlogs. It’s […]


Pepsigeddon claims Good Math, Bad Math

I learned with dismay this morning that blogchild Mark Chu-Carroll has decided to leave ScienceBlogs over our management’s incredibly bone-headed decision to host a blog written by PepsiCo. Given that Mark’s blog was the first (and, as far as I know, only) blog directly inspired by my efforts over the last few years, I find […]