Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

My second post…

…at The ScienceBlogs Book Club has been posted. Go forth and enjoy. As always for these Book Club Posts, no comments are allowed here. Got a response? Hate my guts? Think I’m in the pocket of Big Pharma, Big Government, and the Illuminati, too? At least for this post, say it over there!

Clinical trials Medicine

The life cycle of translational research

You can tell I’m really busy when I fall behind my reading of the scientific literature to the point where I miss an article highly relevant to topics I’m interested in, be they my laboratory research, clinical interests, or just general interests, such as translational research. As you know, I like to think of myself […]


If you want to know the real cause of the subprime mortgage mess…

Given that über-quackery booster Mike Adams decided to compare “Western medicine” to the subprime mortgage mess, I wondered what the real cause of this financial meltdown was. Leave it to our friends in the right wing blogosphere and media to find the real culprit: The Community Reinvestment Act. That’s right… …it’s all the poor people’s […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics Quackery

You knew it had to happen: A quack likens “Western medicine” to the subprime mortgage mess

After having posted about Jenny McCarthy, my brain hurt so much from the neuron-apoptosing idiocy that she always delivers that I decided I needed to move on to something that wouldn’t assault my reason and quite so much. So I headed on over to that uber-repository of quackery and paranoid conspiracy theories, Mike Adam’s Natural […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Jenny McCarthy on CNN: The stupid burns out the Intranets

I guess that since my resistance failed, and I couldn’t resist posting yesterday about the burning stupid that is Jenny McCarthy and her arrogance of ignorance in claiming that vaccines caused her son’s autism and her campaigning to “Green Our Vaccines” (in reality, a smokescreen to hide her antivaccinationism), I thought why not go whole […]