Remember Dr. Sin Hang Lee?
If you don’t remember Lee, maybe you remember a while back, when the antivaccine group SaneVax touted findings that it claimed were devastating to Gardasil. Specifically, they claimed that there was vaccine-derived human papilloma virus DNA in Gardasi. Ring any bells yet? And it turns out that the guy who made this apparently horrific “discovery” was—you guessed it!—Dr. Sin Hang Lee. Back in 2011, Lee, apparently either funded by or working with SaneVax, “discovered” that there was DNA in his Gardasil. As I explained at the time, there was a lot less to this claim that meets the eye. Basically, Lee used a very sensitive nested PCR assay to amplify and detect what he claimed to be vaccine-derived sequences from the human HPV strains used to make the vaccine. Specifically, his nested system, as I explained at the time, can radically ramp up the sensitivity of the PCR assay. Of course, it can also radically increase the chances of amplifying a nonspecific strand of DNA.
Given that, it wasn’t too surprising that there might have been minuscule quantities of the recombinant plasmid used to make the protein antigens that go into the vaccine. At least, it wasn’t too surprising to me or anyone with a modicum of knowledge about how sensitive PCR is and how easy it is to get false positives. Even if Lee did everything right and actually did detect a bit of recombinant DNA from the HPV DNA used to make the vaccine. Does this matter? My answer, of course, was no, as was the answer of anyone who knew anything about vaccines and biologics. One factor to consider is how much DNA was present, which was almost certainly very, very little, given that it took nested PCR to detect it.
In fact, even if Dr. Lee’s analysis was completely correct correct and his new, allegedly more sensitive methodology had actually picked up previously undetected traces of HPV DNA from the plasmids used to make the HPV vaccine, it is, as I described before on multiple occasions, incredibly unlikely that such tiny amounts of DNA could cause problems because, as I explained, it’s incredibly difficult to get naked DNA into cells and making the proteins it normally makes, and, even if Dr. Lee were 100% correct about there being undetected HPV DNA in Gardasil, the quantities involved are many orders of magnitude less than what would be needed to have even a whiff of a wisp of a hope of the DNA getting into cells and making its protein. That’s even assuming it could pass the blood-brain barrier or that the DNA fragments were large enough to contain whole coding regions of genes with a proper promoter in front of them to drive their expression. I mean, it’s not as though whole plasmids are likely to have survived the vaccine manufacturing process, and that’s not counting the fact that Gardasil uses a yeast expression system while the other HPV vaccine Cervarix uses a baculovirus (insect) expression system, neither of which would be likely to drive significant expression in human cells.
So what we had was a fear mongering campaign derived from a nonexistent understanding of molecular biology. This campaign reached utterly ridiculous levels when the not-so-dynamic duo of HPV vaccine quackery, Sin Hang Lee and Christopher Shaw (who seems dedicated to the idea that somehow HPV DNA bound to the aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine is deadly) descended like ghouls on the corpses of two young women whose untimely deaths antivaccinationists have been trying to blame on Gardasil ever since they happened. This campaign reached a ridiculous extreme when they actually testified in an inquest in New Zealand into one of these two deaths, a young woman named Jasmine Renata, and tried, in essence, to claim that the poor woman’s body was riddled with HPV and that that HPV caused her death. It was an utterly despicable performance that Shaw, at least, followed up with an article in which he attempted to demonstrate that, in effect, Gardasil killed a young woman. It was not the least bit convincing.
And now Dr. Lee has taken his crack by publishing his paper related to the death of this same young woman in a paper published in an open-access journal I’ve never heard of entitled Detection of human papillomavirus L1 gene DNA fragments in postmortem blood and spleen after Gardasil® vaccination—A case report. Like Shaw’s paper, it’s a massive load of fetid dingo’s kidneys, and it won’t take that long to explain why.
First off, as I’ve always said before, you can tell what you’re in for in a paper by its introduction, and Lee’s introduction is a doozy. It’s full of anti-HPV tropes that would be more at home on the antivaccine propaganda blog Age of Autism (or SaneVax, for that matter). He does, however, inadvertently reveal what I’ve always suspected to be true about this case:
The parents of a formerly healthy New Zealand young woman who suffered a sudden unexpected death in sleep 6 months after Gardasil® vaccination requested testing for the presence of HPV L1 gene DNA in the post-mortem samples of their deceased daughter collected at the time of autopsy. Some of the consultants to the parents suggested that if residual HPV L1 gene DNA which is known to be present in the Gardasil® vaccine [8,9] were present in the postmortem samples, there might be a potential link between the residual HPV DNA and the un- explained death of their daughter. This paper reports the experience in developing a method for the detection and validation of minute quantities of HPV-16 L1 gene DNA in the postmortem blood and spleen obtained at autopsy. The data reported in this paper were extracted from a full report which was submitted to the Wellington coronial court at a public inquest held on August 8-9, 2012.
Who were these “consultants”? One wonders. Were they perhaps Sin Hang Lee and Christopher Shaw, aided and abetted by SaneVax? One wonders, one does. In any case, I wrote about the ridiculousness of letting Shaw and Lee testify at this inquest. One hopes that the committee listened politely and then completely ignored the pseudoscience as embodied in this paper.
So let’s take a look at what Lee did (or claims to have done). He took DNA isolated from these tissue samples and subjected him to his own new super-duper, super special, super sensitive nested PCR, looking for a 190 base pair sequence from the HPV L1 gene. As you might expect, given Lee’s background, there were…problems with his methodology. Rather than critiquing the exact primers he chose and how he went about doing his PCR, let’s step back and look at the experimental design from a bird’s eye view. Basically, he tested DNA from tissue samples from one young woman. There are no controls. How many people in the general population would test positive using Sin Hang Lee’s methodology? We don’t know because he hasn’t made an attempt to find negative controls, and without negative controls we don’t know that every tissue sample would test positive when subjected to his methodology. In fact, the only negative controls I saw mentioned anywhere were negative water controls. That’s perfectly fine to rule out nonspecific amplification that doesn’t depend on DNA (such as artifacts like primer-dimer, but it doesn’t tell you anything other than that.
Another issue is that troubles me is the way that Lee uses degenerate oligonucleotides. It’s worth going back to images I’ve sued before to illustrate nested PCR:

And here’s nested PCR:

Nested PCR can be very, very sensitive, even more sensitive than “simple” PCR, depending upon the number of amplification cycles used in each PCR step. It’s that sensitivity that allows nested PCR to amplify very tiny amounts of target sequence. Now, Lee used a combination of degenerate primers and non-degenerate primers. A degenerate primer is a primer in which some of the positions in the sequence contain more than one base; i.e., there is a mixture of primers with different nucleotides at that place. The reason this is done, generally, is to amplify sequences for which we know there are variations in the sequence. Alternatively, it is done when trying to amplify sequences based on the protein sequence. Because of the degeneracy of the genetic code, most proteins can be coded for by more than one codon of three nucleotides. Usually, the variable base is the third base in the codon, but not always. To account for those nucleotides, degenerate primers are sometimes used as a way of putting a “wildcard” in the positions that can have more than one base in nature. However, such primers have a downside. The more “wild cards” a researcher puts in his primer sequences, the larger the number of potential sites to which those primers can bind. What one gains in sensitivity for potential coding sequences to be detected, one loses in specificity. It’s a tricky balancing act that is not as straightforward as those without much experience in PCR realize.
That’s why in general we avoid using degenerate primers except for this sort of purpose: Trying to isolate a sequence where we know that certain positions can have different bases. If the target sequence that a researcher is trying to amplify by PCR is known (and, make no mistake, the HPV-16 L1 gene sequence used to make HPV vaccine is known), it’s usually a bad idea to use degenerate oligonucleotides, because doing so will decrease specificity and greatly increase the chance of amplifying what I like to call crap. Basically, I can’t figure out why Lee would use the method he’s using. Arguing that there is variability in the natural HPV-16 L1 sequence and he wants to pick that up won’t wash. In fact, he is aiming to detect the vaccine strain sequence; so detecting any natural HPV that might have come from warts or other HPV infections would actually be counterproductive to what he’s trying to accomplish: To detect the vaccine HPV-16 L1 sequence postmortem in Jasmine Renata. It’s almost as though he’s intentionally trying to muddy his findings. Maybe more than almost.
In any case, the same-nested procedure used by Lee, as far as I can tell, involved using degenerate primers for the first round of PCR, and then selecting one set of specific primers that make up the degenerate primer mixture and then using them to repeat the amplification. The idea is to start out less specific and then get more specific by removing the degenerate primers in the second round of PCR. The problem is, of course, garbage in, garbage out. The other problem is, as I said before, we don’t have any negative controls from tissue samples from people who were not vaccinated with Gardasil. The reason this is important is inadvertently described in Lee’s discussion:
Since the human genomic samples contain numerous DNA fragments which are substan- tially complementary to the base sequences of the HPV PCR primers, co-amplification of non-target DNAs of the human genome invariably occurs in the same-nested PCR settings when PCR amplicons are re-amplified with the same primer(s).
Of course, Lee did sequence several of his products. The first sequence was clearly not a pure sequence, but was contaminated with additional sequences, which prevented identification and validation of the PCR product. A couple of the PCR products that Lee sequenced (Figures 6 and 7) were in fact genomic DNA, and it took a lot of fiddling with different primers and conditions for Lee to get fragments that sequenced as HPV 190 base fragments. This suggests to me findings that aren’t robust, which suggests to me that it’s more likely that he’s amplifying contamination than anything else, which, given the multiple rounds of PCR would be very easy to have happen if even a single prep of the plasmid containing HPV L1 were done in the same lab as the PCR of the DNA from tissue samples. That’s yet another reason why controls from tissue samples derived from people who were not vaccinated would be important.
Here’s another thing that would be important. Lee claims that vaccine-derived HPV L1 DNA is somehow hanging around in the body and that it, in essence, might have killed Jasmine Renata. It’s not as if the sequence of the plasmid that is used to make the protein antigen used to make the vaccine isn’t known. Lee only looks at HPV L1 sequence that is inserted in the plasmid. If fragments of the original plasmid used to make the vaccine were in fact still in the vaccine and somehow magically did continue to hang around in the body after vaccination at concentrations detectable by PCR, then it should more than just L1 there. There should be random fragments derived from the whole plasmid, not just the L1 insert. There should be readily identifiable plasmid and promoter sequences. In fact, the sequence I’d look for is a sequence containing overlapping the promoter used in the plasmid. That way, you’d detect HPV L1 sequence attached to the specific yeast promoter used in the manufacturing process connected to known plasmid sequence. It’s the obvious thing to do, because, if that sequence were found, it would be very hard to explain any other way than coming from the plasmid used to make the vaccine. It would even be hard to explain by plasmid contamination because the plasmid containing the HPV-16 virus that Lee bought from ATCC to use as his positive control for PCR reactions because that virus is in Bluescript, which is an E. coli plasmid.
Lee didn’t choose to do that. One wonders why. He even acknowledges that he knows about this issue:
The presence of HPV-16 L1 gene DNA fragments of a vaccine origin indicates possible co-existence of other companion microbial DNA, such as DNA fragments of the plasmid pGAL110 and yeast cells which are used in the vaccine production by the manufacturer [2]. A poten- tial consequence of these viral and microbial DNA frag-ments with their unmethylated CpG motifs in macro-phages [41-46] is to cause release of various cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a recognized myocardial depressant [47-51]. TNF-induced hypoten- sive shock is a documented observation among animals [52,53] and humans [54,55]. To answer the question whether the quantity of these persistent viral or microbial DNA fragments can stimulate the macrophages to release enough TNF to generate a significant pathophysiological impact following Gardasil® vaccination needs expanded research.
Uh, no. Lee should have done the research right in the first place if he wanted to convince anyone by actually looking for the sequences I described above, specifically an amplicon (the DNA target sequence to be amplified by PCR) that encompasses part of the L1 gene, the promoter region used, and pGAL110 sequence that is directly attached to the insert. He could also look for yeast genomic DNA sequences, as he himself suggested. The combination of finding HPV-16 L1 sequences from the plasmid used to make the HPV vaccine plus yeast genomic DNA would be very supportive of his hypothesis. Instead, Lee claims to have amplified L1 DNA fragments “of vaccine origin.” Yet he hasn’t proven that they are of vaccine origin. To do that, he would actually have to amplify some pGAL110 plasmid sequence as well as L1. Then at the end he concocts a handwaving explanation to justify why he had so much trouble amplifying L1 from Jasmine Renata’s tissues when he can amplify HPV L1 DNA from the blood of women infected with HPV-16 in other studies, in which the HPV DNA isn’t in the normal B conformation or is somehow stabilized by binding to aluminum adjuvants. It’s utter nonsense.
Much like everything I’ve seen published by Lee on this topic. No wonder SaneVax and Age of Autism love it so. It’s kind of sad, given that Lee clearly has some skill at PCR, that he chooses to use it for such a silly application in the service of antivaccine fear monger. As a physician with these mad PCR skillz, he really should know better. He should even know just how tiny the amount of HPV-16 L1 DNA there could possibly be in the vaccine, given that he could only detect it with a very sensitive nested PCR test and that that amount is so tiny that it is incredibly unlikely to hang around in the body for more than six months and be detectable in the tissues postmortem, much less cause harm.
Yet Lee chooses not to know.
715 replies on “Dr. Sin Hang Lee is at it again with his usual Gardasil fearmongering”
Perhaps someone could clarify/simplify for me…
If HPV capsid L1 fragments are present in the vaccine – what of it? Isn’t that the whole point of the vaccination in the first place? As long as they are of a form unable to replicate I can’t see the problem.
If these fragments are still detectable in the host following vaccination, what is that meant to mean clinically (if they are truly there and not just false positives)? Is the hypothesis that these fragments somehow induce some sort of clinical disease? What disease? And by what mechanism could they cause death?
How do the antivaxers plausibly join the dots between points that are not even on the same page of paper, but in different dimensions?
I’ve been wondering:
He is looking for a specific fragment of the HPV. A sequence of 190 base pairs. So, is it possible that the same sequence of 190 base pairs is present in the human genome or any other bacterial or viral genome that may be present in the tissue?
Also, I don’t think you sued the pictures.
An unusual use of PCR to amplify how wrong you are about something.
Scary thing is he probably thinks he’s on some sort of crusade against vaccination when all it really does is prevent a really horrible disease
“…in a paper published in an open-access journal I’ve never heard of… ”
And again the dark side of Open Access publishing raises its ugly head. The author pays to have his/her research published which of course makes it tempting to a certain kind of company to except and publish every garbage just to get those fees.
I had a quick look at the journal this “paper” is published in and the publisher SCIRP is on the list of so-called “predatory publishers” that the librarian Jeffrey Beall compiled ( This means that this publisher is suspected to be the kind of company that doesn´t care for a proper peer review for the sake of the quick money. SCIRP even has its own Wikipedia entry which consists mainly of the negative headlines it made in the past.
While Open Access is in general a good idea to get your research a wide audience that does not need to pay the often incredibly high subscription fees for scientific journals, it is also open to abuse like this. Predatory publishers can make quick money without regard for scientific integrity and cranks can get their woo out in a “peer-reviewed scientific” journal without any scrutiny by real scientists – a marriage made in hell.
A degenerate primer is a primer in which some of the positions in the sequence contain more than one base; i.e., there is a mixture of primers with different nucleotides at that place.
Basically a wild-card search, then?
I still can’t fathom how the anti-vaccine crowd has convinced themselves that substances / inanimate stuff / dead viruses, etc. are supposed to massively replicate themselves in the human body….perhaps using some kind of “Quantum Reproduction?”
Given the levels of mercury or, in the is case, HPV, that is claimed to exist – where, supposedly, does it come from? Given no biological mechanism exists for replication?
Better yet, why is so sensitive a test necessary, when supposedly such large and horribly effecting quantities of these materials are supposedly found……amazing what people can convince themselves of, once they’ve entered the conspiracy bubble….
“Who were these “consultants”? One wonders.”
Indeed. I’d like to see him name them. Quoting accurately what they said would be a bonus. My guess originally was that these “consultants” were either members of SaneVax or local anti-vaccination proponents (for want of a better term) “assisting” the Renatas, but you’re right – they could be Lee himself and/or Shaw.
Another thought that bothers me is that if traces amounts of the HPV DNA from an ‘ordinary’ wart can make it’s way into the body, that would want to be ruled out too.
dingo199: That’s what Orac is getting at with his second and third paragraphs.
Pris: The idea is that the primers are specific enough to identify the target, but in practice this isn’t always simple. (See the figures Orac shows, esp. the second.)
hdb: Yup, nice way of putting. Varying/wildcarded in the particular positions that are degenerate.
Grant, I supose I have just posed the questions differently from Orac. But what I want to know is why do the antivaxers think that this matters, and how it could cause disease or death? Surely there must be some vaguely plausible concept they are floating here. OTOH they could just be as kooky as QuantumMAN.
As I understand it Lee and Shaw claim that the aluminum in the vaccine attaches to the HPV antibody and to residual DNA which then hitch a ride to the brain in white blood cells. Normally the blood brain barrier would stop WBCs from entering the brain, but a severe immune reaction can break the BBB down, letting then in. L & S claim that the vaccine causes such a reaction, allowing these white blood cells to deposit HPV antibodies and/or DNA in the brain where they cause an inflammatory reaction and sometimes death. A number of steps in this scenario seem extremely implausible to me, but not in the same league of kookiness as QuantumMAN..
To borrow from a recent Twitter meme:
We would’ve used proper PCR, but it would have invalidated this paper #overlyhonestmethods
I can only conclude that given Sin Hang Lee’s expertise that he is intentionally gaming his assay to produce a desired result. You don’t use degenerate primers when the sequence target is known. Also, given the small amplicon size, why not quantitative real-time PCR? Even if there is vaccine-derived HPV genomic fragments there, so what? As Orac stated, it’s no easy task for recombination or expression to occur and highly implausible that there is any appreciable immune response. It sure plays to an ignorant audience though.
If having minute fragments of HPV DNA in your system predisposed to sudden death, we would have long since noted an epidemic of women dropping dead all around us from “natural” HPV infections.
I have to admit I stopped reading after the part about Lee not using negative controls. His “research” became a load of crap right then and there.
On the subject of vaccination, there was an interesting op-ed in USA Today 1/8 by a physician, protesting the firing of health care workers who don’t comply with regulations mandating influenza vaccination.* It struck me as an unsavory form of special pleading (if physicians are going to support mandatory immunization for kids (as they should), they shouldn’t try to duck out of required shots for themselves on the basis that flu shots aren’t all that effective or shown to prevent X amount of deaths in health care settings). Might be a good subject for an Orac takedown…
@Dangerous Bacon
The Massachusetts Nurses Association is protesting mandatory masking policies at hospitals and clinics that require staff to wear a mask if they are not vaccinated against influenza.
In related news:
Yesterday, Gary Null’s anti- flu vaccine fearmongering was aided and abetted by Dr Tom Jefferson ( Cochrane Database Collaboration, Rome) who appeared ( Gary Null Show/ Progressive Radio Network/ about 44 minutes in- 58 minutes):
when asked about the safety and efficacy of the flu vaccine for pregnant women, Jefferson made statements about pregnancy not being an illness and pregnant women being therefore healthy adults( studies are about healthy adults though not pregnant) but noted how many people needed to vaccinated in order to prevent one case of “symptoms” ( 33-99) and said that “harm is under-studied”. He was taught in med school that with pregnancy ” the less you do the better”. Because of the foetus, he advises being “cautious”.There are few studies he adds.
Encouraging, n’est-ce pas?
He advises more studies in general ( Big News!)
In 2009, his review of flu vaccines found “only 5% to be reliable”. Of course, “industry-funded research” is more likely to be” published in prestigious journals”.
The ” good science is under-studied”, there is “little good research” and there are “tons of bad studies”.
I’m sure that his quotes will make the rounds at anti-vax sites like a supplement salesperson at a natural health convention. In other words- they fit right in and mingle well.
As an added bonus, Null hosts the two nurses who lost their jobs because of their flu vaccine refusal. ( after Jefferson).
Null has a new anti flu vax article up ( @ PRN) and presents one whose authors include Jefferson ( DIMicheli et al).
These are malevolent evil vaccine DNA fragments, they kill you. Not like the beneficial natural HPV DNA that gives you livelong immunity from itself.
I deliberately included details from Jefferson because – although I’m not sure if it was due to his own choice or Null’s questions- the material focused upon risks, cautions and reports of inefficacy, bias and bad research without one mention of benefit. He could have slipped a few words in but didn’t.
Null summed up ( after TJ left) about how figures cited about influenza deaths are misleading ( pneumonia not flu).
Alt media continually uses this method: emphasising negative aspects and neglecting to discuss positives. Isn’t science supposed to explore the entire situation as it exists in the real world?
@Denise – it is cause & effect….a lot of people wouldn’t get pneumonia & die, if they didn’t get the flu first and have it progress…..idiots.
Now why did he have to do that? Dr. Jefferson is an asset to evidence-based medicine; he makes valid criticisms of industry research. But why belittle yourself and trash your credibility by associating yourself with NVIC and now (even worse) Gary Null?
Got any links?
Orac…Gary Null/Tom Jefferson interview
Missouri nurse fired for refusing to wear a surgical mask after declining flu vaccination:
“Brock was let go when she told her superiors that she would not put on a surgical mask. It’s the kind the hospital requires for employees — like Brock — who are not vaccinated against the flu.”
“A board-certified holistic nurse, Brock said, “I have spiritual and religious reasons to not have those toxins in my body.”
“Brock is speaking out because she believes the hospital’s new requirement to wear the mask amounts to a scarlet letter; CoxHealth says it is simply putting the patient first.”
What exactly are the “religious” and “holistic” justifications for not wearing a surgical mask? And Brock admits her “religious” exemption from flu vaccination was essentially bogus:
“In early September, Brock sought and was granted a religious exemption, although she admits she’s more “spiritual” than “religious.”
I would rather she be suspended and required to take CME on infectious disease and what constitutes a “toxin” rather than be fired – but the hospital has to protect its patients.
Note: one hospital I work at requires all staff – doctors and nurses included – to wear masks if they don’t get the flu vaccine.
@DB – so, she doesn’t want the vaccine & the refuses the alternative too? That just doesn’t make any sense and seems like she was asking to get fired……
@ Science Mom:
You know, I listened to the tape twice and for the life of me, I can’t hear anything that tells me that there was a massive edit. But you never know. Although I am now also starting to get suspicious about Jefferson- he seems to get quoted often by woos.
I would think that if I were ever interviewed by a person who was fixated against SBM and had spurious credentials – first of all I probably wouldn’t grace their outlet with my presence- if I did show up, I would be very careful of how I spoke. Let’s say it was about psychiatric meds: I would preface or conclude any remark I made about side effects or risks with a mention of how these meds assist many people. He doesn’t seem to notice Null’s leading questions and address his bias which I think is apparent.
Nulls says that there are “flaws in the data” and Jefferson agrees mentioning his own review which found only 5% of vaccine studies reliable. Now that’s leaving a wanker lots of room to wank in.
I wonder if he’s following the path of Montagnier?
These nurses really do sound like whiny little children. And like you say, so what if she has spiritual/religious objections to flu shots? That has nothing to do with wearing a droplet barrier to protect her patients.
Anyone who criticises the evil Pharma is going to get quoted by the woos. Ben Goldacre was often cited by the anti-vaxxers until he thrashed their sacred cow St. Andy. Heck even I have been held up as an authority by them when I have proffered a criticism of a vaccine recommendation or industry practice. But you don’t pander to them as Dr. Jefferson is doing; it’s a really bad move for his credibility and I’m having a hard time believing he is that naive. The Cochrane Collaboration is very important and he shouldn’t be risking putting a stain on it particularly when there are so many legitimate outlets for him to use.
Can the hospital state the patients have spiritual reasons not to get in touch with unvaccinated personal? If health-reasons aren’t worth more, than spiritual or religious reasons?
I guess Brock has done me a favour in making me learn what a “scarlet letter” is. Perhaps she’s done public health another one by getting herself fired.
The use of the word “toxins” is all that was required. One might think that such people could at least do a little homework.
The flu’s a respiratory condition, right? Pneumonia as a result of a respiratory virus seems logical to me.
Could be worse in those hospitals… Healthcare workers in BC got a one year reprieve from the “vaccine vs mask” edict recently.
To be fair, the method and primers that Lee uses is indeed appropriate for the detection of HPV L1. I put all his primers, degenerate and otherwise, into BLAST-PCR and they indeed return only HPV L1, no sequences of human origin or any other non-HPV organism. So it’s not a valid criticism to say that his use of ‘degenerative’ primers is inappropriate, or somehow invalidates the paper.
The real problem here is that he’s not showing what he claims he’s showing. That is, it’s not sufficient to merely identify the presence of HPV L1, he must also show the origin of such sequences, as Orac points out. That, and the fact that he simply has no proper controls.
But let’s not get focused on the method, it is indeed an appropriate method, it’s just pointed at the wrong target.
(Though, like Science Mom, I would have much preferred an RT-qPCR approach)
More total awesomeness from Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology: When they retracted (disappeared, actually) “Molecular Genetic Program (Genome) Contrasted against Non-molecular Invisible Biosoftware in the Light of the Quran and the Bible,” they repaginated.
To be fair, the method and primers that Lee uses is indeed appropriate for the detection of HPV L1. I put all his primers, degenerate and otherwise, into BLAST-PCR and they indeed return only HPV L1, no sequences of human origin or any other non-HPV organism. So it’s not a valid criticism to say that his use of ‘degenerative’ primers is inappropriate, or somehow invalidates the paper.
Point taken. 😀
Quote fail but hopefully all is clear.
Science Mom,
You wrote: “I can only conclude that given Sin Hang Lee’s expertise that he is intentionally gaming his assay to produce a desired result.”
I haven’t read the paper but it’s possible the degeneracy is to cover known variation in HPV strains.
There’s two aspects here: the method itself and the application of the method. Lee may well have technical expertise in the chemistry of PCR, etc., but his biology in applying the method and interpreting the results is awful.
Presume for a moment that the method is just fine. He cannot conclude or even imply what he finds is from a vaccine as he has no means to do that. Nor can he imply that finding this DNA would indicate a means for a vaccine to cause the death of the patient. That would be pure speculation (and poor speculation at that given the biology involved) as even were sound evidence of vaccine-derived DNA present, you’d still have to establish that the DNA would do anything harmful or anything much at all.
(Having written this, I see AdamG has expressed similar thoughts.)
(My own personal opinion) Dr. Tom Jefferson’s television interviews during the Swine Flu pandemic lead me to believe that he is biased toward public health and toward influenza vaccine manufacturers as well, based on some sort of conspiracy theories.
and here on Swedish TV…
Actually, I don’t think that would have been the right approach, given that he’s looking for DNA fragments, not evidence that the HPV-16 L1 RNA is being expressed, and it’s also very likely that RNA would be very degraded in a postmortem sample. Just sayin’.
OT but related… There’s a study circulating in the anti-vax realm about mumps vaccinations failing significantly in a specific Jewish population. Anybody dissected and debunked that one yet?
Check out her Web site.
Lilady, you mean he is biased against vaccine manufacturers shirley?
I think the authors of that one explained the unusual occurrence of spread on extremely intense transmission opportunities (though why there was still reduced protection offered against infection is unclear to me).
They said vaccination was successful in that it confined the outbreaks to the small epicenters of jewish schools and protected the rest of the community.
Whoops! I should have clarified that I was referring to Real Time qPCR (for DNA), not Reverse Transcibed qPCR (for RNA) as Orac took it to mean. The nomenclature on these two is often interchanged and even in the literature it’s rather confusing…RT-qPCR refers to the DNA assay in my lab but I see this is not universal.
Yup, Brock endorses rank cancer quackery:
One might wonder whether her employers were fully apprised of this side venture or that she advocates nurses’ pushing “spirituality,” defined as “a force that provides the ability to transcend the natural laws and orders of this life, allowing access to a mysterious or transcendent dimension.”
(Watch for the lame excuse, Dingo199)
I was busy posting on the Ho-Po about the Goshen Hospital nurses who were fired for not complying with their employer’s mandated flu vaccine, and an HPV vaccine thread. (I also linked to today’s RI article on Dr. Lee.)
Thanks for the correction. 🙂
dedicated lurker: Yep, exactly so. I didn’t manage to get an influenza vaccine this year despite asking for it twice, and I’m now getting over pneumonia secondary to influenza. It was a real trip.
All of the personnel at my doctor’s office wear little slips showing they’ve been vaccinated for influenza (100% uptake rate) and they make patients showing respiratory symptoms mask up when they come in.
I have about zero sympathy for these whiny jerks and their “toxin” BS. What about the “toxins” the pathogen was putting into my (still-painful) lung, dammit? I would bloody hope that any alleged healthcare “professional” who pulled a routine like that would be fired. All that education, and still pulling that crap; there’s no hope for them.
She’s not a nurse. She does not represent anything that a real nurse should. She is endangering people, especially those with respiratory conditions. If she won’t even wear a mask, she should be fired. Does she wash her hands?
Well, she has a license. On the other hand, her “non-thesis” (PDF) opines that “the emphasis on a medical approach to patient care in nursing education and practice is leading the nursing profession dangerously close to the medical model of cure and away from its holistic origins.”
Maybe it’s just me, but if I’m in a hospital, I’m kind of going to be expecting application of this “model.”
That was a figure of speech, but I would guess you understood that. As I sit here listening to my bronchial passages gurgling from whatever flu/cold epidemic is going around, I offer to breathe on her without a mask.
That Carla Brock is a real lulu. I see from the website that she and her colleagues have set up a nifty Internet practice ($60 an hour for several initial and any followup “consultations”). Better yet, before they’ll accept you as a patient, you have to become a member of the “American Healthiatry Association” by signing a document that amounts to an elaborate Quack Miranda Warning:
“I, ___________________________________ hereby grant the Power of Attorney to Healthiatry Consultant: __________________________to act on my behalf as a health consultant, and to perform, or have performed, whatever testing is needed to best ascertain the status of my health from the Healthiatry perspective, and to prepare a suggested health building program for the improvement of my health, and all such services incidental thereto, which I have a legal and lawful right to perform for myself, and I agree to hold him/her blameless for any and all such acts.
I recognize that the health and nutritional information given me may be unorthodox and revolutionary, and may not be currently utilized or approved by the medical profession, the Food and Drug Administration, nor any “recognized health authority”. I also recognize that such information and suggestions may even be deemed unwise, unsound, or unsafe by conventional medical authorities.
Having been informed of the controversial nature of a natural and nutritional approach to building health, I have, of my own free will chosen to consider this alternative method. I have read the principles, methods, philosophy and Scope of Practice of Healthiatry and, being of sound mind, I give my consent for a specific health building program to be prepared for me according to those principles.
I further state that I am aware that the services of a Healthiatry Consultant and the suggested nutritional and health programs are not for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, alleviation, mitigation, care or cure of any disease of any kind or nature whatsoever. I agree that I am responsible for obtaining qualified medical assistance for any “disease” or “pathological condition” if I so desire.”
My holistic quack-o-meter is sounding off loudly.
@DB – holey-crap, they let anybody put these things together……let’s see “revolutionary & unorthodox”….wow, quack meter is off the scale!
I haven’t seen reading this high since the Mass Sponge Migration of 1926….
The scope-of-practice statement is pretty good of itself: “The Healthiatrist uses only AHA approved tests, nutritional and supplement regimens and the use of any testing procedure or recommendations outside this Scope of Practice is grounds for removal of the right to practice under the name of Healthiatry.” Pretend medicine always combines well with pretend lawyering.
Oh, and she may want your stool.
“the emphasis on a medical approach to patient care in nursing education and practice is leading the nursing profession dangerously close to the medical model of cure and away from its holistic origins.”
SO a lady who is actively opposed to “a medical approach to patient care” is fighting for her right to take her Typhoid Mary act into a hospital. What?
I saw that and commented about it here. I also ran across it on my tablet news app as a NaturalNews story, word for word:
They both claim that 97% percent of the mumps cases had been vaccinated, when the NEJM paper actually said 97% of the cases were that particular Jewish community. Big difference.
I just checked the original article I found, it is gone. It looks like the chiropractor was not only lying, but plagiarizing.
Brock also has a sorta-blog.
From the sorta-blog:
” we have quite a following!! And we believe that is due to the integrity of our message and our own pure intention”
Either she’s better at tongue-in-cheek commentary than I am ( which is not at all likely)
or the self-evaluation part of her executive functioning can use a little more energy or healing.
I went to the fired holistic nurse’s website. I didn’t get as far as that crazy ultra-quack-miranda thing; I couldn’t get past the word “New-trition” at the top.
Newtrition — a process of gradual erosion by newts.
Oh, I thought I should issue a warning to the un-initiated:
earlier today I guided readers over to the Progressive Radio Network for the Jefferson interview by Null; if you should go to their home page, you will be greeted by links to articles and shows involving anti-vaccinationism (“The Great Flu Vaccine Hoax: Lie’s (sic) About Its Efficacy and Safety”), hiv/aids denialism ( Christain Fiala), anti-psychiatry ( Peter Breggin), a forecast by “trends analyst”, Gerald Celente- who is profoundly anti-reality- AND video testimonials..I think that that has to be some kind of a record.
I would exercise extreme caution if I were not already de-sensitivised to the level of blather intrinsic in this content.
You never know when your head might explode. And who would want that?
Anne Dachel at AoA has alerted her readership to go and post at the Sacramento Bee about childhood vaccines.
All the “usual suspects” have posted including the Dachel bot, the NVIC and CIA Parker/Cynthia Parker…
I’ve posted there and I could use some help.
At least she objects to the MYTH OF FIBER.
S, why are you sick? Didn’t you get your flu shot? Or did you and it just didn’t work?
Keeping it classy eh Jen?
Dr. Sin’s (or is it Dr.Lee’s, I’m never sure) results remind me a bit of people who think alternating the “zoom” and “sharpen” buttons in Photoshop for a couple dozen cycles actually brings out tiny details. There’s one guy who has found invisible crystal palaces in the backgrounds of the Apollo moon pictures – really he’s just ramped up the black-sky scanner and image artifacts – and of course we all remember the “Face on Mars” folk.
Unrelated, but as an amateur (in the old sense) of Latin and Greek, “Healthiatry” annoys me greatly.
“Lee.” It’s second only to “Kim” as a Korean family name.
dedicated lurker: Yes, the flu is a respiratory virus. Flu+ pnumonia together are quite effective killers- a lot of victims of the 1918 pandemic succumbed to the pnumonia that followed the flu.
DW: when asked about the safety and efficacy of the flu vaccine for pregnant women, Jefferson made statements about pregnancy not being an illness and pregnant women being therefore healthy adults( studies are about healthy adults though not pregnant) but noted how many people needed to vaccinated in order to prevent one case of “symptoms” ( 33-99) and said that “harm is under-studied”.
I hate when people do this. Even I know that a healthy pregnant woman has a depressed immune system. As I understand it, the immune system is dialed back to prevent white blood cells from attacking the fetus, but as a result, the white blood cells are prevented from attacking anything else-like the flu. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Loose question because I’m trying not to get distracted – did Lee sequence what he PCR’d up, or is he asserting it’s a match based on the PCR yielding something (of the right size) – ?
@ Politialguineapig:
I know but you see, he’s the doctor – and we’re not. So obviously he knows what he’s talking about which would be especially appreciated as he is addressing a public health expert, the interviewer, about the inefficacy and risk of vaccines.
Please don’t look at me like that.
-As I said previously : tongue-in-cheek commentary, I has mad skillz.
@ Denice Walter,
Appeal to authority 😉
@Jen, I got my flu shot. Two weeks later, around December 26 I started feeling sick. It has progressed into a really bad respiratory thing. I wouldn’t call it the flu, since I don’t have a fever or major GI problems. I have a history of pneumonia though.
@ Grant:
AdamG upthread:
But not the amplicon sequence itself. The link to the Lee paper doesn’t seem to be working so I can’t see if the GenBank # is reported.
Hold on, just got link working and will take a look but the abstract doesn’t look so good.
S – Jen’s a troll from under the AoA bridge. She’s particularly fond of raving about things that “cause” autism. My favourite was her “Paracetamol/acetaminophen causes ASDs” theory.
Jen – here’s a mindblowing fact to consider: even if every vaccine on earth was 100% effective (a claim never made) there will always be people who cannot be vaccinated. That’s why herd immunity is important.
Also, influenza mutates so rapidly that until we have the ability to whip up vaccinations (against a particular strain) on the spot, the NNT will always be fairly high, when compared to. other VPDs.
I’m sure someone as intelligent as yourself realises that, without tests, it’s impossible to know whether someone complaining of ‘flu’ has actual influenza, a flu-like illness, or a cold. Therefore infection rates based on self-reporting do not give a true picture.
Actually those are two different persons calling themselves “Jen.” The one who does not like “Paracetamol/acetaminophen” lives in Texas, and now posts with “Jen, TX ” or “Jen from Texas.” She is quite unhappy with the treatment received at “Thougthful House”, and often posts jabs at the Johnson family and their company. Other than that, she has opened her mind to science.
On the other hand, the Jen you responded to lives in Canada. She does not have an open mind, and for a while would post several sock puppets on one thread. She has stopped this practice because the only thing she pried open her skull to take in was Orac’s warning that she would be banned if she did it again.
They are two separate people.
There is no GenBank deposit by Lee for this and in section 2.4 of the paper:
So we’re down to a 45-60 bp fragment and no GenBank accession number. Will someone else take a look at figures 4 and 5 electropherograms and see if those align with the sequence he says is a 100% match?
Jefferson made statements about pregnancy not being an illness and pregnant women being therefore healthy adults
Old age is not an illness. Nonagenarians are therefore healthy adults.
Infancy is not an illness. Newborn infants are therefore healthy adults.
Nasty “Jen” also posts under “jened” on the Ho-Po. She posted a vicious remark at a woman who had just detailed the death of her husband from head and neck cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. Her comments were removed by the moderator:
@ herr doktor bimler: Orac took a few swipes at Dr. Jefferson during the H1N1 pandemic. He’s a media whore who enjoys the attention he gets by being a brave maverick doctor.
Ken wrote:
You’re not alone.
It occurs to me that a degree of linguistic conservatism may be adaptive in scaring you away from quacks, who collectively seem just as addicted to jarring neologism as to bad logic.
Just one, please?
Healthiatry is pretty bad too. Why is it that so many cranks feel the need to invent new words all the time, and do it so badly? New-trition? Healthiatry? And here, I thought “dis-ease” was dumb enough. (Ooh, we’ll be all mavericky and stuff because we put a HYPHEN in it so people know how clever we are at noticing a word’s etymology!) New-trition is stupid. (“She turned me into a newt!” “A newt?” “I got better.”) But I agree; healthiatry is the linguistic equivalent of fingernails on chalkboard.
Recently the sites I survey appear to be discouraging use of the flu vaccine- especially PRN and Natural News.
Interestingly enough, it is winter in the northern hemisphere, the season when flu is more likely to occur there and occasionally lead to more serious conditions.
Two articles from
Flu increasing in Europe, more 2009 H1N1-
the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control reports widespread flu in Belgium, Denmark, France, Norway and England; regional activity in Italy and the Netherlands etc.
CDC: Seasonal flu rising sharply-
NYC and 29 states experience high rates of influenza-like illness etc.
Alt media: safeguarding public health as usual, exhibiting their storied compassion for their fellow and sister humans’ suffering unlike those SBM creatures.
( cavalierness personified- see my comments on Tom Jefferson, above)
Went to the sacbee blog entry, lilady.
When someone believes it’s meaningful to express the amount of mercury present in a molecule of thimerosal in terms of “per cent by volume” they’re clearly too ignorant of the most basic principles of chemistry to participate in a discussion regarding its safety.
I’m imagining the following scenario:
you live in a large city in one of the countries mentioned- let’s say NY or London- you work in an office with perhaps, 70 other people and ride on the train with hundreds. Maybe you shop in a grocery that enjoys brisk business all day long and then visit a bank during your lunch hour . After work, you might eat in a curry restaurant with friends and then have a drink. You pay for this with money or cards.
If you were to follow the instructions of woo-meisters, you might believe that as long as you get enough vitamin D ( or C), you’ll be fine. A pint of green juices and learning how to de-stress might help too. Perhaps the turmeric in the curry might protect you. As will ginger and cayenne.
Dream on, oh un-perturbed dreamer.
Yes, you’ll be fine. There’s no need for vaccines ever because natural, Gaia-blest healthy immunity wards off viruses and bacteria. And clean-living, I forgot that.
I BLAST-ed the ~200bp sequence from the electropherogram in figures 4 and 5 and came up with this:
It is not 100% identity with the genome sequence Lee claimed it was but did come up as a 99-100% match for HPV-16 L1 gene partial cds. There is some really weird disparity going on here.
Don’t forget proper emotional intent, denice. Not only dod you have to get the vitamin D, green juices, get reiki to balance your chakras, accunpuncture to unblock your meridians, and meditate to relieve toxic stress but you have to do it really, really sincerely..
Otherwise when you do become sick even after following all their recommendations they can’t turn around and blame you for the failure–you just didn’t want good health enough.
And of course some fasting and detoxing is needed as well.
@ JGC: I know you posted at the Sacramento Bee blog. I think the guy you posted at, is the same one who posts his droppings on AoA…and the father of Vito (click the attachment to see the Vaccine Court’s decision):
Some of the other RI regulars have posted there and this morning I took on the Hannah Poling case.
@ JGC:
I think that ‘proper emotional intent’ is part of ‘clean living’:
serenity, gratefulness, mindfulness, promoting peacefulness, spirituality, sustainability and naturalness, naturally. Without anger and greed.
Sounds about right.
@ lilady:
I really have to hand it to you: I just survey and explore the swamps, creating maps of their muckiness, you have it out with the swamp folk.
So despite having failed to prove his argument to a judge where the standard for proof is “50% and a feather”, Victor’s going argue with people who actually understand the science that he’s right? Woner how well that will work for him …
@Denice Walter
And any failure is simply because you didn’t believe enough. But we’re not blaming you, you faithless heathen. No, deary, it’s not your fault you just lack the mental and spiritual fortitude to be healthy.
@ Todd W.:
You are correct: they are truly peaceful, kind, accepting human beings.. even when they’re ranting, raving and demanding someone’s head.
The sequences from Figures 4 and 5 are overlapping ones in the L1 gene. The entire sequence is a 99% match to the isolate (HPV16 16W12E) he cites. It’s a 100% match to other HPV16 isolates.
I am a mother of a Gardasil vaccine injured child. Blistering rash starting apx 3 weeks after the first vaccine (provider said no connected to Gardasil)
She ended up with a shingles dx and a recommendation: “don’t look on the internet this has nothing to do with Garadsil”.
3 weeks after the second shot she developed hives. The hives never went away. Her immunologist said there was no connection to Gardasil and thought she should get the third shot so that she could be protected from Cancer. She got the third and final shot on July 11, 2012.
All you jerks on here who are so crass in your disgust about “anti- vax” moms have no idea what we are going through in 2013. NO IDEA!
After her third shot of Gardasil her hives became a crisis! She had dermatographism, angioedema, severe pain (a 7 most of the time on a 0-10 scle) in her fingers around her joints, in her toes and in her knees. Her joints hurt so bad she had a hard time to walk. She had deep red wheals on her hands and feet. About 5 – 6 weeks after the last shot…for a few days she would become pale, have waves of nausea and need to sit down. She vomited over a few days and was extremely tired. She also had a severe headache. Since EVERY doctor involved refuse to even talk about Gardasil being the cause it drove me on line to find out what in the world is going on here.
Thousands of other girls also have autoimmune and autoimmune initiated neurological disease developing within a month after Gardasil. Most do not show symptoms right away and it seems a lot of them are showing symptoms weeks out from the shot….2-4 weeks usually. After the symptoms start they wax and wane, some days are better than others, you might have a stretch where the symptoms seem under control and you think they might go away and then they come back again, seems to be a week or 2 of mild to moderate symptoms followed by a few days to a week where her symptoms are so bad she looks like something out of a horror movie with scratch marks puffed up all over her face (dermatographism) hives and wheals so she is limping around. All the kids and teachers in her class have seen it and I have spoken with the school board, superintendent and district nurse. These people have her entire medical record and I have given them all the information from Diane Harper as to the efficacy problems and the safety issues as she has stated Gardasil does cause autoimmune disease, it does cause death and it did cause both of those in clinical trials, and it was placed on the market without being fully tested. NONE of that is told to the parent (ME) before their child is vaccinated.) Yes I have a lawyer and yes I have it in writing from an expert that Gardasil is the cause of my daughter’s urticaria and arthralgias.
This is OBVIOUSLY due to Gardasil. You “Pro – vaxers” will reply with some kind of bull crap statement about how it could be any number of things. Sorry, nothing was different NOTHING except Gardasil. So easy for physicians to say….NOPE not connected sorry we just don’t have any idea why your daughter has developed urticaria, arthralgais, dermatographism, angioedema, headaches, nausea, fatigue, muscle pain, (she had tingling underneath her toe nails for a few days…that was fleeting and went away but as a nurse I know there was a neurological component going on there, the nausea, headache, dizzy feeling, tingling, all went away slowly over a few weeks and I am so very thankful for that. She is just left with urticaria (including hives and wheals), dermataographism, angioedema, arthralgais, It was all triggered by Gardasil and anyone who says it wasn’t is doing so to protect their position.
I am one of the anti – vax moms you are talking about and I have to tell you…. I am very curious about these HPV 16L1 fragments that were found to be bound to aluminum in Gardasil. If there is HPV L1 fragments in the blood stream bound to aluminum (which has a half life of years) how would the macrophages be able to get rid of it? They eat this complex and my daughter’s immune system is going CRAZY on her….very likely that her blood brain barrier could be open. What happens with this soup of biochemistry? If you would have fully studied it MERCK, like you should have been obligated to do maybe you would know!
I should NEVER have given her those shots because you don’t have a CLUE what is happening inside her. I should NEVER have listened to your stupid one less commercials! You lied to me! My daughter will not be sexually active with in the 5 years it has been proven to be effective, my daughter has received this vaccine for absolutely no benefit and received a so far permanent autoimmune disorder because of it. That is not the worst part. Being abused by the medical field as you go from dr. to dr. and ask for help and they look at you and shrug their shoulders and call it insidious. I asked the rheumatologist “This vaccine is injected into the muscle….and then WHAT HAPPENS? What in this vaccine has caused my daughters illness?” He leaned forward and said to me “We are still going to have patients get this vaccine” That is a true story I even documented it in my letter to VAERS. (I requested 5 times, by the way, for my dr. office to report this to VAERS but I have looked and there is nothing from them. This just confirms what I am telling you. No one will admit it, it doesn’t matter if symptoms are due to Gardasil or not it will be refused until you get a lawyer. So when the CDC states they are doing research they are it does not include following up on these cases. They are telling all dr.s that there is no possibility beyond immediate reaction that symptoms are caused by Gardasil because that is the only thing they list on the CDC handout. It states hypersensitivity……then immediately talks about allergy. No one is suspecting an immune response within weeks that may be caused by Gardasil causing the child to be revaccinated with a vaccine that is already causing a drug reaction. I should not have to explain to anyone why this is dangerous or how disgusting it is that no one is addressing this problem. My face went white when the rheumatologist said that to me and my daughter and I got very quiet. I now knew that the government, the physicians knew these injuries were happening and they do not give a crap! They do not have any concern what so ever for the injured accept to try like heck to discredit them. I had nightmares for days knowing now just what kind of medical field we have in the United States and how tightly it is all connected to money. I let the supervisor of that office know I would never return and why. That was a very hurtful and devastating thing to say to a mother and child who are going through the worst situations in their lives. I read the stories of the 2 girls that died. I was so scared. I didn’t want to leave her side. I couldn’t sleep, was up at 4 a.m. every morning. I found a support group on Facebook with other mothers who’s children are going through all kinds of illness after Gardasil and they are petitioning the vaccine court. Their concerns are real, they are all autoimmune and neurological and all symptoms started with in weeks of Gardasil. PLENTY of injured that I know never got a lawyer. They have accepted their fate and do not want to fight. Some have chosen not to even report it. Still many never figure it out. (Good job MERCK, CDC, FDA in injuring these people and then making them feel like there is nothing they can do about it and so just accept their fate quietly. Your mission accomplished.) They are all devastated with the way they have been treated by the medical field and the way the CDC, FDA, MERCK all keep pushing this vaccine Gardasil on unsuspecting families that have no idea its efficacy is limited, and it is causing injury to thousands. You cannot discredit thousands I’m sorry. There are multiple mothers I have been speaking to who’s child has hives and angioedema…HUNDREDS who have fatigue and joint pain, seizures, their symptoms started in a reasonable amount of time to suspect molecular mimicry.
STOP denying us. Stop pretending that you are not withholding information that you KNOW this vaccine is causing injury. Cover up is the name of the game. So far that is my biggest lesson in all this…. vaccination is a big game. Provaxers using fear mongering to vaccinate no matter if it kills you or causes injury you MUST do it to protect everyone else. Anti-vaxers saying every vaccine is causing every disease. As a nurse I don’t know what to believe any more about vaccines and I am disappointed in the CDC for causing all this confusion. When you hide information that makes it confusing if the CDC really cares about the public or cares about money. That goes for the FDA and government officials as well (Rick Perry.) I was taught to believe the CDC FDA for sure that is where I look to guide me. But now I am in an awkward situation because I have seen firsthand how the CDC and the FDA can be corrupt. I have been studying Gardasil for months; I have seen the CDC hand out. Side effects from Gardasil are being hidden in the package insert and withheld from the public so that they will continue to get the shot. Most mothers would not give their child the Gardasil vaccine if they know it was only proven to last 5 years in girls and 2.5 years in boys. If they knew it was causing thousands of injuries world wide and is currently connected to over 126 deaths in the U.S. 8 boys have died since introduced to boys and they have been reported as their loved ones believe their death is due to the Gardasil vaccine.
I know some really aggressive jerk is going to come on after me and discredit all these claims including mine and say that Gardasil is safe, that we are all liars and just trying to get money from vaccine court (which by the way I had no idea existed before my daughter was injured.) For anyone who cares about our youth I am here to tell you that anyone telling you that there are not real concerns about Gardasil safety is lying to you.
Shaw and Lee, from what I can tell so far, are trying to figure out why Gardasil is causing so many injuries and death. If you are going to discredit them….why don’t you yourself try to do some research into why all these people are having reactions to Gardasil. The CDC does not care as far as I can tell. My daughter has been injured and continues to be injured; it has been over a year since her first shot. I have NEVER received one phone call from the CDC or MERCK to see how we are doing, investigate how we might want to learn from this so that if another child reacts with a blistering rash within 4 weeks after the vaccine we maybe shouldn’t vaccinate them again? If hives start developing and don’t go away before the next shot is due maybe Gardasil should NOT be given again? Unfortunately the CDC and the FDA and MERCK care not. So it is up to us anti vax moms (which is a bull crap word anti vax. I am pro comprehensive personalized care for all human beings) to warn as many people as possible about the vaccine. And that’s where, in my opinion people like YOURSELVES are creating “anti-“ mothers who are now very angry with the way they are treated by doctors who are trained from the very top to deny any vaccine injury. They no longer trust the CDC FDA or pharmaceutical companies or their doctors. Because they have seen firsthand that when it comes to a vaccine…..If your child is hurt…….what they all want you to do is accept it and be quiet about it….For the Greater Good.
Because Gardasil efficacy is so low ESPECIALLY IN BOYS you will never get herd immunity. When you start to really dig into how much money is made in the vaccine industry you start to really understand how insignificant your child really is to the government or the pharmaceutical company. Your child really means absolutely nothing compared to the billions of dollars brought in by this vaccine Gardasil. I wish the CDC and the FDA and MERCK would focus a little more energy trying to find out why these injuries are occurring, how to make the vaccine more safe and how to help the injured. The CDC could do many things right now to help avoid these injuries from continuing at the rate they are, but sadly this would decrease the revenue of the vaccine and so we come full circle.
You (pro vax) don’t want me (anti vax) to believe these rDNA fragments are causing this disease in my child then tell me how is Gardasil causing vaccine injury and stop denying that it did. You are creating these situations (anti vax moms, vaccine hysteria ect) by denying the truth….. 4 months ago I vaccinated all my children….now ….after this experience….I will never vaccinate any of them ever again. STOP creating people like me if what you think is important for the world is for as many people as possible to get vaccinations. If this vaccine injury was treated correctly it would only be me not vaccinating. But because of the nightmare I have been through I tell everyone I know for fear that if I don’t…this is going to happen to someone else. There are very few allowed on TV to tell people the truth and that is Gardasil is causing autoimmune disease, autoimmune initiated neurological disease and death in some people and the efficacy is 5 yrs in girls and 2.5 yrs in boys. Most people, (especially after doing their own research including researching Diane Harper) change their minds very quickly about Gardasil. Stop using mothers fear of cancer to shove snake oil at them! Gardasil is a lie! It doesn’t protect anyone from cancer, you can still get HPV 16 and 18, plenty of girls on the Gardasil sites have been dx with cervical cancer, in fact you can see them on the VAERS website. In my opinion the way this vaccine Gardasil is being handled is going to jeopardize the entire vaccination schedule because it is causing mothers to really look hard at each vaccine.
Why should I have vaccinated my child against Hep B as a baby? This vaccine is famous for not being effective, I was vaccinated and had a titer and the vaccine failed in me. Now that I have spoken to other nurses it does not “take” in many of us, I have counted 15 so far. It lasts what max 10 yrs? That vaccine tops the VAERS complaints. Why give it? A child under 10 has almost no chance of being exposed to Hepatitis B and that vaccine has aluminum in it which hangs out in the body for years. It can have an accumulative effect. Maybe you can explain to me why this should continue? Or what is wrong with this information that I have learned. Because many health care providers and mothers who are having babies are not wanting to vaccinate with Hep B anymore. Should we not draw more titers to see if we are vaccinating with aluminum for no benefit? Risking injury for no benefit?
I also want to comment on the mask wearing as I am a nurse. I do not want to get the flu shot because it has toxins in it that I don’t want in my body and because it does not work worth a crap. How I know that is that I work in multiple nursing homes where everyone is vaccinated including staff and then the flu is detected (every stupid year) and then the whole house gets Tamiflu! It happens every year! The flu vaccine does not protect against all flu and if your not sick don’t wear a mask nurses! It is a barrier to care, the patients and families express concern about these masks and do not like it that we wear them. They are uncomfortable and hard to breath with them. They are a barrier to good emotional and spiritual support and communication. Especially to a French speaking population like we have in Maine. They need to see our faces and our mouths as we are talking. If I was sick I would wear a mask no matter what virus I had that could be passed by droplets including the cold viruses which can also be very dangerous to patients. The forced mask wearing is another layer of control surrounding vaccination. It sues the facts about what giving excellent care entails. When you come down to the real world level and you deal with patients and families face to face you will find even people who want to get their vaccinations do not have this blind faith that vaccines are right for everyone or that everyone should get them no matter what. It is my opinion that the aggressiveness of the vaccination scare mongering is the strongest proponent of anti vax population. Not because they see anti vax as right and pro vax as wrong but because they see the corrupt actions of the pharmaceutical companies and the CDC and they don’t trust what they are doing or saying. Going overboard is causing doubt. From my perspective pro-vax is creating anti-vax. What we need are professional people interested in excellent INDIVIDUAL COMPREHENSIVE care. Not mass blind vaccination no matter what the situation. In continuing this way the “pro- vaxers” are going to create their own nightmare. A large population of people who no longer trust and who don’t want t be vaccinated.
@ Steve J; Lee cites AF125673 as being an exact match but that doesn’t show up in my BLAST inquiry even though it does have homology with other L1 gene sequences. That is what I don’t understand.
I can’t stomach your wall of hysterical text so I will just address this for now. How do you blame Gardasil for shingles and hives three weeks after the fact? This is precisely why no one believes you as you can’t even provide biologically-plausible evidence. Do you realise that these things happen to girls who have never received Gardasil?
With the exception of Dr. Harper’s criticism that the vaccine was being marketed too aggressively, the rest is pure bollocks. Deaths occurred in both Gardasil and placebo groups and there were no patterns in either and Gardasil was never proclaimed as a COD in the recipients. You’re just another ranting anti-vaxx loon and I can only hope your daughter is under proper medical care and not some charlatan you doctor-shopped for.
Beg pardon?
Jess, your daughter was diagnosed with shingles, caused by the Herpes Zoster virus. Are you accusing the Gardasil vaccine to be contaminated with herpes? If not, what other mechanism do you propose for this occurrence? You blame your daughter’s symptoms on an overstimulated immune system, while shingles usually is blamed on a weakened immune system. As your proposed causality chain runs contrary to medical experience, it would indeed be hard for your doctor to warn you about it.
C’est vrai, Narad. Lots of French-speakers in Maine (it’s that rascally Canadian border being so close).
Just about the only verifiable statement in Jess’ effluvium, though (maybe I work with a higher standard of RNs but I can’t wrap my brain around a nurse claiming that a vaccine is full of toxins).
That entire wall of blather can be summed up in five words:
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
And that’s even leaving out the numerous gross factual inaccuracies.
@ Jess from Maine: I *knew* your “story” sounded familiar…
Dear G-d, she is a licensed registered nurse.
And only playing on the sidewalk, of course.
(One Internet cookie for who gets that reference first)
I think this says it all about Jess’ story, whose link you posted:
Yup. That doctor was quite correct. Not only was Mickayla diagnosed nearly a month after being vaccinated with Gardasil, making Jess’ “connection” not even a convincing correlation between vaccination and the adverse event blamed on the vaccine, but Gardasil doesn’t cause shingles nor is there any plausible mechanism by which it could cause shingles unless the lot Mickayla was vaccinated from was contaminated with the Herpes zoster virus.
The rest is chasing shadows.
But you totally do, right?
Yeah, right…you definitely do not know this for sure. Especially If your daughter received her vaccine at the recommended age of 11-12.
Citation please.
Care to expand on this?
Orac quoting Jess:
That would mean she was born around 1996, only a year after the varicella vaccine became available. So it is quite likely the young woman got chicken pox at a young age, which makes it more likely for her to get shingles early.
My daughter got chicken pox as a six month old baby, and it could happen to her at any time. Especially now that she is dealing with college stress.
Especially to a French speaking population like we have in Maine. They need to see our faces and our mouths as we are talking.
French;speakers are not deaf; they do not need to lip-read. Nor does it help to shout at them.
What is it about Health care that attracts all the Typhoid Mary wannabees, demanding the right to be paid to work with sick people while exempting themselves from measures to limit infection?
I expect to hear any day now that having to wash one’s hands is also a violation of some nurse’s personal beliefs.
could a blistering rash be a drug reaction? Could a provider be wong with dx a blistering rash as shingles when It may be a drug reaction? They Injected that drug again and again left her a mess.
Typical of you to abuse the injured and call her mother “looney” just because it is a vaccine injury. I never knew just how ugly this whole thing was. I would have never guessed in a million years that as a nation we would treat patients and famlies harmed by a vaccine like this! It does sound crazy….. because it is! The whole thing has been unbelievable! …all of it….for every one of us!
The french community in Maine are hard working, family oriented people. It is a joy and a privledge to serve them.
Take No responsibility for what you are creating and you will continue to grow…this anti vax movement.
I admit that my expectations are not high for someone who called her daughter ‘Mickayla’.
Nor one who doesn’t grasp that Hep B vaccine doesn’t confer lifelong immunity and requires boosters and one that doesn’t grasp that many infectious diseases are transmissible prior to symptoms.
I’m aware that there’s a French-speaking population in Maine, although I’d guess the exclusively Francophone part is quite small. The point, however, is that claiming that masks present some sort of special obstacle to “emotional and spiritual support” because someone can speak French is nonsensical.
@ Stu:
“And only playing on the sidewalk, of course.”
“(One Internet cookie for who gets that reference first)”
I’d prefer to have a chocolate chip cookie, Stu…
# Th1Th2on 10 Oct 2010 at 2:50 pm
“(oh, sure… you would probably never let a kid near dirt, as that contains tetanus spoors and, quelle horreur, aluminum!).”
Why should I let the child walk on the dirt when there is a dry concrete pavement next to it? A toddler would readily know which is the safe path to take even without the knowledge of C. tetani, but I am just fascinated how parents are offering very poor choices (or lack thereof).”
Except that you have not shown that the vaccine was the cause. You think it was, but you have no proof.
And as for your calling for nurses to not wear masks? Why do you not care about your and other’s patients? You realize, do you not, that when it comes to the flu (among other diseases) you are contagious before you show any symptoms? Barriers like that are to not only protect you from patients and visitors, but also to protect them from you.
I hope that I never have to receive care in your hospital.
while shingles usually is blamed on a weakened immune system
My first attack of shingles, the other people in the office where I worked at the time found it a great cause for hilarity. “But that’s for people under stress! People who work too hard!” Oh how they laughed.
Perhaps you should consider the possibility that your semicoherent wall of rant is the reason you were described as “just another ranting anti-vaxx loon.”
Could a mother be wrong with dx a blistering rash as a drug reaction when it may be shingles?
Ok, so I have no kids but I do have a couple dozen nieces and nephews*. Stating that your teenaged daughter will not be sexually active in the next five years is weapons-grade wishful thinking.
*s’truth. I have six siblings, I married a man with six siblings.
So why don’t nurses who DO have the flu shot have to wear a mask? The nurses who recieve the flu shot……Guess what? They caught the flu! Just becasue you have the flu shot does not mean you wont get the flu! So we should all wear masks all the time.
Doesn’t that have to be a libertarian sidewalk?
So says you except shingles and hives weeks post-vaccination are not vaccine injuries. You have yet to explain how they are.
Someone who came here with in incoherent screed calling us idiots? How rich.
I’m sure you have convinced yourselves of that communing in echo chambers as you do but no, most who even know about your little “movement” think you’re whack. You do yourself and your daughter no favours by deluding yourself of the cause and ignoring sensible physicians who just won’t tell you what you want to hear.
I was under the impression “long lasting” on the CDC hand out ment over 10 years. If I knew a head of time that the vaccine only was proven to last for 5 years I would have never given it to her. Especially after the first reaction. It is wrong to hide that information from the public.
Molecular mimicry can takes weeks to show symptoms and that is one of the ways vaccines can cause injury. Molecular mimicry. do you dipute this?
Do you dispute that Gardasil has not been proven to last beyond 5 years in girls and 2.5 years in boys?
Jess, surely you’re not suggesting that being immunized against influenza shares causes you to be infected by influenza. Are you?
And while immunization cannot guarantee you’ll develop a protective antibody response the 2012 flu vaccine has been found to be 67% per cent effective at preventing the flu.
Please stop abusing terms you know nothing about just because you read it somewhere and it sounds nifty. How would this cause shingles? Hives present within days, not weeks as a reaction to something. Too bad you keep tilting at windmills and stunt your search for what really may be happening.
why does the CDC recommend boys get Gardasil at 9 yrs old and then at the same time recommend Gay men get Gardasil at 26 yrs old?
How does Gardasil protect a 11yr old boy from cancer if he does not have sex until he is 16?
why does the CDC recommend boys get Gardasil at 9 yrs old and then at the same time recommend Gay men get Gardasil at 26 yrs old?
How does Gardasil protect a 11yr old boy from cancer if he does not have sex until he is 16?
Yes, it lasts at least 8 years and very probably much longer.
Molecular mimicry can takes weeks to show symptoms and that is one of the ways vaccines can cause injury. Molecular mimicry. do you dipute this?
Dispute what, exactly?
If you would define exactly what you mean by ‘molecular mimicry’ as used here, demonstrate that vaccines do indeed cause injuries beyond their known (and minor) side effects, and explain why you believe those vaccine injuries are a function of this ‘molecular mimicry’ I’ll be able to determine if I agree or disagree.
Until then it’s just so much word salad.
The flu showed up regardless of vaccination. That I can tell you. Maybe a different strain? I would rather take my chances then to inject toxins into me.
@jess – please define “toxins.”
I suggest you re-read Mu’s comment
(January 10, 2013).
Until you tackle the key points, e.g. that shingles is caused by the Herpes zoster virus not HPV (Human papillomavirus) the rest isn’t helping yourself.
Similarly, it has been pointed out that hives occur as a rapid response, not weeks later.
You get toxins in you every time you eat, breath, drink and get sick. Your ignorant use of “toxins” doesn’t exactly give you much basis to criticise those with far more knowledge and expertise than you have.
Krebiozen, This is interesting and information to me As I have never seen this anywhere. I have never seen anywhere that Gardasil lasts for 8 years in Males and Females. Tell me more.
Thermasol. is a toxin is it not? Should I not be concerned about repeated doses of Thermasol?
” I have never seen anywhere that Gardasil lasts for 8 years in Males and Females.”
It actually says Gardasil protection lasts at least 8 years and possibly (likely) longer. Monitoring it over time will show how long the protection the immune system develops from the vaccination actually lasts.
I’m not just nitpicking. If you got you earlier quote of shorter times from when they’d only monitored for 5 years in girls and 2.5 years in boys, it would just be how long they had monitored it not how long the protection lasts, but you presented it a the former, not the later.
The full text for that reference is here Jess:
“If you got you earlier quote” should read “If you got your earlier quote”, sorry.
Nice segue there Jess…You’re the one who came here with your rants about Gardisal and now you’re attempting to discuss influenza.
Still to your original rant and tell us why you think shingles is associated with the HPV vaccine your daughter received.
You also stated (that), “Yes I have a lawyer and yes I have it in writing from an expert that Gardasil is the cause of my daughter’s urticaria and arthralgias.”
Which “medical expert” put that in writing and which “medical expert” will be testifying in Vaccine Court on behalf of you and and your daughter?
It’s thimerosal or thiomersal and no, it’s not toxic in the amount in a vaccine. Do you understand anything about dose curves?
“that vaccines do indeed cause injuries beyond their known (and minor) side effects,”
Vaccines are KNOWN to cause injury by way of molecular mimicry, Including hives, wheals, joint pain, angioedema, dermatogramphism. It can take weeks for the body to work upon the drug and develop symptoms. I do not KNOW in depth how this happens but YOU do. So keep denying it. There is no end to the lies.
no I dont, and I was never ment to! I am here to serve as a humble nurse and YES trust you people to protect me and my community and my children.
Unless you’re eating it or working with industrial amounts of it, no. It is not toxic to humans at the amounts found in thimerosal-containing vaccines.
And if you are really that scared of thimerosal, ask for thimerosal-free versions of the vaccines. Pretty simple, really.
And regarding getting the flu after getting vaccinated against it, here are a few points to keep in mind. First, if you are exposed to influenza before you get the vaccine, you will get influenza. If you are exposed to influenza within the first 1-2 weeks after getting the vaccine, there’s a good chance you’ll get influenza. These are both true because, in the first case, you don’t have any immunity before the infection, and in the second, the vaccine takes around 2 weeks to become effective, meaning, no immunity until then. Then there’s possibility three: strain of influenza not in the vaccine. And possibility four: not influenza.
Lots of people say they got the flu after getting the vaccine, but without lab confirmation, it’s impossible to say with certainty that it was, indeed, influenza.
So you’re relying on us to provide herd immunity so you can be a scab?
“Gardasil does cause autoimmune disease, it does cause death and it did cause both of those in clinical trials, and it was placed on the market without being fully tested.”
Four for four – all wrong. Gardasil has been linked to none of those conditions, and it had extensive testing prior to marketing (“fully” tested is a meaningless criterion until you define what “fully” means).
” yes I have it in writing from an expert that Gardasil is the cause of my daughter’s urticaria and arthralgias.”
Who is this “expert”?
” I do not want to get the flu shot because it has toxins in it that I don’t want in my body and because it does not work worth a crap. How I know that is that I work in multiple nursing homes where everyone is vaccinated including staff and then the flu is detected (every stupid year) and then the whole house gets Tamiflu! It happens every year!”
Your anecdotal observations do not conform with hard evidence to the contrary.
“In nursing home settings, vaccination of health care workers has been shown to decrease morbidity and mortality among nursing home residents”
The real issue for Jess with influenza vaccination is that a) she’s scared of it due to antivax fears (i.e. “toxin”-phobia) and doesn’t want to wear a mask because it’s too uncomfortable. Jess needs to find a different career where she won’t put patients in jeopardy.
The flu vaccine is roughly 60%-70% effective at preventing influenza. A surgical mask or non-fitted N95 respirator is about 65% effective at preventing transmission. So they’re about equivalent. Your choice to get the vaccine or wear a mask. Of course, both combined would provide even better protection against transmission.
I have posted the following before, but it seems appropriate to repeat myself. Here’s an example of a human study in which 26 patients were given intravenous injections of between 4 and 734 milligrams (mean 157 milligrams) of thimerosal over periods ranging from six months to 17 years. Note that there is at most 0.05 milligrams of thimerosal in a vaccine shot. These patients were given between 4,000 and 734,000 micrograms of thimerosal directly into their bloodstreams (unlike vaccines which are mostly given subcutaneously or intramuscularly), that is between 80 and 14,680 times the dose of thimerosal given in a vaccine. The study concludes:
Jess, I’m sincerely wondering something. Do you think it is remotely possible that vaccines did not cause your daughter’s shingles?
Along the same lines, what evidence would (hypothetically) convince you that the vaccine did not cause shingles?
With all the talk about molecular mimicry I’m surprised she picked vaccines as the cause for her daughter’s symptoms, with arthralgias and living in the NE lyme would have been my prime suspect. But probably it’s too difficult to sue a tick.
Not to mention the tick’ll bleed ya.
@AdamG I am not sure my daughter had shingles. blistering rash occuring 3 weeks after vaccine could have been a drug reaction. Also, I could have put this out of my mind had she not then developed hives 3 weeks after the second injection and the worsening hives, dermatographism, joint pain, wheals, headache, nausea ect. ect.. 3 weeks after the third injection. There was no tick bite, there was nothing different except Gardasil. Why would I think anything else caused this? Tell me.
Might I make a minor correction?
Gardasil was a much more unusual event, and so sticks out in your memory and among things you may have paid attention to. More mundane things could have slipped your notice or memory but still be a cause. And when you fervently believe that you just know Gardasil was the cause, you’re even more likely to dismiss and/or forget about other potential causes.
That’s entirely understandable. It’s a human trait. It doesn’t make you right, though.
@Jess – so absolutely nothing happened to your daughter over that period of time? Were you living in a cave?
There are a million potential variables – including a tick bite (which could be easily missed). Since the reactions you mention aren’t a known side-effect of Gardisil – you’re barking up the wrong tree.
” So keep denying it. There is no end to the lies.
… I am here to serve as a humble nurse and YES trust you people to protect me and my community and my children”.
I infer that she doesn’t trust us, the experts, the medical establishment, universities, medical associations, research, journals, governmental agencies, the media et al.
I wonder where she gets ideas like this?** And why she trusts those who promote them? Why does that group of people over-ride what the experts et al say? They must be rather special to trump all that!
Woo and conspiracy symbiotically require each other to exist.
** rhetorical question.
More like there is no end to anti-vaxx ignorance and sleazy operators like SaneVax “experts” to prey upon them.
Jess, you can’t even reason out shingles post vaccination and hives a ridiculous amount of time post vaccination. How do you know your daughter didn’t have an infection? You don’t even know what molecular mimicry is but are convinced that Gardasil caused this. It’s preposterous.
Take a look at SaneVax’s “experts”; they are charlatans running their own clinics treating “vaccine damage” with no expertise; they are homeopaths and chiropractors and they are liars like Lee (he is no longer at Milford hospital but represents himself as such) and Carly who makes it sound as though she left medicine voluntarily but was actually de-licensed because she is literally crazy.
Your daughter looks lovely and has a bright future ahead of her if you let her; stop victimising her and letting SaneVax exploit her. Instead why don’t you work with reputable doctors and keep your eyes open for clinical trials?
Angioedema….Her entire back was one giant hive. She has no history of this occurring ever in her life. Are you really suggesting Gardasil had nothing to do with her symptoms? Keep lying to yourself. She is not one in a million either. Doctors have tried to tell me that too. There are many people hurt by this vaccine. But you will all deny it to the end
As long as you keep asserting things without evidence or plausibility, yeah. You want us to believe you or change our minds, give us some evidence.
Thank you for the comment about my daughter. She is lovely. You say SANE VAX exploited her, I don’t believe that to be true. I was able to tell her story, I knew people would see it in case it happens to someone else. If you read the comments under the article you will see she is not the only one that this has happened to. I am a nurse. Damn it I want to trust the people who have been the influence of my learning for the last 19 years. I saw what happened in front of me AS DID MY WHOLE TOWN. My lovely daughter with a lovely name Mickayla did not deserve this. We should have stopped vaccinating her after the blistering rash. MOST DEFINATELY after the hives. Now there is no turning back and she is struggling to stay in school. What I need to do is stop trying to convince people like who are lining their pockets with vaccine money that their product is causing disease because you will obviously never admit it. You wouldn’t care if was or not as long as the money keeps rolling in.
I tore off a toenail this morning stubbing it into the exposed ends of my newly laid laminate flooring, right after I had an egg salad sandwich. I have no history of this occurring ever in my life. Are you really suggesting that egg salad sandwiches had nothing to do with my symptoms?
By the way: lilady wins one giant, fresh, warm, chewy Internet chocolate chip cookie. Ah, Th1Th2… those were the days.
You’re suggesting that we’re in the pay of Big Pharma and that’s why we’re disagreeing with you? You keep telling yourself that so you don’t have to consider that we are people who care about the facts and reality.
I can’t speak for others, but I do not derive any income from vaccine companies or from the sale of vaccines. But if it helps you feel better about dismissing anything I have to say out of hand rather than dealing with reality, then fine. It’s a sad, blighted way to go through life, but that’s your choice.
@Mu, No, the Lyme crowd is trying to start a class action suit against the IDSA. or the feds.
Except, of course, for your town’s doctors. Wonder why that is?
Where is all this vaccine money I’m supposedly lining my pockets with? I’m a PhD student who makes about as much as a fast food manager!
@Science Mom
“Lee cites AF125673 as being an exact match but that doesn’t show up in my BLAST inquiry even though it does have homology with other L1 gene sequences. That is what I don’t understand.”
The same here. The HPV16W12E strain he cites is one that grows in tissue culture (Virology 262, 344-354 (1999)). Maybe he has those growing in his lab, so he had the accession number handy?
What you believe has nothing to do with it. I’m sorry, that’s just not how things work. Just because you believe vaccines harmed your child because she had (COMPLETELY UNRELATED) symptoms around the time she was vaccinated, and because you really, really want to believe that there is a simple explanation for this, and because you really, really want to believe there’s a great big evil something somewhere to blame for this…
…still does not make it true.
No, we see you are not the only parent desperately clinging to a faulty explanation for your child’s ills because it makes you feel better.
Sorry, nobody cares.
Are you implying we are those people? Sorry, no. Haven’t gotten a check ever. Also, for drug companies, vaccines are bad products. Between the low margins and the liability hysteria, some governments actually have to force drug companies to keep making vaccines, or subsidize production.
The money is in dick pills and antidepressants.
Obvious and stupid lie. Vaccines, in very rare cases, cause serious harm to people (usually, people with undiagnosed and extremely rare issues with their immune system). Nobody is denying this.
Still waiting for that first check.
So sad to me that so many choose to be blind. My daughter has been suffering almost 2 years, SICK the day OF Gardasil that lead to 17 days in the hospital, the doctors agree Gardasil did it. Did I mention they tested her for Heavy Metal Poisioning, she was what the doctors called “TOXIC” with aluminum, look up Gardasil Ingredients, then do some research. Knowledge is Power & Oh can save your childs life. Jess thanks for at least trying to save others from this devastating worthless vaccine!
You’re welcome, I really mean it and I think it would be a shame for your daughter to grow up feeling like a victim and bearing your anger. SANEVAX is exploiting her; the more “stories” they collect, the more validated they feel. It’s like a perverse pyramid scam. Please remember that you are a story as others are but your stories simply don’t have any biological plausibility and you are victims of repetition confirmation.
No child deserves suffering ever but do you really believe that your crusade benefits anyone but you and only temporarily? There are university teaching hospitals with research physicians who may help you and your daughter. Please don’t turn to these charlatans for answers; you are in for tremendous disappointment.
None of the regulars here including me are in the thrall of pharma. Our host blogs for Nat Geo pittance and some of us have our own blogs that we maintain out of our own pockets. We disagree with you; that’s all. There is no financial gain for us.
@Jess – the ole’ Pharma Shill Gambit, it was old a long time ago, no better today….
“Except, of course, for your town’s doctors. Wonder why that is?” dont speak so soon. There are more providers in my area then the ones who treated my daughter during her injury. There ARE doctors who believe that Gardasil did cause her injury and they are local. They do not promote the Gardasil vaccine. Some never did and some did and stopped after Mickayla’s story coupled with their own research.
It’s not showing up in the top BLAST results, but local alignment of the 184 nucleotides against accession #AF125673 does indeed produce a perfect match.
Again, I understand the skepticism, but let’s focus on the big flaw here: the origins of these sequences.
“I am a nurse”
And I am a nurse as well, Jess. Jeez, where did you get your education that you don’t know that shingles (herpes zoster), is caused by another virus?
You need to develop some research skills and not rely on all those anti-vaccine websites which are your sole source of information.
@ Stu: Insane Troll is haunting the Shot of Prevention blog; posting under various ‘nyms. She’s learned how to use a different IP address.
Yeah, OK. I’m betting that “their own research” = University of Google.
Yes. Gardasil is a remarkably safe and effective vaccine. If you look in the package insert (PDF) at the clinical trials which include tens of thousands of patients, the adverse events found in the test and control groups are almost identical. Also, the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) uses active surveillance of hundreds of thousands of people to look for any adverse events associated with vaccines. They have found no evidence of the thousands of cases of autoimmune neurological disease you claim Gardasil has caused, or any other adverse events apart from minor reactions such as fainting and a small increase in the risk of blood clots in young women on the oral contraceptive pill. Rapid Cycle Analysis in 2011 concluded:
When you look at the ingredients of Gardasil, it seems extremely unlikely that it could cause the symptoms you describe. Apart from the HPV proteins that are produced using genetically engineered baker’s yeast:
We all absorb more aluminum from our food every day than there was in all the doses of Gardasil your daughter received, and anyone who has a wart will be exposed to much more HPV proteins than there are in the vaccine, yet people with warts do not show the symptoms your daughter has suffered. Sodium chloride is common salt, histidine is an essential amino acid, polysorbate is a detergent similar to dishwashing liquid, sodium borate is available as a dietary supplement in much higher doses than there is in Gardasil, yeast protein is present in much larger amounts in bread and other foods, and all these substances are present in such tiny amounts I don’t see why anyone would be concerned about them. None of them are toxins in such tiny quantities. You and your daughter have clearly had a very unpleasant experience, and you have my sincere sympathy, but I think you are very much mistaken when you blame Gardasil for this.
Apologies for the link closing fail. The two links I intended to provide are intact.
Jess: I am severely allergic to any drug containing sulphur, and also really severely allergic to erithromycin – as in, stopped breathing, required hospitalisation to recover. The sulphur-drug reaction occurred within hours (fever, severe joint pain, nausea) and was on a list of known side effects I was watching for. The erithromycin reaction occurred within 30 minutes. *These* are the sort of reaction times that definitely lead to the conclusion it was the drug that caused the problem. Three weeks later? I’m sorry your daughter has suffered so much, but so much can occur within three weeks pointing the finger at the vaccine is ludicrous.
Eating and Injecting into the blood stream are 2 entirely different things and this I was told also by a neurologist who has treated many girls he believes are having a reaction to Gardasil. It is very apparent that no one here cares to learn the truth, unfortunately for some it takes having it happen to themselves or their child. I have had my kids go in for every scheduled, recommended vaccine all their lives . Gardasil truly almost killed my daughter. Don’t care to listen, Don’t care to believe , that is up to you, But in time oh in time this blog will be laughed at. Why?? you ask, the truth will be exposed, this I am sure of! Just hope I can warn others and I will every day, constantly till the day its off the market. Yes, Some moms do care. I have stopped 100s from having this vaccine. Do I regret it?? My God….NO. If you lived through what My daughter and I have, you wouldn’t either. No battle here with me. Some choose not to listen to others who have first hand knowledge, sad??? Yes.
You all really NEED to seek out answers, the truth and stop tearing apart a mother who has been through a certain Hell on Earth you would never want to experience. She is one of many and I mean one of thousand of moms , dads. yes dads believe it too, the saw it happen to their once healthy child. I know a man who had to see his on the bathroom floor Dead, 40 hrs after Gardasil. Another who has 2 girls who both got sick right after Gardasil, hmmm how does that happen??? they both get sick, same symptoms, only one thing in common GARDASIL. I know mothers who have children that had seizures immediately following the vaccine, IN THE doctors office, guess what 2, 3, 5 years later they still have seizures. oh but Merck does mention that as a side effect, as well as DEATH. SO if Merck lists it, why is it so hard for you all to believe it is happening. Does that make any sense? Get the Merck manual, read it!! I did and the side effects are all right there, the ones my daughter suffers with every day. geeesh its common sense!
You are now just flailing wildly, Jess. Try to stick to your own half-baked schtick before dredging up somebody else’s.
Jess, you have got to be kidding. This is what that site states in the “About us” page:
I just clicked on one of their videos, and then the “actual science” link and pretty much got opinion:
Try again.
The Human Life Center is the predecessor to Human Life International, which actively promoted the tetanus/hCG sterilization story.
(Which probably is readily tied to COGforLife, which thinks the Rockefellers are at the bottom of it all and readily Godwinizes.)
Jess, enough with fingerblasting out links that you apparently can’t muster a coherent remark about.
@Jess – that is a “letter to the editor” and not actual Science.
my computer isnt working well and that first link was ment to be the second.
What, there’s supposed to be an order now?
I’m sorry,Jess, for what has happened to your daughter and for the treatment by Science mom, Todd and lilady. The latter is very nasty to anyone, obsessed with posting and tracking down who is who- she’s even dissed an adult with autism, maligning and speculating about his marks, courses and dating. I think she suffers from some sort of reaction- formation problem. I currently work as an Ed assistant and she disparages that fact all the time, which to me is indirectly insulting the kids I work with. The bottom line is that they don’t believe any adverse event can be related to a vaccine unless it maybe happens within 2 weeks. I’m not sure how they would know this due to the lack of physiological studies, though.
Jen, did you pick up this term directly from Th1Th2, or is it just something diffusing through the crankosphere?
(To wit, e.g.)
Considering your utterly tasteless and offensive comments on Huffpo that you made to the poster whose husband died from an HPV disease, I think you are an utter hypocrite and liar and that you deserve all the scorn that is heaped upon you that you truly deserve.
Of coursed, your earlier sockpuppeting and pseudoscience thinking also leaves you with no room for talking.
“I am severely allergic to any drug containing sulphur, and also really severely allergic to erithromycin – as in, stopped breathing, required hospitalisation to recover. The sulphur-drug reaction occurred within hours (fever, severe joint pain, nausea) and was on a list of known side effects I was watching for. The erithromycin reaction occurred within 30 minutes. *These* are the sort of reaction times that definitely lead to the conclusion it was the drug that caused the problem. Three weeks later? I’m sorry your daughter has suffered so much, but so much can occur within three weeks pointing the finger at the vaccine is ludicrous.”
What about Hypersensitivity reactions that are delayed. You are wrong.
My patients, my fellow nurses and my community know my nursing and know my heart. Not knowing me, it doesnt matter what you say about my nursing, I have been by the side of thousands in need and have always given 100% to to them. Many patients and nurses and fellow healthcare workers care very much about me because of that.
My decision to vaccinate myself or my children is NO THANK YOU. Scab or not I dont care this whole Gardasil crap has scared me to death. As it has many others. And caused me to question the entire vaccination program….as it has many others. The truth will come out eventually. This Gardasil vaccine is dangerous. I appreciate you recognizing how terrible this has been for my daughter. It has been a nightmare. If it is true that vaccines cannot cause injury with out symptoms showing for 3 weeks we will be turned away in vaccine court and so be it. So, lets just see what happens. There is so much documentation and expert witness name dropping that I am not going to do here. I am confident that the truth will be told.
could a blistering rash be a drug reaction? Could a provider be wong with dx a blistering rash as shingles when It may be a drug reaction?
A day or two later, maybe. Three weeks or a month later? No.
Shingles might be triggered by exposure to chicken pox. Did your daughter or you, or anyone else in the family, come into contact with anyone with chicken pox? I know some people have “pox parties” or send swabs through the mail to deliberately expose their kids, I take it you (or your friends, or your neighbors) weren’t doing anything like that?
Hives, now, too many possibilities. Change your laundry detergent, change your fabric softener, wear new (or secondhand) clothes without laundering them first, stay at a friend’s house where they use a different detergent on the sheets, eat something you’ve never eaten before – or have eaten before, and become sensitized to – drink something ditto,smoke or take drugs (fifteen, right?), some airborne contaminants, mites, even in a few cases contact with a new person. Did your daughter do any of these in the three weeks between the shot and the hives? Except really you should look at the three days before, because (as with the shot) hives develop soon after the exposure, not nearly a month later.
The immediate question is “100% of what?“
My mistake–it’s Jess talking out of her ass.
Nope no chicken pox no nothing, no tick bite in the middle of freezing march, no insect bite of any kind no nothing. Nothing different NOTHING except gardasil. We will see……
Oh, and…
Don’t forget to return with that case number.
No problem 🙂
@novalox, nice try. I fully explained my mistake on the thread and apologized.
Jess: I did a few searches on pubmed, the first one being the HPV vaccine and shingles and the second was about the HPV vaccine and adverse effects.
The former search list one publication of a combination HPV+Herpes Zoster vaccine which is a free text. The later search is for all adverse effect publications related to the HPV with a total of 101 publications.
If shingles were an adverse effect of the vaccine, it would be found in the first link.
Your mealy-mouthed “notpology” really doesn’t cut it.
And considering your comments on this thread, I think you haven’t learned your lesson nor are you sincere in your apology.
But then again, it’s about par for the course for you.
Nope, sorry, still don’t buy the three week reaction time if it was hypersensitivity, Jess. I can’t find a single case of hypersensitivity that took that long to show up, unless it was prolonged, constant exposure.
Given chicken pox is highly contagious and can be transmitted by airborne droplets (that is, being sneezed on by a carrier) I still think you’re looking at the wrong culprit for what has clearly been a painful ordeal for your daughter.
Jess: There ARE doctors who believe that Gardasil did cause her injury and they are local.
Actual licensed doctors or naturopaths? There is a difference. Also, not every doctor is equal-as a nurse, you should know this.
I have been reading some things about its present leader, Steven Mosher. With my library card I found several 1980s articles on the New York Times about his expulsion from Stanford while he was doing an anthropology PhD. He is a real piece of work from lying, bribery and not even writing an actual bit of science.
Here is a quote from the Sept. 30, 1986 article:
Hi jened…Fancy meeting you here.
“I’m sorry,Jess, for what has happened to your daughter and for the treatment by Science mom, Todd and lilady. The latter is very nasty to anyone, obsessed with posting and tracking down who is who- she’s even dissed an adult with autism, maligning and speculating about his marks, courses and dating”
You’ve got that wrong “jened”. I never “dissed” The Stalker about his marks or his dating. I’ve questioned The Stalker’s graduate studies at G.W.U. and also stated that he may be awarded a MPH-Epidemiology degree…but he will never be an epidemiologist.
Run along now, jen, jened, Sick Sauce. Do try to stick the flounce.
Yes I have a lawyer and yes I have it in writing from an expert that Gardasil is the cause of my daughter’s urticaria and arthralgias.
Sounds like Orly Taitz has branched into the field of health-care barratry.
Now I want to submit a VAERS report that says Gardasil turned me into a newt.
To any lurkers reading this: My father had some sort of allergic reaction to the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine and can’t have any boosters anymore. That leaves him vulnerable to these illnesses.
Please do your part and get vaccinated. It protects you but it also protects people like my dad, too. We need that herd immunity.
@ Khani: Your comment is not off topic and the chances of contracting diphtheria is slim to none in the United States. Tetanus is not transmissible.
I contracted pertussis a few years before the Tdap booster vaccine was licensed and available. It is no picnic and I was put on an antibiotic while awaiting the positive naso-pharyngeal swab. (I did some arm-twisting to get the prescription…I *knew* it was pertussis, in spite of having no known contact to a pertussis case).
I was eternally grateful that I didn’t have contact with an infant prior to the onset of symptoms and the antibiotic eliminated the chance that I would pass the virus to anyone else.
I suffered through eight weeks of rib-cracking coughing, but with the help of a bronchodilator and two huge bottles of codeine cough syrup, I made it.
Yes, it is pertussis I’m worried about, with regard to other people. (I worry more about twigs and things with regard to tetanus.)
My dad is not in the best shape ever for a man his age and he does have a lot of contact with the public. He’s had bronchitis and pneumonia before and it took a long time to shake them both; I don’t want him to get pertussis because some ninnyhammer’s running around unvaccinated due to fictional “toxins” in amounts that wouldn’t hurt a mouse, let alone a very large adult human male.
Khani: I try to stay current on my boosters because my mother’s a nurse, and I currently work in areas where I encounter a lot of elderly people and young children. I also got the flu shot for the first time this year for that reason- and because I couldn’t live with myself if the elderly woman I cared for got the flu from me. It’s not about me- it’s about keeping people around me healthy.
Off topic- anyone else feel that the flu vaccine was extra stingy this year? I felt that thing for two days.
Wha -? I’m away from RI for a few hours and now find some nitwit dissing lilady. But lilady is educated, thorough, and correct in her commentary. She presents here as a compassionate & respectful person. But she has little patience for damn-foolery – hence the personal attack from jen, I reckon.
Jess: “What about Hypersensitivity reactions that are delayed. You are wrong.”
Nope, you are wrong again, and again, and again… Thirty seconds, 587 hits. Let’s just go with Wikipedia’s first line in the entry for Delayed Hypersensitivity: “Type IV hypersensitivity is often called delayed type hypersensitivity as the reaction takes two to three days to develop.”
Three weeks is not delayed hypersensitivity. Vaccines are not the same as “drugs” and do not cause rash-like “drug reactions”. Hives are not related to Gardasil or even full-blown HPV infection. If you bothered to spend even thirty seconds to ACTUALLY look up these terms you keep throwing out you’d realize why you sound so bloody ignorant.
@ politicalguineapig: My doctor gave me the intradermal influenza vaccine this year…and yeah it stung. My husband and I both developed itching, warmth and swelling at the injection site. Next year, I’m putting my order for the traditional shot.
@THS: “jen” has been engaging in some cyber stalking of me…she’s been doing it for weeks now. It really doesn’t bother me because I take it from whence it comes.
@dedicated lurker –
But you got better.
Jess – if you want people to take you seriously, should you not take facts seriously? I looked at your account of your daughter’s case. First shot 28 December: diagnosed with shingles 29 January. Well over four weeks. Second shot 29 February: hives by the end of March. A bit more wiggle room there, but still essentially four weeks. Third shot 11 July: physician appointment 15 August for urticaria. Exactly five weeks. Yet you repeatedly state three weeks for the onset of symptoms you’re convinced the vaccine caused. Surely you didn’t keep your daughter at home suffering for one or two weeks before seeking medical help. This is one reason anecdote is not good medical evidence.
I am tired of this, as is my mother. 1. Gardasil was fast-tracked, only proved to last five years in females and 2.5 in males. (Fact. Google it.) That doesn’t make Gardasil bad, it
s just a fact that the CDC for some reason did not want to share this. So we are. To everyone. Including those who are hard-headed.
2. You were warned. The point of telling people this was not to argue it, but to inform people who have had reactions that they are not alone. When I had a reaction to this, no one believed it. (Well besides the community, no doctors thought so) because they didn’t even know what the shot did. On the Gardasil website they say (look this up) Urticaria can be caused by Gardasil, it is a symptom of this shot, it can show up even many months after. Don’t believe it? Go to the website and look at it. It didn’t take me six years of med school to figure this out.
You may be a scientist but apparently you’ve lost your common sense. Three strikes your out. I had three immune reactions to three doses of Gardasil.
If you don’t believe it great. If this reaches some poor soul who feels alone and confused, that was my mothers point in posting here. She feels guilty because she made me get the shot. Her best friend is dying of cervical cancer, and she didn’t want the same to happen to me.
Now, sit here and say I’m talking crazy, I’m too young to understand what’s been happening to my body for a whole year, that I don’t know what I’m talking about because I’m not a professional. I obviously don’t care.
To anyone out there who is like me, there is help for you. There are groups on facebook for people who have been injured, even the government made a compensation program for people who have been injured (in the USA.) The government admits that vaccines can injure people obviously because the program was created.
As for everyone else, state your opinion as it is a free-country, but realize karma will always come back to bite you. My name, my religious practices, my everything is not your concern to pick at. None of it matters. The focus is what the vaccine has done, not what kind of person I am. It’s about the injuries it’s causing, and that people who were injured are not alone.
People who are sexually active should probably get the vaccine, but if you start getting hives, or other forms of reactions, don’t just brush it off because your doctor says it’s not Gardasil. My doctor apparently didn’t even read the website, and the specialist apparently didn’t either, becaue it’s right there in writing.
Go to and look at the reactions list if you think you may have had a reaction. Also, don’t worry if it’s a month to two months after, Gardasil also says to look at these symptoms even if it has been months after, to tell your doctor as well, to not get another dose if you have had any other reactions. It is not worth getting the shot if you become injured for life.
@Jess: yes, we are denying that Gardasil is the *most likely* cause of your daughter’s health issues. AS A NURSE, you should know that severe reactions to allergens occurs within a very short (0-1 hour) time. Or have you never given a medication and seen a drug reaction? Or never seen hives before?
As far as blaming Gardasil: my teenage daughter broke out in horrible hives one day. Never had them before, nothing was new and different in her life. 2 years later she got the vaccine and every so often would break out in hives, pain, vomiting! I never knew Gardasil could cause hives BEFORE it was given…Oh wait. We discovered she was allergic to strawberries – after years of eating them without problems. Not the Gardasil. The ordinary, every day strawberry, present in many foods as flavoring. Fortunately, I don’t see conspiracies under every rock and we used medical testing to find out what was wrong with my undeniably beautiful, bright, healthy daughter, who got the full series of 3 vaccines (and all other vaccines up to date as she works in a hospital and believes in them), who has no problems except when someone slips strawberry flavoring into ANY food in any food.
Have your own beautiful, intelligent daughter tested for allergens and quit blaming the evil toxins. There maybe “evil toxins” in her life as there are in my daughter’s (strawberry flavoring is in a LOT of foods), but her problems are most likely NOT from the vaccine.
And, you said none of the doctors have filed a report to VAERS – why haven’t you? Anyone can file a VAERS report, you know.
Lastly – as one RN to another – please don’t embarrass us all by typing phlegm-specked walls o’ text. Show you are an intelligent, thoughtful, educated person who can write properly. We are far more likely to treat you like one.
Ah…I see I missed the comment where Jess is taking it to Vaccine Court – still, did you ever report it to VAERs yourself, Jess? And have you gotten a court case number we can follow?
Regarding the hives, I would suggest that she get tested for chemical allergens. Fragrance would be one to definitely include. Just about everything in personal hygiene (laundry detergent, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, etc.) have some manner of fragrance in them. Even if you’ve used the same stuff for years, it could cause a reaction out of the blue one day.
The nurses and doctors in the thread can correct me if I’m wrong, but hives generally indicate an allergic reaction, no? With so many potential culprits in the environment, it may be difficult to pin down what she was exposed to, but it seems likely that it was some manner of allergic reaction, not vaccine-related.
(And on another note, Jess, would you please reconsider wearing a mask when working with patients? As I pointed out, it’s about as effective as the vaccine and, despite some minor discomfort, is a big help to keeping your patients, coworkers and yourself safe.)
Yes I did report it to VAERS, and to the CDC (who did not deny Gardasil could be the cause), MERCK didnt deny it either…do you know what the MERCK rep said to me? “You could have stopped her from getting the shot” All 3 immunologists that examied her did not state Gardasil was NOT the cause, the FDA did not deny Gardasil could be the cause, nor did her doctor nor did the rhumatologist. They could not rule it out. Neither can you. There are delayed immune reactions MI Dawn. You stating that delayed drug reactions do not exist shows how smart you are. They absolutely do exist and are well documented. I did not bring her to the dr. immediately for any of her reactions because they all started slowly and progressed over time. The time between the second shot and when I had her seen I was doing everything I could think of to get the hives to stop, no perfume, no lotions, no make up, washed everything with nonsented soap. She had 60 skin tests! She spent time at friends houses and my moms and even went to New York for a week with no change. I did not really believe Gardasil was causing this reaction until after the third shot! The SEVERE reaction she had after that third shot…….EVERYONE around her knew that Gardasil had caused this. She is not allergic to ANYTHING but herself. Because her body has made an autoantibody to HER. Her immune system is damaged by the Gardasil vaccine. I don’t know if HPV rDNA fragments bound to aluminum is causing all these injuries I dont know why Gardasil is causing injuries, but I am glad SOMEONE is trying to figure out why this vaccine is ruining so many lives! Gardasil has devistated our home and I will never stop tellling people how dangerous this vaccine is!
Thanks for geeking out with me.
That’s not being ignored but the methods and results are just rather inconsistent with standard reporting and even internally. I’m always rather curious why an investigator would opt for such silliness as publishing electropherograms instead of a GenBank accession number, foregoing better techniques and making such a big deal out of the pre-mixes used.
“Did I mention they tested her for Heavy Metal Poisioning, she was what the doctors called “TOXIC” with aluminum”
It would be major news if someone who received a vaccine containing aluminum adjuvant tested “TOXIC” for aluminum on heavy metal screening. Can we see the report or other documentation of this?
Um no Mickayla, that is not a fact. What is a fact that was shown to your mother was that Gardasil has been demonstrated to provide protection for a minimum of 8 years and that is only a limitation of the study period. The links are upthread; try reading before spouting off.
Yet here you are arguing and pimping your story to SANEVAX. You and your mother can’t even explain to us how Gardasil is responsible for shingles one month post vaccination and hives nearly one month post vaccination. Your story makes no sense which is why ignorant people believe your emotional outbursts but physicians and scientists do not. Hives are an immediate reaction, not weeks out. Apparently you should at least finish high school before arrogantly ignorantly proclaiming you don’t need higher education to understand some physiology.
On the contrary, it is you and your mother who have no common sense as evidenced by your insistence that Gardasil caused your shingles and hives weeks out. I’m sorry for what you are dealing with and I’m even sorrier that you have decided to ignore the evidence and are driven by anger at a perceived enemy.
Skin reactions can take a long, long time to clear. I had the misfortune of getting exposed to poison ivy. It took several days for the rash to start appearing. Over the course of a couple days, the rash got much worse, with more hives appearing as the days went on. My skin did not begin clearing for over a week, and then took several weeks before the last remnants were gone.
Now, I knew exactly what the cause of my reaction was (I had just run the Run for Your Lives Zombie 5K and remembered that I went off the trail and into the undergrowth several times, not to mention the reaction was limited to the portions of my legs that had been exposed). I just want to illustrate that contact dermatitis can start slowly, build, and then take a very long time to go away. The entire time, from shortly before the hives appeared until they were gone, it took a great deal of effort not to scratch. There was nothing I could do to stop it, since I had already long since washed off the urushiol; I just had to wait for my body to finish dealing with the reaction. No lotion, change of detergent or anything else would have made it go away.
I don’t believe anyone asked either of you to come here and start posting misinformation about Gardasil.
Not a fact, it lasts at least 8 years, and we have every reason to believe it lasts for much longer than that.
I’m not surprised no one believed it because what your mother has described bears no resemblance to any vaccine reaction, and certainly not to any reactions that have been observed after Gardasil. As others have pointed out, vaccine reactions do not occur weeks after vaccination, it simply isn’t possible.
Urticaria is an allergic reaction that occurs hours after exposure to an allergen, not weeks later. Perhaps you didn’t notice that the package insert that mentions urticaria says:
In other words, just because people report a symptom doesn’t mean it was caused by the vaccine.
No you haven’t. Immune reactions don’t wait for weeks before they occur. It is almost certain that your “immune reactions” would have happened even if you hadn’t been vaccinated with Gardasil. It is far more likely it was something you ate or drank, or were otherwise exposed to in your environment that caused your symptoms.
She shouldn’t feel guilty, as there is no reason at all to believe that your problems are anything to do with Gardasil. Unfortunately there is a very vocal lunatic fringe who believe that Gardasil is responsible for sickness and death in large numbers of people, but they are wrong.
No one is suggesting that you haven’t been unwell, but whatever has caused your problems, it wasn’t Gardasil.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been monitored after being given Gardasil and none of these problems have been seen more frequently than in people who haven’t been given the vaccine.
No one has been injured for life by Gardasil, but over 3,000 women die of cervical cancer every year in the US. I am concerned that you are putting people’s lives at risk by spreading inaccurate information about Gardasil.
Not finding any mention of gardasil causing urticaria many months after immunization on the website…
The only mention of urticaria I could find on the whole site was in the Merck package insert, with the proviso I quoted above.
What do you guys expect from Mikayla…when her mother keeps beating the drum about Gardasil and its “association” with the onset of shingles and urticaria.
Here’s the latest *gem* from Jess…
“All 3 immunologists that examied her did not state Gardasil was NOT the cause, the FDA did not deny Gardasil could be the cause, nor did her doctor nor did the rhumatologist. They could not rule it out. Neither can you.”
I’m using mangled English with double negatives now to *prove* that I am right.
From Jess’ Facebook page…listed under “interests”.
Truth About Gardasil, Vaccination Information Network (VINE), Truth About Gardasil,Oscarthecat, One More Girl, Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D., International Medical Council on Vaccination,, NVIC, Immunitrition, International Vaccine Injury Awareness, National Vaccine Information Center, SANEVAX, Seriously Concerned About Gardasil (Cervical Cancer Vaccine), Gardasil Victims Action Alliance, The Dangers of Gardasil (HPV/Cervical Cancer Vaccine), ONE MORE GIRL – Documentary, Nations Vaccine Claim Center, Academic Integrity Fund, Vaccine Injury Treatment: From Autism to Gardasil Syndrome, Gardasil kills.
Seriously Jess,
– Enroll in some basic science courses
– Stop endangering your patients…get a seasonal flu vaccine
– Stop filling up your daughter’s brain with nonsense
– Get a life
I would add to lilady’s comment, Jess, that you avoid dishonest and lying organizations like NVIC, and so forth. These places have a habit of, at best, distorting science and truth and, at worst, outright lying.
It wouldn’t be that unusual at all, depending on the ordering physician and which lab they used.
@Mickayla and Jess, would you describe to us the method of testing for heavy metals and which lab was used to process the results?
Why do I get the tingling feeling that Doctor’s Data is involved?
@Todd W. – None other. 🙂
I take it that you don’t see the irony in this statement.
I’d like to know how aluminium got on a “heavy metal screening”.
Somehow I get the feeling that Jess isn’t going to actually show us any of the documentation nor share her NVICP transcript.
@Jess and Mickayla, With all sincerity, please do share the method of testing for the heavy metals. If you absolutely must, then leave out the name of the lab, but I would seriously like to know the method of testing. It should pose no problem to name the lab, as they are most certainly a commercial entity and advertise their services elsewhere.
I noted that this assertion is also made in the VAERS report (471601). Having had skin-prick tests for allergies in the past, I’m kind of wondering what the game is here. Do you mean one test with 60 allergens? Two?
According to the VAERS link that Narad provided and that Jess filled, her daughter has a history of eczema. There is a notation that mom has all the blood tests and they are WNL.
Jess also ranted that her daughter has “dermographism” AND “urticaria”
How about this Medscape article about Dermographism Urticaria?
“The term dermographism (or dermatographism) literally means writing on the skin. Firm stroking of the skin produces an initial red line (capillary dilatation), followed by an axon-reflex flare with broadening erythema (arteriolar dilatation) and the formation of a linear wheal (transudation of fluid/edema); these events are collectively termed the triple response of Lewis.
An exaggerated response to this constitutional whealing tendency is seen in approximately 2-5% of the population and is referred to as dermographism. In a minority of people, it is accompanied by itching (symptomatic dermographism)….”
Jess needs to get soothing emollient lotions for her daughter and effective antihistamines. She also need to tell her daughter to stop scratching herself which causes her urticaria rash.
And Jess, if Mickayla is deliberately scratching herself to raise up wheals and urticaria, you have only yourself to blame because of your fixation on Gardasil as the trigger.
Also don’t send Mickayla here to post…I would hate to go after a snotty know-it-all kid.
A history of eczema.
A child going through puberty.
Of course, Jess is also sure Mickayla has not tried any new substances, is exposed to any new substances, is in environments where she could come into contacts with new substances, is around people that might shed or wear anything she is allergic to, et cetera.
In other words, she is magical and unlike any other teen on the planet. Also, her eczema has nothing to do with any allergic outbreak, but Gardasil gave her shingles.
Did I get this right so far?
@ lilady;
about going after youngsters:
I would hesitate if the said youngster were under the age of 18 ( see Natalie Palumbo @ AoA).
Or you can use kid gloves.
The only clinical test for aluminum Doctor’s Data is offering (according to a search of their website) is hair analysis, which is considered notoriously inaccurate by professionals in the field of metal toxicity.
Great Plains Laboratory (which is involved in “autism diagnosis) offers metal testing using hair, urine blood and stool.
Tests considered useful/reliable for aluminum toxicity include the deferoxamine infusion test and bone biopsy – analyses of hair and bodily fluids don’t fall into that category. It’s a multimillion dollar business for some U.S. labs, though.
How old is Mickayla?
@S: from Orac’s comment, if she was 15 in 2011, she’s still a minor.
@MI Dawn, then how is she posting that she and her mother are tired of this, and that she, Mickayla, had six years of med school?
You’ve got it right so far Stu. By jove, we’ve solved the “mystery”. Next case.
BTW, my daughter has a “geographic tongue”.
@ Denice Walter: Natalie Palumbo *thinks* she can make a career because her brother has an ASD. She’s a silly kid who needs to get over herself.
Oh, I see. Mickayla meant that she figured out the cause of all of her medical problems without having to go through six years of med school. So med school to her is a waste of time and unnecessary. I’m going back to bed now with my bad cold.
Dear Jess and Mickayla,
Jess states “All 3 immunologists that examied her did not state Gardasil was NOT the cause, the FDA did not deny Gardasil could be the cause, nor did her doctor nor did the rhumatologist. They could not rule it out. Neither can you.”
Fine. Prove to me that the invisible pink unicorn standing on my ceiling doesn’t exist and then I will follow your method.
Let’s say my daughter is given Gardasil. After the 3rd dose, she develops shingles. How much time do you believe needs to pass after receiving the 3rd dose for you to not think Gardasil was the cause?
I am tired of this, as is my mother.
You are tired of leaping to the defense of the SaneVax scam and arguing with anonymous strangers every time your spidey sense tells you that someone on the Internet is criticising SaneVax?
Stop doing it then.
I can’t resist, Jess’ method of determining what is right and true is too much fun to pass up… Jess, since you cannot prove that Mickayla’s symptoms are not caused by sparkly vampires from Stephnenie Meyer’s TWILIGHT story series I hereby conclude that Team Edward is the cause of her woes.
I shall maintain that this is true and the case is closed until you can conclusively prove otherwise.
@ Stu: But she stayed on the sidewalk!
A test for aluminum is included on their provoked 6-hour Urine Toxic Metals test, which is typically performed after administration of a provoking agent such as DMSA or EDTA.
@Edith: that was priceless.
Which provokes me to laughter.
Jess, Which tests were used to diagnose the aluminum toxicity?
DB, That was easy. I bet if I kept talking, I’d likely have you laughing so hard you’d break a few ribs. Maybe another time.
S, our local resident rib-cracking equivalent to pertussis.
it’s just a fact that the CDC for some reason did not want to share this.
Just a thought: invoking conspiracy theories generally makes your argument look bad. I doubt very much that the CDC withholds medical information about effects.
On the Gardasil website they say (look this up) Urticaria can be caused by Gardasil, it is a symptom of this shot, it can show up even many months after. Don’t believe it?
I suspect they say that urticaria has been reported to have occurred after vaccination. (This does not say that the vaccine caused the urticaria.)
Go to the website and look at it.
I can do a little better and look at the research literature. There are just five papers with “gardasil urticaria” – four, really, once you realise one is an informal summary of the others. [Bear in mind this searches abstracts, not the body content of the papers.]
These report reported reactions. These reactions occurred with an hour to ninety minutes after the injection, not a month or more later.
It will almost certainly be these reports that the Gardasil website is referring when it is noting that there are reports of urticaria having occurred after a Gardasil injection.
You claim you don’t need “six years of med school to figure this out”. You need to understand a thing before you can criticise it, however. In this case you need to understand how research is done and why it is done as it is.
Reported events give correlations with another event. The do not by themselves show that one event caused another.
Generalising, the longer the time between the initial event and it’s possible effects, the more frequently effects that have nothing to do with the initial event will be noted.
Make the time range too long and the study would be meaningless.
If you included possible effects from several months after the initial event, literally every single medical condition found in that age group would be listed as a possible effect. It would be completely meaningless.
There are groups on facebook for people who have been injured, even the government made a compensation program for people who have been injured (in the USA.)
There are researchers who put a good deal of effort into checking and testing if treatments have ill-effects. They may not have Facebook pages, but they do have many years training in their fields and work very hard.
The government admits that vaccines can injure people obviously because the program was created.
Wrong. Others can fill you in (I’m not from the USA) but that program was set up because of the nature of the legal system in the USA, that your country has this practice of suing people seemingly left, right and centre! (Seemingly, to someone reading media reports about the USA, not that the media ever gives a fair image of a country.)
My name, my religious practices, my everything is not your concern to pick at.
This may not matter in your particular case, but unfortunately unfortunately a few religious groups have taken stances against Gardasil for reasons that really start with their religious beliefs. With that in mind, people will ask.
“Also, don’t worry if it’s a month to two months after, Gardasil also says to look at these symptoms even if it has been months after, to tell your doctor as well, to not get another dose if you have had any other reactions.”
I don’t think you’re in a position to be offering medical advice I’m afraid.
In this case the advice would be bad. Reporting the symptoms to your doctor with an open mind as to what caused them is fair enough. Presuming that the symptoms ‘must’ be from the vaccine because they occurred within a month or so of the injection is wrong-headed (for similar reasons as I mentioned when I wrote about testing earlier).
For those wanting to look at the literature: one is a case study (BMC Case Rep. 2012), with the obvious limitations that go with that; of the three surveys, two are open-access (the JAMA survey requires a subscription to read it).
Indeed so. Back in the 1980s, there was a scare regarding the whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DTP). A number of reports were made of neurological problems following this vaccine (which later scientific evaluation found to be unrelated to the vaccine). At the time, however, the scare spurred on numerous lawsuits, including spurious ones that didn’t even have a tentative connection with the DTP. The result was that the legal system was horribly bogged down, delaying families who should be compensated from getting justice in a timely manner. At the same time, the high legal costs associated with defending these suits led many vaccine manufacturers to quit the business altogether, because vaccines just weren’t money-makers and weren’t worth the risk of these kinds of legal actions. With fewer manufacturers, there was a very real threat that vaccine shortages would skyrocket, leading to a comeback of communicable diseases.
Lawmakers, manufacturers, patient advocates and parents all sat down to figure out what to do. The result was the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Manufacturers would pay a fee for every dose of vaccine they made. Those fees would go into a pool. A special judicial system was created to govern petitions for compensation, as well as to administer the compensation funds. For parents and patients, this meant that they could receive justice in a much more timely manner, as well as having a much lower standard of scientific proof for expert witnesses and claims. Furthermore, known adverse effects were put on a table of injuries. A patient who suffered an injury on that list did not even need to prove that the vaccine caused it; it was just assumed that was the case and compensation was awarded. All reasonable legal fees associated with the petition would be covered by the program at no cost to the petitioners, as well. And, any petitioner who was unhappy with the findings of the Vaccine Court could then opt to reject the judgment and sue in the regular tort system.
Science Mom: “Thanks for geeking out with me.”
No problem. I got my master’s degree in a lab that studied the ubiquitination degradation system in HPV16-infected cells.
Todd: you allege to it, but just to emphasize: this court does not operate on “proven beyond a reasonable doubt”, it operates on “50% + a feather”. It is much, much easier to get your way in the VICP than in a regular court. Or, to put it another way: if you can’t get your blood money (sorry, yes, that is a callous way of putting it, but when you blame vaccines for killing your child when it obviously had a rare genetic condition, that is EXACTLY what it is) in VICP proceedings, you really don’t have a case.
Well, from my understanding, the “50%+ a feather” level of proof is standard for all non-criminal court cases. What’s different in the Vaccine Court is that as far as the scientific evidence presented (along with expert witnesses), the Daubert standard does not apply. But, IANAL, so any lawyers, feel free to correct me.
Preponderance of the evidence is the normal standard in a civil action. NVICP claims differ in having a presumption of causation for table injuries and looser procedural and evidentiary rules for non-table injuries. It is indeed much easier than a true adversary proceeding, but not quite for the reason of the standard itself.
I guess I’m stoopid because I didn’t go to medical school for six years.
It was a four-year program. They probably left out the stuff about toxins, vaccines being eevil and oh yes, all the nutrition science the alties know about but physicians don’t.
In other vaccination news, that fabulous book that encourages children to get sick with measles (“Melanie’s Marvellous Measles”) has been pulled from an online bookstore after protests in Australia. All the complainers probably were pharma shills. 🙁
@Todd, Narad: thank you for the corrections.
I suppose I can understand the first reaction. It must be hard to think that you’d put your child through so much pain, just because you bought a different brand of fabric softener or peanut butter. But not getting past that, and refusing to get the routine allergen screens to identify the cause, thereby causing your child more pain – that I don’t understand.
Mickayla wrote:
Well, others have already demonstrated that CURRENT evidence demonstrates that your claim of the duration of Gardasil-derived protection is false. So let me address the other part of your claim.
My daughter’s about your age, and she likely has no more idea than you do what it means when FDA grants “fast track” status to a vaccine or drug in development. Let me explain, starting with what “fast track” does NOT mean.
“Fast track” does NOT mean that any corners were cut, that thorough analysis was neglected, or that the compound didn’t receive the normal, extensive scrutiny that is required for other vaccines or drugs that did not receive that rare designation.
Instead, “fast track” status–which is rarely granted–allows an expedited review to a company whose drug or biologic makes both a product and a marketing claim that addresses an unmet medical need. That does NOT mean that the product or biologic is rigorously scrutinized than other compounds–the review process simply starts earlier.
Really, instead of waiting to submit the full package of study materials (that’s a huge amount of information: before the advent of electronic filing, applicants would back an eighteen-wheeler up to the FDA facility to unload all the paper), the fast track review process can begin BEFORE the final results become available months after the completion of the second large (and blinded) Phase 3 clinical trial. Thus the FDA can begin to review the chemical, biochemical, in vitro, and Phase 1 and Phase 2 human study data that were completed years earlier BEFORE the results are in from the final Phase 3 studies. Of course, all of that information–including the Phase 3 studies that are submitted some months later–is appropriately scrutinized.
The clearly implied argument that Gardasil was inadequately reviewed because of its fast track status is based either in ignorance or in dishonesty. If you choose to use that argument again, now that you are better able to understand FDA’s fast track process, it can only be for one reason.
BTW, your mom, as a nurse, wouldn’t be expected to understand the FDA fast track review process, so she’s not lying to you–she’s likely just read material written by people who are either dishonest or ignorant.
I know very little about dermatology, but could a shingles outbreak make eczema worse?
Dedicated Lurker – Some eczema sufferers get flare-ups when they’re under stress. I imagine that the combination of shingles, being a teenager, and a mother screaming about how the “EVIL HPV PUSHERS MERCK BIG PHARMA HURT MY BAYBEE” could be stressful.
If said mother did this for weeks after every shot, and was obsessing over every zit, scratch, and mark that appeared, then *boom* eczema flare.
Also, the VZV that causes shingles also takes advantage of weakened immune systems. So if someone was stressed enough to have an eczema flare, then VZV could be riding eczema’s scaly coat-tails into Dermisville.
It actually makes me wonder if mommy dearest was freaking out from day one, the initial shot. IMHO it’s pretty abusive to constantly howl at your young child that their life is ruined, that they’re terribly ill with a disabling neurologicat condition, that they’ll never fulfill their potential, and that many young people died because of that same vaccination. Raving about how every doctor is conspiring to deny it, that the government, pharmaceutical companies, schools, researchers and scientists everywhere are plotting and scheming to kill innocent children with evil toxin cocktails, because it makes. them rich, and that anyone who denies this is a paid shill.
I can only imagine how terribly upsetting and stressful that would be. Hives? Kid’s lucky she hasn’t had a breakdown.
When I’m under stress, I get eczema. When I’m under stress, I also tend to eat more comfort foods, especially those containing milk and fruit derivatives, such as a hamburger with ketchup or cheese, pizza, chocolate, or toast with added jelly or butter, and I get eczema. They are delayed allergies and I spent years going from doctor to doctor for help in treating the eczema, and I had many allergy tests. Skin tests would not evoke a positive until one to two days after the test, long after I left the doctor’s office. I’d call them and ask to come back in, only to have an appointment scheduled for the following month, their next available appointment. They would assure me over the phone that I had showed no reaction with the tests, and my “new” symptoms were undoubtedly caused by something else. The skin reactions would be gone by the time of that next appointment.
More tests and repeat allergy tests always resulted in the same very delayed response. So I decided to just show up at the doctors office two days after the test in hopes of at least letting the nurse or receptionist see my skin reactions. That worked. Both the nurse and the doctor finally saw the reactions, a perfect line-up of red, itchy bumps across my arms in the same exact pattern as the skin tests they had done days earlier. Of course, I didn’t react to every single allergen, but enough to prove my point, or at least that is what I thought. They told me it was impossible to show a reaction days after the fact. They told me that I was scratching myself in the same places to make it look like the test, and that I needed counseling. Yet, when I’m not under stress, and I eat those same foods, I get eczema.
Is eczema really flared by the stress, or other factors that coincide with the the stressful situation? Years later, I finally did get a leading immunologist to agree to see me several times over the course of two weeks following the skin tests and document the reactions. The validation that the skin responses were indeed delayed responses to the test, and that I was not intentionally injuring myself for the attention was substantial.
I posted up thread and provided this link about the symptoms that Jess’ daughter is experiencing as contained in the VAERS report…and as contained in her rants that she posted on RI. IMO, Jess has filled her daughter with nonsense by telling her she is “vaccine injured”. Her child may be deliberately evoking symptoms to gain her mother’s attention. I hope they haven’t already spent the money that they think they will collect from the Vaccine Court…because they will never be able to prove that Gardasil vaccine is “what done did it”.
Most of the nurses that I *know* are aware that shingles is a reactivation of a prior chicken pox infection, heh, heh.
Most of the nurses that I *know* have the ability to do research on the internet and the ability to understand dermatological conditions, heh, heh.
You people are way creepier than I ever thought- ‘skeptics,’ ‘skepchicks’, ‘Science blogs’ . One of your own ‘skeptics’ has sent someone (Ms Dorey, AVN) violent pornographic images and left threatening messages (die in a fire and just burn) all traced to the ‘skeptics’ home in Australia. You guys are CREEEEEEPY. I’m out for good here. Bye creeps.
“I’m out for good here”
Promise to really stick the flounce Jen?
Who’s got the screen shot from AoA depicting scientists at a Thanksgiving table feasting on a baby?
Ta-ta creepy Jen.
@ Jen,
Generalisation of the behavior of one person over an entire group. If we apply the same reasoning, you all advocate for chemical castration of autistics? How creepy of your group too.
I believe I have that kicking about somewhere. Ah, yes. Here we go.
10 bucks says Jen’s back within a week
Thanks Todd W.
AdamG…only a fool would make that wager. 🙂
She’s been cyber stalking me at the Ho-Po..posting under “jened”.
Promises, promises Jen ….
You mean this, Jen, or has Meryl’s delicate disease fetishism been offended once again?
Oh, dear, Jen is channeling Pattimmy Bolen.
And I thought “recombinaltion tiniker” was bad!
Sadly, the AVN’s fortunes seem to be declining. An Australian governmental agency has ruled that the AVN must change its name to stop deceiving the public as to its true agenda:
“The AVN now has until February 21, 2013 to submit an application for a name change which also must be approved by the Commissioner. Of course, Dorey and co have a right to appeal this order, but if they decide to ignore it, their registration can be cancelled and their assets seized and split up – making this a rather serious matter indeed.”
“So far, Dorey has responded to the order in the only way she knows, with accusations of “suppression of free speech” and “government bully boys”. And in a bizarre analogy she questioned why she was being targeted when “Greenpeace is not green, nor do they go around looking for peace…”.”
If you do a Google search for Australian Vaccination Network, eight of the first ten links are to sites not favorable the the AVN’s antivax mission (including two that superficially appear to be official AVN sites, one of which is an online drug seller and the other of which is anti-AVN (did someone at the AVN forget to renew rights to a web address?).
We should have a contest to help Meryl et al rename her organization. “Anti-Vaccination Network” is the obvious choice, but more inventive and descriptive ones (like Moms for Marvellous Measles) should be in the mix too.
The fact that AVN also stands for ‘Adult Video News’ is likely responsible for some of the pornography that has been associated with AVN, rather than a sinister attack by skeptics.
Meryl Dorey has stepped down from the AVIN to devote her time to “special projects.”
ubiquitination degradation
We’re here! We’re everywhere! We’re the UbiquitiNation!
Yes, but we are a society full of decay.
So let’s just review the facts for a moment: The scientist who has basically written the book on high sensitivity PCR testing and published many peer reviewed papers (several on HPV DNA sequencing) has got it all wrong. I guess the FDA got it wrong too since they agree that the vaccine is contaminated with HPV L1 gene DNA fragments.
It’s funny reading all these amateur complaints here about the peer reviewed published science. I’ll note the glaring absense of any criticisms posted to the actual journal of publication which our “expert” here knows full well is the way real scientists openly debate points on peer reviewed science.
Is our oracular “expert” honestly interested in what the HPV DNA fragments (that the FDA admits are there) can do in the human body? I think not. If he was, the article clearly notes that samples were stored for further research at the Auckland Hospital for independent investigation. I mean, if he’s so concerned about the proper science, I’m sure the coronal court would send him the split samples and he could use the published methods to validate the results. But of course, Merck wouldn’t pay him for that would they? Better to make money off groupies clicking ads on a fully moderated soap box. Hey, I’ll admit, the soap box looks like way more fun.
And I really have to laugh at the groupie discussion about forcing HCWs to wear masks if they work sans flu vaccine. I mean seriously, a bunch of people claiming the side of science mandating an intervention of masks when the evidence clearly points to lack of any sort of efficacy on that front. Of course, why should I be surprised? It’s not like the flu vaccine has any demonstrated efficacy either. I mean if we were using actual evidence from flu trials, every HCW should be wearing a mask. That would save a lot of money if you all really insist on an intervention, even if it won’t prevent any cases of the flu.
@Mr Pink:
You have an interesting definition of facts.
Please provide links to those peer reviewed papers
Yes. He had no controls. For all we know, he could have detected something else. Negative controls check against this.
Citation please, and from reputable sources, not antivaccination websites.
Pharma Shill Gambit.
Irony and Hypocrisy Meters vapourised. Antivaccination websites are heavily moderated while your comment was posted here.
65% > 0%. Learn some basic maths.
I’d like proof of this claim, and again, not from an antivaccination website.
The scientist who has basically written the book on high sensitivity PCR testing
Which book would this be, pray tell?
See, this is the part where you get to demonstrate your not being an “amateur,” Quincy.
But of course, Merck wouldn’t pay him for that would they?
Mr Pink has “struck the wooden skewer on its thicker end”, as Kai Lung puts it . Dr Lee was the one who tried to shake down the FDA to institute a universal HPV testing regime — licensing his test — replacing the HPV vaccines. The authorities said No, because he had no evidence for the validity of his tests. That was the stage where he set out to discredit the HPV vaccines, in popular opinion at least since his attempts to recruit the scientific community attracted nothing but laughter.
This is all well-documented, with various court documents readily available.
I’m sure the coronal court would send him the split samples
‘Coronal’ is a suture in the skull. NZ coroner’s courts are not so sanguine about sending out human body samples as Mr Pink appears to believe.
Something something 18 heads at O’Hare airport something.
Which book would this be, pray tell?
Chapter: Lee SH. Guidelines for the use of molecular tests for the detection and genotyping of human papilloma virus from clinical specimens. Methods in Molecular Biology, volume Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. C. MacKenzie and B. Henrich, Volume Eds. J. Walker, Series Ed. Humana Press.
See, you and Orac could educate yourselves.
This is all well-documented, with various court documents readily available.
In the banal words of Julian Frost above, “Citation please, and from reputable sources”, not advert-funded soap boxes. Frankly, I think it unlikely that any court document discusses any shakedown, validity of Lee’s tests, or the laughter of groupies on a soap-box side show.
NZ coroner’s courts are not so sanguine about sending out human body samples as Mr Pink appears to believe.
Yet, Shaw and Lee got a hold of them and did some extensive testing. One would think that according to you guys, the “real” scientists would have no trouble clearing things up for them. I sense the cognitive dissonance from here lol.
@Mr Pink:
Your link goes to a bookstore that lists the book under “New and Forthcoming titles”. When we asked for citations, we want to see links that show that Sin Hang Lee’s work was peer-reviewed by people who know the field. You haven’t. All you’ve done is basically advertising.
“Citation please, and from reputable sources”,
I am wondering about the utility of providing citations to someone who has just shown himself unaware of the difference between “the book” and “a chapter”.
“Please provide links to those peer reviewed papers”
‘Dr Pink’ is welcome to provide the citation index counts for Dr. Lee’s work compared to those working in the PCR methods field. I doubt Dr. Lee’s work rates particularly well compared to the better people in the field.
Dr Pink:
“Which book would this be, pray tell?”
That’s not a book, that’s a chapter. Hell, I’ve written a chapter in a Springer book. (And contributed to another.) A book chapter doesn’t make the guy some super expert above all others. If anything, book chapters are soft publications.
“Yet, Shaw and Lee got a hold of them”
No, Shaw and Lee did not “get a hold of” the samples. The parents pushed for these two to be used. Quite probably, in turn, because anti-vaccine proponents pushed the parents to use them.
“and did some extensive testing”
Lee and Shaw did some (very) limited, narrow testing. The coroners in NZ did extensive and broad testing. (You don’t seem to have the faintest idea of what you’re talking about.)
(Lee in particular has links to an anti-vaccine group, SaneVax, which raises a few questions.)
Mr Pink’s problem is this: He is trying to convince random visitors to this comment thread that Dr Sin Hang Lee is the world’s leading authority on high-sensitivity PCR testing, the author of the accepted texts on the topic…
…When right at the top of the thread, readers can see right in the original post that Lee is reduced to publishing in an absolute bottom-of-the-barrel website — a ‘predatory open-access’ vanity-publishing scam that will put absolutely anything in their archives in exchange for the right amount of hard currency.
Please continue!
hdb – 🙂
This PubMed search seems to find his work along, with some that of other Lee SH’s that you’ll have to weed out:
Most of these papers are not his. Kind of a short publication record for a “world’s leading authority” in any field…
@grant, BTW, I’m not a doctor. For someone getting all literal about common metaphors that’s a pretty funny mistake no? But bravo on being the only one here who seems to be able to run a pubmed search for themselves. Why don’t you publish a link to the chapter you wrote? I would love to see the citation. Maybe I’ll even read it.
@grant, “No, Shaw and Lee did not “get a hold of” the samples.”
Really? They got the samples. That meets the criteria of “getting a hold of”. Did you request some samples and have problems with the court? Would the local authorities fighting the findings not welcome a request to have a self proclaimed expert on PCR do some more testing to help clear the air? This sounds like a lot excuses to me. The original point — which apparently was lost on you — is that our host here is an expert at feigning concern. In reality, it’s a lot of whining backed up by nothing but hot air.
@grant, “Quite probably in turn because anti-vaccine proponents pushed the parents to use them”
Quite probably? You don’t think it had something to do with getting the right experts to find the cause of death? Let’s see, a child dies after having a serious reaction to an HPV vaccine. You imply that in order to help determine the cause of death, they should have instead contacted a breast cancer surgeon (who writes a soap box blog as a side job attacking all manners of scientists) to do the investigation. Contacting the current experts who have recent published peer-review science on the two areas relating to the main ingredients of the vaccine was a mistake? (Specific strain HPV DNA and Aluminum) Good thing they were actually coerced by special interests into hiring the actual experts instead of listening to independent advice such as that posted here no?
Let me guess, next you’ll imply that if those parents were really wanting an expert opinion on vaccine damage, they should have contacted a vaccine expert like Thorsen instead right? For the right amount of money, they might have gotten far more studies in their favour from him no?
@bimler “I am wondering about the utility of providing citations to someone who has just shown himself unaware of the difference between “the book” and “a chapter”.”
I see you’re pedalling furiously, the wrong direction, and apparently, you can’t recognize a common metaphor. Do you take religious text literally too?
@bimler “He is trying to convince random visitors to this comment thread that Dr. Sin Hang Lee…”
More invalid assumptions. Seriously, the omniscient bimler apparently can read the minds of posters and scientists alike to accurately determine their motives. And the essense of truth is somehow infused in your head despite a gaping lack of evidence? Perhaps you actually believe an oracle is a real thing LOL. Seriously, it’s far more likely I’m just here to entertain myself at your expense than convince random readers who are unlikely to go to the bottom of the comments. Think about it smart guy.
@bimler, As for “publishing scam”, that reveals depths of ignorance. Are you an elitist fundamentalist now? Most journals (do you actually read any?) are putting things into their archives for currency. The difference between open access is that the actual content is less determined by currency. You pay, you get peer reviewed, you get published. In closed journals, you pay, you get peer reviewed and you get published… except that you might not get published, if they don’t think the article will generate enough money on the side, or they don’t like you because they stand to lose money from sponsors who don’t like the results, or because the article doesn’t help promote sales for another product of the parent company, or for whatever reason they decide. So who is really running the “scam”?
@grant, BTW, I’m not a doctor. For someone getting all literal about common metaphors that’s a pretty funny mistake no? But bravo on being the only one here who seems to be able to run a pubmed search for themselves. Why don’t you publish a link to the chapter you wrote? I would love to see the citation. Maybe I’ll even read it.
@grant, “No, Shaw and Lee did not “get a hold of” the samples.”
Really? They got the samples. That meets the criteria of “getting a hold of”. Did you request some samples and have problems with the court? Would the local authorities fighting the findings not welcome a request to have a self proclaimed expert on PCR do some more testing to help clear the air? This sounds like a lot excuses to me. The original point — which apparently was lost on you — is that our host here is an expert at feigning concern. In reality, it’s a lot of whining backed up by nothing but hot air.
@grant, “Quite probably in turn because anti-vaccine proponents pushed the parents to use them”
Quite probably? You don’t think it had something to do with getting the right experts to find the cause of death? Let’s see, a child dies after having a serious reaction to an HPV vaccine. You imply that in order to help determine the cause of death, they should have instead contacted a breast cancer surgeon (who writes a soap box blog as a side job attacking all manners of scientists) to do the investigation. Contacting the current experts who have recent published peer-review science on the two areas relating to the main ingredients of the vaccine was a mistake? (Specific strain HPV DNA and Aluminum) Good thing they were actually coerced by special interests into hiring the actual experts instead of listening to independent advice such as that posted here no?
Let me guess, next you’ll imply that if those parents were really wanting an expert opinion on vaccine damage, they should have contacted a vaccine expert like Thorsen instead right? For the right amount of money, they might have gotten far more studies in their favour from him no?
Link to FDA documented admission that the HPV DNA is in the vaccine as Dr. Lee asserted.
@Mr Pink/Mr Black/Whatever character from Reservoir Dogs:
Dr Lee was asserting that the fragments caused the problem. From your quote…
Not the smoking gun you seem to think it was.
Mr Pink/Black seems to be unaware that sockpuppetry is rather frowned upon.
Thanks for the gratuitous demonstration that you have no understanding whatever of academic publishing.
Including how predatory OA works.
And when page charges occur, and that not all journals employ them.
And how an editorial office works. And who the actual “sponsors” of academic journals are. And how the “products” of the “parent company” are sold.
Shaw’s lone claim to “published peer-review [sic] science” is two incidents of shooting up mice with aluminum hydroxide and/or squalene while mumbling about Gulf War illness and failing to note that this connection has already been looked at six ways to Sunday by people without colanders on their heads and found lacking, which is why AVA is still mandatory for combat deployments.
^ “lone claim in this regard”
Every single thing this sockpuppet says shows he,
– thinks snarky trolling is being clever
– has he knows little about the case at hand
– has damn-all understanding of how science and scientific publishing works
I’m not sure it’s even worth deconstructing his string of errors, even for laughs.
What might be more interesting is to know why he’s bothering with this act. Is he a SaneVax devotee (or employee), for example.
Yah, but attempting to deliver a stupid lecture on publishing to people who actually publish or, you know, just might happen to happen to have substantial experience in the business is like showing up naked on Gordon Liddy’s doorstep in the middle of the night with a head full of acid and claiming to be an avenging penguin.
How utterly dull that Mr. Black and Mr. Pink post the same exact nonsensical comment here.
Whatever happened to the *talented* trolls and their sock puppets who used to post here.
@ Pink, Black, Green, Gray and assorted sockies. Orac is not the only one who finds Dr. Lee’s testimony to be false:
Suck it up sockies.
– thinks snarky trolling is being clever
I hope this is not a criticism of snarky trolling.
Beall’s blog is a great resource, not least for lazy bloggers who are looking for worthy targets for ridicule.
like showing up naked on Gordon Liddy’s doorstep in the middle of the night with a head full of acid and claiming to be an avenging penguin
I’m glad that happens to other people too.
“I hope this is not a criticism of snarky trolling.”
Good point. I distinguish between merely being snarky and being clever. Any form of language in the right hands can be useful, but mere use of them in itself doesn’t make the writer clever.
“like showing up naked on Gordon Liddy’s doorstep in the middle of the night with a head full of acid and claiming to be an avenging penguin”
With or without body paint?
(Sorry. Terrible sense of humour.)
Contacting the current experts who have recent published peer-review science on the two areas relating to the main ingredients of the vaccine was a mistake?
I am not going to criticise Christopher Shaw’s work in visual physiology (that could lead to social awkwardness if I ever run into him at a conference). Nor do I criticise him for publishing outside his nominal area of expertise; because (a) what matters in science is the quality of work, not trade certificates; and (b) pot, kettle, black.
There is valid concern, however, that his paper with Tomljenovic was published in a special issue of J. Inorg. Biochem. — devoted to finding aluminium toxicity everywhere, edited by a tinfoil-hatted anti-aluminium obsessive, and bypassing normal peer review. Not to mention the problem that their follow-up paper could only be published in an OMICS journal, this being an egregious rip-off scam even by the standards of the predatory-open-access world.
I was just impressed by the phrase “current experts”. It creates the impression that “expertise” comes and goes, shifting hither and thither in the manner of Divine Grace, so that one needs special criteria to tell upon whom it is bestowed at any given time.
Almost as if the “current expert” is “the person currently saying what I want to hear”.
@lillady, Grant, ToddW
Really? You guys think that’s sockpuppeting? I mean, it didn’t even go like this:
Mr Black: that’s a great point Mr Pink, I mean these guys just don’t get it. They must all be pharma shills.
Mr Pink: Thanks Mr Black, I think you must be right.
In reality, it’s called WordPress not liking some urls at springer and me experimenting to see what was wrong or if it was being selectively moderated like the Orac likes to do on occasion.
To qualify for sockpuppeting, some sort of deception needs to be involved. Duh.
@grant: I see instead of addressing the garbage you put out at first, you pull the classic retreat: “you don’t know what you’re talking about so I’m not going to waste my time”.
Run, run away fast. I would love to see that chapter you wrote. Your argument there was kind of funny. I mean it almost seemed like you were implying that since you were able to publish a chapter in a text, it wasn’t that big a deal. Is that because the chapter you published wasn’t original work, or was it poor quality?
I mean seriously, I don’t see how you win that argument no matter the scenario.
@bimler “I am not going to criticize Christopher Shaw’s work in visual physiology (that could lead to social awkwardness if I ever run into him at a conference).”
Really? But you’re willing to effectively character assassinate (bordering on libel) Dr. Lee because you won’t run into him? Good grief, how professional of you…
@bimler “…that his paper with Tomljenovic was published in a special issue…”
And yet, you criticize the method of publication and none of the science. Last time I checked, those journals published letters. Please point out the one from Bimler criticizing the science, because I must have missed it.
“I was just impressed by the phrase “current experts”.”
I suppose I figured most people here are defenders of the fictitious “consensus science” or “defenders of the mainstream” but I never thought anyone would be brash enough to suggest that expertise was permanent and lasting. Science, technology and understanding moves all the time, and an expert today, is hardly guaranteed to be one tomorrow.
@narad: “fail”
Yep, I never was able to post the link. I’m sure you’re disappointed.
Perhaps you’d like to describe it in adequate detail that the “WordPress not liking some urls at springer” bit can be subjected to scrutiny.
Oh, look, the pretend publishing expert is now emitting legal analysis.
It doesn’t matter a single bit if Lee is able to do a PCR correctly.
He fundamentally failed to provide evidence that the fragments he sequenced were of vaccine origin.
Why on Earth would such an expert at HPV detection choose to amplify and sequence the L1 gene itself rather than across the breakpoint of the gene and the vaccine-specific plasmid?
This is basic PCR design 101. He’s either being moronic or deceptive…take your pick. I’m going with deceptive, because he knew that with this large of a design flaw he stood no chance with peer review.
But you’re willing to effectively character assassinate
My character assassination is effective? At last I can join the Guild!
Shows how much a troll s/he is to try make out a sensible decision not to engage with nonsense is ‘a retreat’ (and illustrating how sensible that decision was by trying cheap smears of the other person) and studiously avoid a relevant point raised.
Ironic to write ‘But you’re willing to effectively character assassinate (bordering on libel)’ when the troll has done just that.
But then that’s trolls for you, too. Busy accusing others of what they do themselves.
I’m busy with local more important things anyway. (One being stiff about a NZ anti-vaccine group being raised in the media; see my location. And I’ve work and life things to attend to.)
Herr Doktor Bimmler
Ian’t that an oxymoron or can one still get tinfoil made from tin?
Aluminium-hatted? 🙂
Please point out the one from Bimler criticizing the science, because I must have missed it.
Not seeing many publications in the field by Pink, either.
@narad — For the life of me I couldn’t get wordpress to accept the full springer url link to the textbook. It had dots, hyphens and a long path and I still don’t know what it didn’t like. I even tried removing those characters replacing them with words with parentheses. Never worked and I wasted enough time on it. It took several posts for me to narrow the problem down to the url, and the double post was one of few successful attempts.
@bimler “Not seeing many publications in the field by Pink, either.”
But then, I’m not whining unprofessionally about others’ papers either.
@grant “shows how much a troll …”
Grant, your continued potshots show how dishonest your arguments are. And if I’m really a troll then you’re doing the feeding and that kind of makes you the newbie or dupe doesn’t it? I don’t see how you’re going to win that argument either. That’s two lose/lose arguments in a row.
@grant “… when the troll has done just that.”
Apparently, the dupe thinks I’m a qualified assassin of caricatures posting anonymously on a soap box. I never realized a caricature could be libelled. Do tell.
@grant “I’m busy with local more important things anyway”
You’re repeating yourself. For one so engaged in this blog, frankly, I don’t believe you. I would still love for you to explain how your own publication of a textbook chapter lessens the value of Dr. Lee’s contributions, but I’m not holding my breath. Apparently, you realize that’s a losing argument.
Once again, you are invited to present it. Munge it or stick it into a link shortener and present the hash.
As I’ve mentioned above, Mr Pink’s taking us on a complete tour of distractions. The real problem, as ze so conveniently ignores, is that Lee fundamentally failed to provide evidence that the fragments he sequenced were of vaccine origin.
By the way, someone should really let the scientific field know about all these ‘contributions,’ His chapter you’ve listed above has exactly 0 citations. Kinda weird for someone you claim ‘wrote the book’ on HPV detection. Does it count to write a book if literally nobody has read it?
@AdamG: “His chapter you’ve listed above has exactly 0 citations.”
You might also note that the textbook was very recently published, so I’m not sure how you would expect citations already, unless people regularly pump out research from start to publication in a really short period of time. I also doubt that Springer would publish a text book that no one was going to read going forward. But then, this argument is really a side show as you noted.
@AdamG: “Mr Pink’s taking us on a complete tour of distractions.”
The path of the discussion was laid by the responses to my post.
@AdamG: “Why on Earth would such an expert at HPV detection choose to amplify and sequence the L1 gene itself rather than across the breakpoint of the gene and the vaccine-specific plasmid?”
If you read the FDA link I provided, you’ll note that they said quite clearly: “presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA fragments in Gardasil”. The FDA did not say that the entire plasmid with the breakpoint of the gene and the vaccine-specific plasmid is present. Remember, these fragments are contaminants and are present in small quantities despite attempts to remove them in the manufacturing and purification process. The manufacturing and purification process themselves may have broken the DNA down to fragments, and then they are bound to the aluminum salts which is added to the vaccine as an adjuvant.
@AdamG: “He fundamentally failed to provide evidence that the fragments he sequenced were of vaccine origin.”
Taken from the Abstract: “The HPV-16 gene DNA detected in the postmortem materials was similar to the HPV-16 gene DNA fragments in Gardasil in that both were in non-B-conformation”. From the discussion: “Similar topological non-B conformational changes in HPV L1 gene DNA fragments bound to the AAHS particles in the Gardasil vaccine have been demonstrated by a low temperature (LoTemp) PCR catalyzed by a highly processive DNA polymerase with proof-reading function [26]. Aluminum, unlike other metals, is known to stabilize and destabilize portions of a dsDNA molecule at different pHs, cause intrastrand cross-links, and create a “non-cooperative melting profile” for the bound DNA molecule [27].”
The key to all this is understanding conformations of double-stranded DNA, especially when bound to aluminum salts. This is all about developing a PCR method to detect DNA fragments in various conformations. Of course Orac casually dismissed all the complexity as handwaving.
That’s not a textbook, and you apparently don’t understand what the Humana imprint is for. And I’m still waiting for the actual cursed URL.
@Mr Pink:
Dr Sin Hang Lee used multiple amplifications. That raises questions about what he detected. He also had no negative controls.
What he was recording could be almost anything.
In addition to the zero citations his textbook chapter has, none of the papers Lee lists on his own website have any citations other than Lee himself. The papers date back 5 years. Is 5 years too “recently published” as well?
Utter nonsense. The article shows nothing of the sort. What Lee did was a simple nested PCR followed by Sanger sequencing, detecting a single gene from HPV that is not vaccine-specific.
The paper contains absolutely no methodology to investigate “various conformations” of DNA, nor any evidence to that question at all.
If you disagree, feel free to point me to the experiment and results in the article you feel demonstrate that the HPV DNA is of vaccine origin and I’d be happy to explain why you’re incorrect.
I will reiterate that this is not a textbook. It is volume 930 in a series. The way this works is that some poor acquisitions editor at Springer has to gin up these volumes at a certain rate to keep his gig. I’d be surprised if it were not solely print-on-demand if one wanted a bound copy. The closest analogy that springs to mind is the series of Chilton auto-repair manuals.
(Sorry, volume 903. The point stands; this is a niche reference volume carrying no intrisic weight.)
^ “intrinsic,” dammit.
@Narad – so it doesn’t even rise to the level of a Haynes manual.
But I think devolves onto the volume editors, MacKenzie & Henrich.
^ “this devolves”; I’m out.
Seriously, the omniscient bimler apparently can read the minds of posters and scientists alike to accurately determine their motives.
Hello? Is Mr Black in there? I’d like to talk to Mr Black please.
Last time I checked, those journals published letters. Please point out the one from Bimler criticizing the science, because I must have missed it.
Perhaps you should check again (the tables-of-contents are on-line, so there really is no excuse to make stuff up). Journal of Inorganic Biochem does not publish letters.
@AdamG: “He fundamentally failed to provide evidence that the fragments he sequenced were of vaccine origin.”
Taken from the Abstract: “The HPV-16 gene DNA detected in the postmortem materials was similar to the HPV-16 gene DNA fragments in Gardasil in that both were in non-B-conformation”.
To repeat AdamG’s statement, Lee fundamentally failed to provide evidence. He asserts that the material detected by his recondite method was a gene “in non-B-conformation”, but this is a rationale for its fact that it did not behave like real DNA. Meanwhile the material found by his recondite method in every vaccine sample he examined also failed to behave like real DNA… therefore it also must have been in the same transient high-energy state.
Shorter: The gene found in the samples was connected to the gene found in the vaccine because neither one looked like a gene.
This is not ‘evidence’, it’s a cry of desperation. No wonder Lee is reduced to publishing in a SCIRP journal (known, among other stunts, for accepting papers written by random-text generators).
The key to all this is understanding conformations of double-stranded DNA, especially when bound to aluminum salts.
The key to all this is that Lee has presented no evidence that the DNA he claims to find wherever he looks is bound to colloidal aluminium particles. He asserts it, (A) as a Deus-Ex-Alumina explanation for why the signal he picks up looks more like random noise than like normal DNA, and (B) because the SaneVAX crowd who have bought him out are hyping an aluminium phobia as part of their scam.
I’d be surprised if [Methods in Molecular Biology] were not solely print-on-demand if one wanted a bound copy.
Doubtless a lucky guess on Narad’s part, but that is exactly how Springer describe it on the flier for the series.
My dad was crazy about Elke Sommer, but that was an educated guess.
(bordering on libel) Dr. Lee
Lee can border on suing me if he has a problem. Messrs. Trahison & Clerisy (Solicitors & Commissioners for Oaths) inform me that I have a strong “bordering on truth” defense.
IANAL but I do own a copy of ‘The Goodies’ Book of [Criminal] Records’.
@AdamG: “The paper contains absolutely no methodology to investigate “various conformations” of DNA, nor any evidence to that question at all.
If you disagree, feel free to point me to the experiment and results in the article you feel demonstrate that the HPV DNA is of vaccine origin and I’d be happy to explain why you’re incorrect.”
This segment is taken directly from the paper:
“The elongated HPV16MY11+/HPV16GP6+ primers cannot be used to generate a PCR amplicon directly from the HPV-16 DNA template in the postmortem materials in this case. In comparison, the 184-bp L1 gene DNA template in the HPV-16 plasmid DNA control and in the HPV-16 DNA isolated from clinical cervicovaginal cytology samples is always successfully amplified by the 20-base degenerate consensus GP6/MY11 primer pair and by the elongated HPV16MY11+ /HPV16GP6+ primer pair under identical same-nested PCR conditions. Unlike the L1 gene in the HPV-16 plasmid DNA and in the HPV-16 isolates from clinical cervicovaginal samples, the HPV-16 L1 gene DNA fragments found in the post- mortem blood and splenic samples cannot be amplified under low stringency PCR condition and lacks a useful MY09 primer-binding site for PCR amplification. These variances in PCR amplification characteristics indicate that there are topological conformational changes in the HPV-16 L1 gene DNA fragments in the postmortem samples. Similar topological non-B conformational changes in HPV L1 gene DNA fragments bound to the AAHS particles in the Gardasil vaccine have been demonstrated by a low temperature (LoTemp) PCR catalyzed by a highly processive DNA polymerase with proof-reading function [26]. Aluminum, unlike other metals, is known to stabilize and destabilize portions of a dsDNA molecule at different pHs, cause intrastrand cross-links, and create a “non-cooperative melting profile” for the bound DNA molecule [27].”
It certainly appears to discuss why the methodology used in identfying the non-B conformation of the DNA fragments. Do you disagree with the logic or are you questionning the approach used to identify the DNA in the non-B conformation? If the DNA molecules are “twisted” or formed a knot somewhere, there is no change in the sequence, but PCR may not work in a particular location anymore due to the topological conformational changes. Similar non-B conformations were found in the Gardasil vaccine due to the aluminum. That is the evidence that leads to the conclusion that the DNA was of vaccine origin. Unless you believe there was an alternate source of DNA and aluminum in her body or another process that causes the same type of conformation.
So the mind reading bimler (was it you talking about a tin foil hat or someone else?) jumps back in as a pile on by regurgitating some elses argument? No original content like our departed Graham? It really isn’t mind reading if it’s already been posted. I won’t bother regurgitating the answer.
Oh, and if you’re so worried about not getting your letter published, I’m sure Merck would be more than happy to pay the fee if you want to submit something to get published and peer-reviewed since apparently, it’s only a matter of money at this journal.
Oh, and I’m sure you’re not worth suing. There is no point in a lawsuit, unless there is money after a win.
It’s whatever turns you on.
@Mr Pink:
“Always” successfully amplified? Given that Lee had no controls and his work has not been peer-reviewed, that is a questionable assertion.
Again, no controls were used, you haven’t given the cites, and all we haev to go on is Lee word, which is not good enough.
Pharma Shill Gambit again.
Now you’re just trolling. Grow up.
Oh, and if you’re so worried about not getting your letter published, I’m sure Merck would be more than happy to pay the fee if you want to submit something to get published and peer-reviewed since apparently, it’s only a matter of money at this journal.
Please try to keep up, Mr pink. The insistence that any criticism of Shaw’s co-authored paper should be published in the journal is entirely yours (comment #323). The journal in question is “Inorganic Biochemistry”. It is not pay-to-print. No-one has suggested that it is.
The claim to have checked that the journal published letters is also yours. The statement is false; the claim to have checked it is a lie.
Looking at this in the most generous manner possible, even if we were to accept that Lee really is an expert who really has (metaphorically) written the book on high sensitivity PCR testing, there remains the problem that he neither included negative controls during the PCR amplification nor did anything afterward to determine if the sequences amplified were of vaccine origin.
That isn’t information which would be nice to have but can be dispensed with for convenience”: it’s information that is necessary and critically significan, such that in its absence Lee has no scientific basis for the claims he’s making. None whatsoever.
AFAICT, Lee’s use of controls was limited to analysing known samples of HPV and showing that nested PCR amplification can detect the unambiguous DNA:
[…] the 184-bp L1 gene DNA template in the HPV-16 plasmid DNA control and in the HPV-16 DNA isolated from clinical cervicovaginal cytology samples is always successfully amplified by the 20-base degenerate consensus GP6/MY11 primer pair and by the elongated HPV16MY11+ /HPV16GP6+ primer pair under identical same-nested PCR conditions.
The fact that the same nested-PCR technique could not detect any HPV in the tissue samples provided to Lee is his rationale for arguing that the DNA is invisible because it is in double-secret-probation conformation.
Apparently the invisible unreactive Al-bound DNA becomes reactive again when exposed to his own wild-card proof-reading polymerase. It is not clear why.
Entirely off-topic:
I have wondered where everybody is for the last few days. Evidently I needed to be speedier in catching up on my RSS feeds. Now I know and will try to catch up with this 300+ comment conversation…
@ flip:
Where’ve you been? At the AUS Open?
Right, I hear reports about the temperature of the courts’ surface. What do people do in such heat- drink or something? Makes sense.
No, I’ve just had a lot of work come up over the last few weeks. Not even had time to watch the Open on TV. — As for the heat, it depends. It can actually get so hot that they stop playing until it cools down. Otherwise, yes they drink lots, take more breaks (I think), and get handed towels. Basically it’s a “play til you drop” situation 😉
@bimler “The claim to have checked that the journal published letters is also yours. The statement is false; the claim to have checked it is a lie.”
Not a lie, a mistake. But then your readily available court documents outlining a lack of validity of Dr Lee’s tests or shakedown might qualify for lie? What does the mind reading of everyone else’s motives count as? The implied permanency of expertise? Lies or delusion? Here, I’ll make another speling mistake so you can find something original to write about.
@bimler “The fact that the same nested-PCR technique could not detect any HPV in the tissue samples provided to Lee is his rationale for arguing that the DNA is invisible because it is in double-secret-probation conformation.”
The DNA isn’t invisible. The PCR doesn’t detect the HPV in the tissue samples because the non-B conformation prevents primer-binding at that site.
@JGC “… there remains the problem that he neither included negative controls during the PCR amplification nor did anything afterward to determine if the sequences amplified were of vaccine origin.”
Are you referring to the negative control complaint of the OP’s long running shifting goalpost argument? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when you’re talking about a case report. Dr. Lee documents the use of negative controls in his paper, but obviously not population based ones. The case report is the next natural step in the progression of discovery in this Gardasil fiasco. In fact, if we go back to Orac’s original OP over a year ago, you’ll find him whining about the lack of documentation of methods and findings (i.e. a case report like this). Some people seem to think that pointing out the obvious — a missing or incomplete next step — is a logical complaint about the current step in the scientific process.
One job of a case report is to document unique findings and methods in order to allow others to reproduce and another is to help guide future research. This paper does both. The unique finding is that there was HPV DNA found in the autopsy which matched a very unique conformation only found in the Gardasil vaccine to date. Many people have been looking at HPV in tissues for a long time and this has not been documented anywhere.
The methods are well documented so others can validate the results if they feel necessary. However, some of the findings have obviously been replicated by the FDA as they state the DNA is present despite attempts to filter them out during the manufacturing process. Obviously we don’t know what methods they used to detect the fragments since they haven’t published any papers on the subject.
Finding this DNA in non-B conformation is also important because these were found 6 months post vaccination. Typically, DNA fragments like this should have been processed and eliminated by the body in short order not persisted for anywhere near 6 months.
As for population studies, that is the pervue of the manufacturer or the FDA. Right now, the evidence points to a situation that should not exist. They should be testing to see if it is prevalent in the Gardasil recipients’ population. They should also determine what biological effects this bound DNA might have on the body, since it obviously isn’t behaving as expected (i.e. quickly eliminated from the body).
If you really insist that this DNA bound to aluminum is prevalent in the general population, then why doesn’t someone offer a plausible scenario for how it could occur naturally in the body? Isn’t that what this site is all about: Scientific plausibility? The DNA bound to aluminum is there, and it is detectable repeatedly in the vaccine and it was found in this dead girls’ tissues and there is no evidence of anyone coming across it anywhere else. If you don’t think it came from the vaccine, I’m all ears for a plausible alternate explanation.
Did you suddenly forget your own, immediately preceding “argument” that “the PCR doesn’t detect the HPV in the tissue samples because the non-B conformation prevents primer-binding at that site”?
@Mr Pink:
Shifting goalposts? What were the different arguments that Lee has refuted so far? Do tell. Also, the lack of negative controls is, as JGC pointed out, a really big deal. Lee could have detected something that was not HPV. Without negative controls, there is no way to confirm that what he detected was HPV .
Dr. Lee documents the use of negative controls in his paper
Either we are reading different papers, or there are whole paragraphs there that cannot be detected by normal eyes but only by Lee’s special techniques.
Ew, now I’m imagining something out of Kafka…
As for the rest of the post… boy did *that* go over my head.
Thanks for posting the info on the AVN… I need to keep more in touch with what’s going on in my backyard and less time here 😉
@Narad “Did you suddenly forget your own, immediately preceding ‘argument’ that ‘the PCR doesn’t detect the HPV in the tissue samples because the non-B conformation prevents primer-binding at that site”
Do try to keep up. The case report describes the specific methodology used to isolate the DNA in non-B conformation which includes using different primers that bind at different points in the new topology. Did you actually read the paper? It describes all the steps in detail.
@Julian Frost “Shifting Goalposts?”
Did you read the OP I was talking about because it should be pretty obvious? I won’t do your homework for you nor will I interpret the obvious.
@Julian Front “Lee could have detected something that was not HPV.”
Really? Did you punch the sequence from the paper into Genbank? I would love to hear how a DNA sequence matching HPV isn’t HPV, controls or not. If you read the paper, you’ll note that negative controls were used to control for laboratory contamination. You do realize that Orac is talking about population controls because he wants people to think that HPV DNA in non-B conformation might be prevalent in the population, not because he thinks the DNA is something else. It’s a fascinating speculation predictably not backed by a single scientifically plausible explanation. What’s the favorite saying? “The irony meter just blew off the scale?”
@bimler “Either we are reading…”
Negative water controls are described and are clearly visible in the figures to control for laboratory contamination. No special technique required, just general reading and comprehension.
Um, yeah. Did you actually read the paper? The “non–B conformation” routine is supported by a self-citation. Is it time for image analysis of the blots?
First, let me repeat something:
“What might be more interesting is to know why he’s bothering with this act. Is he a SaneVax devotee (or employee), for example.”
Why is “Mr Pink” even doing this “defence” of Dr. Lee’s work in the first place?
‘Mr Pink’ wrote: “Orac is talking about population controls because he wants people to think that HPV DNA in non-B conformation might be prevalent in the population, not because he thinks the DNA is something else”
This is putting words/ideas in other’s mouths. (It’s telling I think that MP “insists” this must be trying create a conspiracy by lying. In my experience this sort of think is often the writer (Mr Pink) projecting their own line of thinking on other’s actions.)
From the OP, Lee: “is aiming to detect the vaccine strain sequence; so detecting any natural HPV that might have come from warts or other HPV infections would actually be counterproductive to what he’s trying to accomplish”
There’s one need for controls there. (There are others.)
Mr Pink ranted
“Do try to keep up. The case report describes the specific methodology used to isolate the DNA in non-B conformation which includes using different primers that bind at different points in the new topology. Did you actually read the paper? It describes all the steps in detail.”
No Mr. Pink, the method in the paper did not do that. The DNA was isolated in Auckland Hospital. Lee used a low-temp PCR with fairly non-specific primers to find some DNA that might contain HPV sequence. As Lee knew the sequence of HPV, the best strategy would have been to use a high-temperature PCR with specific primers, so he didn’t end up with all the crap his reaction produced. What Lee did do was increase the probability of false positives.
Mr Pink ranted:
“Really? Did you punch the sequence from the paper into Genbank? I would love to hear how a DNA sequence matching HPV isn’t HPV, controls or not.”
Mr Pink, the sequence is HPV, but it is smack in the middle of the virus sequence. It could have come from a virus anywhere – possibly even from the person running the assay. This is not evidence the DNA came from the vaccine.
Dr Lee’s super special, high sensitivity PCR technique would find DNA “from the vaccine” in anyone infected with HPV. (The only thing special about Lee’s PCR technique seems to be the first step that guarantees a lot of junk will be picked up, necessitating a nested approach. Then he does a second nesting with the same primers just to make sure any false positive will be highly amplified.)
Mr Pink ranted:
“Negative water controls are described and are clearly visible in the figures to control for laboratory contamination. No special technique required, just general reading and comprehension.”
Mr Pink, you seem to be just as ignorant about controls as you are about PCR. The negative controls in the paper only look for priming artifacts (they don’t actually control for laboratory contamination). They also do not look to see whether the assay picks up something other than what Lee thinks it does.
@AdamG “…because he knew that with this large of a design flaw he stood no chance with peer review.”
FYI, this paper as well as all of Dr. Lee’s other papers passed peer review and the material in the book chapter was all based on peer reviewed papers.
@Grant “Why is “Mr Pink” even doing this “defence” of Dr. Lee’s work in the first place?”
The better question is why you came back Grant? I mean you ran off to parade out a pair of hippie parents — who don’t know how to take care of their kids — as people the rest of us should mimic? Thank goodness you told all the hippies to have their kids get vaccinated, they’ll need it. As for coming back, according to your own argument that makes you a dupe again! Maybe you came back to tell us about the chapter you wrote for a textbook. Can you back your argument with more than hot air?
@Grant “This is putting words/ideas in other’s mouths.”
Sorry Grant, no conspiracy. It comes straight from the OP: “Basically, he tested DNA from tissue samples from one young woman. There are no controls. How many people in the general population would test positive using Sin Hang Lee’s methodology? ”
@Grant “There’s one need for controls there. (There are others.)”
Apparently, you didn’t read the case report? The HPV DNA was not in it’s naturally occuring conformation. It was twisted and bound to aluminum in a way that was quite unique hence the case report. Dr Lee has been testing tissue samples of HPV (including cervical cancer samples) for a long time so I doubt he would write a paper about the uniqueness if it could have come from a wart. HPV DNA might come from warts but how do you figure it got twisted and bound to the aluminum?
@Mr Pink:
Once again, all we have to go on is Lee’s word that the DNA was bound to the aluminium adjuvant in a way that was distinctive. Secondly, as ChrisP pointed out, “It could have come from a virus anywhere – possibly even from the person running the assay.” If HPV DNA can bind to the aluminium adjuvant in a distinctive manner, so can DNA from other sources. Hence the need for controls.
You apparently didn’t notice that ChrisP has handed you your hat. And the putative conformation is still a claim based on exclusion. It’s a weak inference supported, to repeat myself, by self-citation.
Mr Pink, there is no evidence presented in the paper that HPV was in any specific confirmation. No aluminium was measured. All there is is speculation based on Lee’s previous speculation in some equally poor papers.
There was nothing special about the DNA extraction technique used by the Auckland Hospital. The reason Lee didn’t clearly find HPV with his first DNA assay was because he used low-specificity primers at low annealing temperatures. Any HPV DNA present would have been amplified with a pile of junk. That is obviously why he had to go to the nested approach.
What strikes me as unusual about this paper (apart from the very peculiar way it reports the results – who includes sequencing chromatograms anymore?) was that if I wanted to guarantee picking up a human virus contaminant in my DNA sample, this strikes me as a surefire way of going about it.
This just reveals how poorly you understand the peer review process. Not all peer review is created equal…
Question for you, Pink. Why did Dr. Lee, PCR ‘expert,’ choose not to publish this article in Am J Clin Pathol, where he’s published 3 other articles?
Here’s a hint: the article doesn’t show what he claims it shows, and he knows it.
FYI, this paper as well as all of Dr. Lee’s other papers passed peer review
SCIRP journals have accepted papers composed by random-number generators.
SCIRP journals have plagiarised papers from real journals in an attempt to create a false impression of their standards.
SCIRP journals have stolen the identities of experts in a field and listed them as members of the editorial board, without informing them or sending them papers to review (naturally unwilling to reveal the fraud).
They also claim to have peer review.
Some 95%-snark-free questions for experts in the field:
1 Does DNA in fact bond to aluminium-salt colloidal particles? (I know that aluminium ions in solution will bond to DNA under the right conditions, but that is not the situation for vaccine adjuvants).
2 If DNA did hypothetically bind to a colloidal aluminium-compound particle — with sufficient stability to stay bound for 6 months — is there any reason to expect it to assume a non-B conformation?
3 Would DNA replicate when in a non-B conformation, even with a patent LoTemp polymerase? My vague recollection is that it is placed into such states for the purpose of creating a m-RNA strand, when of course you don’t want DNA bases cluttering up the process. So the conformation puts the angles of the bonds all cattywampus (to use a technical term) and the DNA bases simply don’t connect.
Dr Lee has been testing tissue samples of HPV (including cervical cancer samples) for a long time so I doubt he would write a paper about the uniqueness if it could have come from a wart
The evidence that Lee didn’t make an incompetent blunder is that Lee wouldn’t make an incompetent blunder.
Dr Lee has been testing tissue samples of HPV (including cervical cancer samples) for a long time
This is not true. A look at his publication history reveals that the HPV / SafeVax work started in 2010; before that he focussed on a PCR test for borreliosis which could provide hypochondriacs with the positive diagnoses for Chronic Lyme syndrome that they were otherwise unable to obtain.
That, and selling green tea as a cure for cancer .
This is the real heart of the matter. The fact is, there is absolutely no reason at all to think that this DNA would form a non-B conformation.
The formation of non-B structures is mostly dependent on the composition of the sequence itself. That is, only certain sequence motifs are able to form non-B structures given the right conditions. Dr. Lee presents no evidence that the sequence in question contains such a motif.
Here’s a pretty good review of what’s known about non-B DNA in vivo:
Pay particular attention to the section that describes the methods needed to specifically demonstrate the presence of non-B DNA.
You absolutely cannot just look at a PCR that failed and conclude that must have failed because of non-B DNA! That’s just madness.
In Lee’s case he is looking at *two* PCRs that failed and concluding that *both* must have failed because of non-B DNA, therefore DNA present but bound to aluminium colloid. A stronger word than “madness” is required.
While we’re on the subject, I urge everyone to check out this beautiful paper published last week in Nature Chemistry about the detection and role of a particularly amazing ‘irregular’ DNA conformation:
@bimler “The evidence that Lee didn’t make an incompetent blunder is that Lee wouldn’t make an incompetent blunder.”
Silly me, here I was thinking an expert opinion would outweigh a complete lack of evidence or scientific reference to the contrary. You are welcome to provide your peer reviewed evidence of such conformations existing anywhere. Frankly, the complete lack of any peer-reviewed evidence to back half the ridiculous statements made here is pretty funny. Apparently, there isn’t just varying levels of peer-review, there are also some levels of superior soap box spouting which happen to hold more weight than any of the former.
@bimler “That is not true. A look at his publication history reveals that the… ”
So not only do you think you a mindreader, but apparently believe you have a clear vision of history? You seem to forget that Dr. Lee was working for many years on low cost reliable HPV subtype identification. Assuming his work on HPV started with SafeVax is an enormously ignorant and erroneous assumption — as is relying on Orac to do his homework. If your “scientific work” relies on such brutal assumptions, I would be wary of anything you managed to publish.
@Julian Frost “If HPV DNA can bind to the aluminium adjuvant in a distinctive manner, so can DNA from other sources. Hence the need for controls.”
Your arguments are all over the map. First you said it might not be HPV, then you’re parroting someone else’ argument (a bimler fan I see) saying the HPV could come from anywhere implying it is indeed HPV. Now you propose that HPV is binding to aluminum adjuvant in the wild (an Orac mimic now)? Do tell us how you think that would plausibly occur, because you might have solved the mystery! Despite the lack of plausible alternate scientific explanation, you’re still on about population controls. In a case report to boot.
@ChrisP spouted “As Lee knew the sequence of HPV, the best strategy would have been to use a high-temperature PCR with specific primers, so he didn’t end up with all the crap his reaction produced. What Lee did do was increase the probability of false positives.”
@ChrisP spouted “The reason Lee didn’t clearly find HPV with his first DNA assay was because he used low-specificity primers at low annealing temperatures.”
You talk like you only have a rudimentary knowledge of PCR and I’m guessing you didn’t read or understand the report: “The traditional heat-resistant Taq DNA polymerase could not generate a useful nested PCR amplicon from a minute quantity of target HPV DNA in the postmortem materials to be used as a template for direct DNA sequencing.”
Higher temperature DNA replication is associated with more amplification errors (see: Fidelity of DNA polymerases in DNA amplification, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 December; 86(23): 9253–9257.). High temperature may also cause DNA depurination (Biochemistry 1972, 11:3610-8) and deamination (Biochemistry 1974, 13:3405-10).
@ChrisP spouted “The only thing special about Lee’s PCR technique seems to be the first step that guarantees a lot of junk will be picked up, necessitating a nested approach. Then he does a second nesting with the same primers just to make sure any false positive will be highly amplified.”
Now you are talking nonsense and not only because you don’t understand the difference between low and high temperature PCR. See “Nested PCR with the PGMY09/11 and GP5+/6+ primer sets improves detection of HPV DNA in cervical samples. Journal of Virological Methods 122 (2004) 87–93.” The secondary PCR of the PGMY/GP+ system showed consistently detection of HPV DNA at one copy.
You can put many pictures of a frog through a photocopier, but I guarantee the copies will not show a picture of a person in the copies. Now, if you take a picture of a frog, with a tiny image of a person embedded somewhere in the picture, you might find a photocopier that can zoom in with enough resolution to produce a picture of a person, but only if the person is there in the first place. It doesn’t matter what method you used to zoom in and make the copy as long as you find the image of the person that was already there.
@ChrisP spouted “(apart from the very peculiar way it reports the results – who includes sequencing chromatograms anymore?)”
Whine whine whine. (J Mol Diagn. 2010 Jan;12(1):27-34. doi: 10.2353/jmoldx.2010.090028. Epub 2009 Dec 3.) Various methods have been described for the detection of KRAS mutations, such as a mutagenic PCR assay, 11 pyrosequencing,12 and real-time PCR13; however, Sanger sequencing on PCR products remains the golden standard.6,14,15
@AdamG “This just reveals how poorly you understand the peer review process. Not all peer review is created equal…”
And here I thought it reveals how poorly you make your arguments because you were quite definitive that it would not pass unqualified peer review. It’s ignorant to make a black and white statement and then claim that others can’t differentiate shades of grey. That’s right out of the trolling handbook.
@AdamG “This is the real heart of the matter. The fact is, there is absolutely no reason at all to think that this DNA would form a non-B conformation…”
I already quoted the pertinent section from the case report in response #356 which you conveniently ignored. The article you referred to states: “The mutagenesis is due to the non-B DNA conformation rather than to the DNA sequence per se in the orthodox right-handed Watson-Crick B-form.” Formation of non-B structures has nothing to do with sequence itself which Dr. Lee demonstrated. That is why he showed the base-calling electropherograms as evidence. There are many ways to form non-B DNA structures. This guy mentioned “in vivo” situations, Dr. Lee dealt with “in vitro” situations with HPV DNA in vaccines.
@AdamG “You absolutely cannot just look at a PCR that failed and conclude that must have failed because of non-B DNA!”
This is a half-truth reference to the publication. There are two pieces of evidence in the paper which indicate the non-B DNA conformation: the failure of conventional PCR, but also the success of a modified PCR to detect the DNA which is NOT “in the orthodox right-handed Watson-Crick B-form”.
Guess what, Pink: scrip ‘peer review’ is equivalent to no peer review in my book. If this were actually peer reviewed, there’s no way Lee would have gotten by with the kind of crap he’s trying to pull with his reference 26.
Where did he demonstrate this?
Where did he demonstrate this?
What you need to do is provide evidence that the ONLY logical conclusion that can be drawn from this ‘modified PCR’ is that the DNA is in non-B conformation and is vaccine-derived.
My lab is one of the largest sequencing centers in the country. We do more PCR in a month than most labs will ever do. I know PCR every which way from Sunday. You can obfuscate all you like, but the fact of the matter is that this ‘non-B’ baloney isn’t remotely the most likely conclusion to be drawn from this modified PCR.
@AdamG “there’s no way Lee would have gotten by with the kind of crap he’s trying to pull with his reference 26.”
Really? In quick review of 4 high impact journals in microbiology, I find 3 that allow “in press” references, while only one does not. I suppose they’re crap too: Annual review of Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology Reviews, PLOS Pathogens. If I didn’t think you were the only one here who actually read the case report through, I would accuse you of whining like a kid.
@AdamG “Guess what, Pink: scrip ‘peer review’ is equivalent to no peer review in my book.”
Witness the shifting goalpost as you change your argument to “qualified” peer review. Where is the super secret pseudo skeptic handbook that lists the “acceptable” journals for AdamG? Got a reference, is it “in press”?
@AdamG “My lab is one of the largest sequencing centers in the country. We do more PCR in a month than most labs will ever do. I know PCR every which way from Sunday. ”
That only demonstrates you are a worker, running a lot of repetitive routine procedures designed by someone else. After graduation, I worked at Eli Lilly. Did that really impress you? One of the largest sequencing centers in the country does not scare anyone.
Here’s an idea: Why don’t you do some PCR/DNA sequencing like Dr. Lee’s on Gardasil and on the postmortem blood samples stored in Auckland City Hospital to prove Dr. Lee is wrong, instead of just talking in a disreputable soap box? Forget the letter. Since you claim it’s so easy, just do the tests, write the paper, get the submission fee (or more) from Merck and publish the paper to contradict the findings. You might even get credit and it should be trivial according to you and everyone else here. You’ll even get to experience (non) peer review first hand instead of relying on innuendo and heresay. I bet Dr. Lee and everyone involved would love for someone to document their attempt to replicate the findings in either the vaccine or the tissue samples. It should be pretty obvious that Orac isn’t going to try.
Mr Pink said:
From someone who apparently has little idea of how nested PCR works, hasn’t heard of proofreading taqs and then refers to a paper using a standard nested PCR to detect HPV DNA as evidence that Lee’s approach does not generate crap.
This is getting funnier and funnier.
Double heh.
The world of scientific publishing, in its majestic equality, allows Sin Hang Lee’s supporters as well as his detractors to submit manuscripts explaining their evidence and arguments.
Is it me or is Mr Pink using the logical fallacy of expecting someone else to prove X is wrong, instead of the claimant proving his own hypothesis right?
no negative stains in doctors work ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, their is no immunity
they cannot make a a vaccine that gives immunity
he infected himself for the new strains”was he HI on something!
How does a vaccine work when acquired immunity has not been established
As in that is how vaccines work, Acquired immunity was seen and documented in man or animal and a vaccine was made that had this immunity in it ,
The Vaccine has an immunity in it, to work small pox cow pox chicken pox
the vaccine for small pox and chicken pox has this immunity cell structure so the body can learn the immunity
HPV a Wart No NO no, a man or animal in history has not developed the immunity, never get anouther Wart {external, internal}
warts plantar what ever
their all a wart
where they grow, how, interior, or exterior changes the hpv strain
complicated merck made it
so MERCK are lieing
I am happy to see that e. e. cummings is alive and well and commenting at RI.
complicated merck made it
Yoda, is that you?
And that was the short version.
Indeed, it’s not even the first time it’s dropped this here. The tail end of the long version, though, seems like it could easily be adapted to the framework of Hunter/Garcia/Kreutzmann’s The Wheel.
i have injected the Gardasil
which was in the icebox
which you were probably saving for DILUTE DILUTE
@Mr Pink:
No. I said that the DNA could have come from anywhere. I never said that the DNA was HPV DNA. What I was saying was that:
a) There is NO PROOF that what Sin Hang Lee found was HPV DNA.
b) If HPV DNA can bind to aluminium adjuvants in a distinctive manner, then so could other DNA, including Human DNA, DNA from other viruses etc.
Do try to keep up.
@flip “Is it me or is Mr Pink…”
Is it me or are unsupported opinions from sockpuppets in a soap box considered more definitive than published work in journals? Perhaps you should focus on helping Graham convince hippies that vaccinating their kids is good. That would greatly help everyone.
@bimler “The world of scientific publishing, in its majestic equality…”
Oh bimler, should I add high defender of dogmatic scientific authority to your many skills? The complaints sound similar to the defenders of monastic control of education.
@bimler “Does DNA in fact bond to aluminium-salt colloidal particles?”
The case report lists this reference: “Interaction of aluminum species with deoxyribonucleic acid, Biochemistry. 1980 Dec 23;19(26):5991-8.” In order to answer your line of questioning, you would have to know the specifics of the manufacturing process conditions of the vaccine. However, the evidence is pretty clear to those that can interpret it. Remember, Dr. Lee found the twisted DNA in the vaccine samples using the same technology and a similar approach and the FDA subsequently confirmed the results after they were made public.
@Julian Frost “I never said that the DNA was HPV DNA.”
You directly quoted ChrisP in post #378. “Secondly, as ChrisP pointed out, “It could have come from a virus anywhere – possibly even from the person running the assay.”” That quote comes from the point where ChrisP acknowledges that the DNA is HPV: “Mr Pink, the sequence is HPV, but it is smack in the middle of the virus sequence. ” That’s a definitive statement. Are you saying you agree with half of ChrisP’s argument but not the first half or the following portion which also admits it is HPV? You really are making things convoluted (even bimler doesn’t do that when parroting others). And hey, keeping up with nonsense is pretty hard to do.
@Julian Frost “There is NO PROOF that w